Suggestions for the New Moon Cast?

Dec 3rd, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Question of the Week

This week’s question of the week is a fun one!  We would love to know who you think should be cast in New Moon!  We also want to make sure that you send in or leave your Supporter’s Speculation about what you think will happen after Breaking Dawn!

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213 Comments to “Suggestions for the New Moon Cast?”

  1. Victoria says:

    I vote Ian McDirmad (spelling? the guy that played Chancellor Palpatine in Star Wars) for Aro.

  2. Chelsea says:

    Okay, well I’m gonna try to be pretty thorough on my cast here:

    I think all of the former actors should stay, otherwise it wouldn’t feel right, even though I’m not a fan of Nikki Reed’s Rosalie. For Jane, I’d cast either Dakota Fanning or Saoirse Ronan; for Leah I’d cast Q’orianka Kilcher or Keisha Castle-Hughes; for Marcus or Cillian Murphy I’d cast David Thewlis, for Aro I’d cast Crispin Glover; for Caius I’d cast Viggo Mortensen or Ian McKellan; for Alec I’d cast Liam Aiken; for Hiedi I’d cast Katie Holmes; for Sue Clearwater I’d cast Irene Bedard

    I think they should keep Taylor Lautner for Jacob through out the rest of the movies, I think it did a wonderful job in Twilight and is exactly how I pictured Jacob in my head. I think they could use cinematic techniques for aging (hopefully, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn if they choose to make it, have a better budget) and keep him!

    And I was listening to your last podcast and y’all said something about, would people be like “Wow, they used MY answer! Awesome” or would they just be kinda like, “yeah, cool”. Its the first one, lol.

  3. Ella says:

    I think i should play jane!! lol just kidding!!! I do think the actors for the volturi should all be unknown actors or not well known actors!

  4. Haley says:

    i like the original cast for all the currently cast parts. but there are a lot of new ones to get!! here are my interchangeable Leah/Emily chicks: (i know these girls are relative unknowns but so were the Twilight cast members pre-Twilight!)
    ~Alexandra Lazarowitch (she was actually in a movie called Dreamkeepers with Gil Birmingham, aka Billy Black)
    ~Q’orianka Kilcher
    ~Alex Rice
    ~Michelle Thrush

    as for the Volturi, that’ll be hard.
    ~Jodelle Ferland as Jane (this girl is adorable!)
    ~Alan Rickman for any of the Volturi
    ~Rufus Sewell as Marcus
    ~Gerard Butler as Demetri

    and the wolves. we have our Sam, my Emilys, now…
    ~Gregg Rainwater as Paul/Jared
    ~Tyler Christopher as Quil

    Google/imdb my ppl and c how great they would do!

    peace, love, and Twilight

  5. Haley says:

    and for my supporter’s speculAAAAAAAtion (i made lots of a’s to imitate Kassie singing)!

    i’m a sucker for happy endings, and also not very original, so i’m thinking of a happily ever after at all angles. i’m pathetic but oh well!

    peace, love, and Twilight

  6. Caroline says:

    I think for New Moon it would be like really awsome if they got Chase Crawdord as Demetri or felix (just as long as he is in the movie) because there is always more room for hot guys.

  7. Julia says:

    The best cast i could come up with was all for the Volturi.
    Jane- Kristen Chenoweth (I know not completely original but i got the idea watching Deck the Halls)
    Aro, Caius, and Marcus all seem interchangable to me Hugh Jackman, Jared Leto, and Christian Bale
    Felix- Daniel Cudmore Colossus from X-men
    Alec- Danny Strong from Gilmore Girls
    Heidi- Scarlett Pomers from Reba

  8. Julia says:

    I forgot Demetri- Ian McKellen or Anthony Hopkins
    I agree with Caroline I would like Chace Crawford in the movie but I don’t see a role for him besides recasting Jasper.

  9. Leah says:

    You should at least keep Bella, Edward, and Jake the same. oh and Victoria and maby Charlie. you know what just keep all the same people. It wouldnt be the same with out them.

  10. Kimmy says:

    The Twilight cast was overall amazing, and I don’t think they should change any of them. I know some people that don’t want Taylor Lautner to play Jacob again. Even though he isn’t the exact Jacob I pictured from the book, he did a good job portraying his character. It would just mess things up if Jacob was re-cast. I’m sure he’ll grow on people if they give him the chance.

    As for the new cast members that will be introduced, I’ve always seen Jodelle Ferland (from Silent Hill) as Jane. Everything about her is perfect, and she could wear a shorter wig like Ashley Greene did. Dakota Fanning would also make a good Jane, with darker hair of course. She’s already doing a Summit film (Push) so it’s a possibility! The other Italians I can’t really think of anyone. For the La Push residents, I think Jessica Szohr would be a good Leah, especially if they gave her darker and straighter extensions. I can see Q’orianka Kilcher as Emily.

  11. Fanpire17 says:

    hmmm…well first off the actors from the first NEED to stay the same (which i no they already are because they said so lol) and secondly the new characters that are brought in should b more actors that are less known otherwise they might become more popular then the cullens and jacob (highly unlikely but you never know). On the other hand i think it would b awesome if antonio bandarez and johny depp were cast and the volturi!

    this is just my opinion of coarse

  12. Emmett's Girl says:

    I hope they keep Taylor. He did an awesome job as Jacob and I want to see him in the sequels.

    Here’s a couple of suggestions:

    Emily: Julia Jones or Rachel Bilson
    Sue Clearwater: Irene Bedard
    Leah Clearwater: Lina Esco

    Heidi: Pauley Perrette or Olivia Wilde

  13. Fanpire17 says:

    me again…….

    i also completely disagree about dakota fanning, i mean i am a fan of hers but i CANNOT see her as a vampire
    no offense to those that can

  14. whitney says:

    They should keep all the same actors but change the director. No offense to anybody but catherine didn’t do such a great job. And they should stick more to the book and not change anything like they did in the movie. Other than that all is good!

  15. Grace P. says:

    you have to keep the same characters def. but also i think you really need to get some great people for the wolves that are in the book and should b in the movie i hope. Pick some obscure people because me seeing someone in a movie and i like them then i go home and i google them and then i look for what else they’ve been and what they’re gonna do. Im a little mad Cam had to go i know thats how the book goes but hes just so HOT!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Jocette says:

    Hey Cassie and Callie! Well I love the podcast, and you both are so stinkin hilarious! Onto the question of the week though. I really hope that they leave the people that were cast for twilight in the rest of the movies, it would just really ruin it for me if they changed it in the middle. Besides that I thought all of the actors and actresses did an amazing job especially Ashley and Rob. I As for the Volturi though, I think that it would be cool if they had Ellen Page play Juno. I always pictured Jane looking that way, and although Ellen is no longer a teenager she still has a very young look to her. I’m still not so sure who I want for the rest of the volturi though. For the supporter speculation, I think it would be great to read about what happens next from Reneesmes point of view. Stephenie Meyer needs to release Midnight Sun before any of it though. I also would like to see a book from Emmets POV. What we hear from him he seems so hilarious and it would be so great to know what exactly is going through his mind. Well, thats all I have to say! Keep up the good work with your podcast, and sorry for such a long answer!

  17. Jocette says:

    Hey, just wanted to throw in an apology for spelling your names with C’s instead of K’s. Its 10:30 where I live and I totally wasn’t thinking. Sorry!

  18. Allie says:

    Hey kallie and kassie,

    Love the podcast SOOOOOOo much. Now to answer the q’s:

    DUH she should finish Midnight Sun, but I agree, at her own pace. Just as long as she finishes it, cause otherwise she will feel like a failure.

    Jane could be one of the Clique girlz, I think it’s Ariel? The middle one… just me thinking randomly LOL. I’ll give it more thought and a more detailed response later.
    I think Dakota Fanning is a good actress, but doesn’t have the “jane” qualities (ie. sharp angles, creepy smile) to me.

    More Later,
    Allie <3

  19. Skye says:

    If it were physically possible to replace lead actors, I would want them to replace Rob and Kristin. Before I get hit with tomatoes, let me explain. Rob was great in his other films, but like Andrew mentioned on Imprint before, Rob has this constipated look whenever he’s trying to be Edward. Kristin’s acting in my opinion, not so hot. I know that Catherine Harkwick would never replace the leads, but one could always dream, right?

    Anyways, the main point. I would just love seeing Kristen Chenoweth for Jane. Seeing her play an evil character would be extremely exciting. Also, if Taylor doesn’t grow beastly enough, they should replace him with Steven Striat. Yeah, I wish the fancasting would have worked out (Gaspard Ulliel for Edward, Steven Strait for wolf beast Jacob, and Emily Browning for Bella). Now that Cam is gone and Edi scheduled to die, the films need some kick ass guys. Because Kellan and Peter can’t hold out on their own. Or maybe they should actually give Jackson some lines instead of a staring-off-into-space look.

  20. Ingrid says:

    Not so much lipstick on Edward.

    Don’t dye the casts hair so severely! Dr. Cullen is a hottie in real life & I almost laughed when he came out in the movie. Why didn’t they cast a natural blond? Same with Rosalie. In real life she’s gorgeous. Then, when they dyed her hair for the movie it took some of her stunniness away. They should have cast a true blond.

    I think Taylor played a great YOUNG Jacob. Now we have to hope he has a growth spurt before the next movie 🙂 His smile is perfect for Jacob based on reading all 4 books. They can bulk him up with workouts I’ll bet.

    I loved the movie, but it went so quickly over certain parts. I felt like I was seeing the book in super speed. It’s hard to cram that much of a book into the movie of course.

    No matter what happens, I’ll be in the theatre for the next movie!

  21. Oregonian says:

    For Sam’s Emily or Leah…

  22. gientsy says:

    i think malfoy’s dad from HP should be one of the vulturi he is perfect

  23. Cat says:

    I think Dakota Fanning is the one for Jane….also would like to see more of the original crew, I love to see the story of jacob…

  24. Jaclynmarie15 says:

    im not to familiar with actors, so i cant really tell you my input. but, i /can/ tell you that jane an alec should be young, like, not past 16 years old. i didnt like any of the picks EW had for the volturi, though that count duku guy from star wars /might/ , MIGHT be good. id like them to either use real wolves or REALLY good computered ones, they need to look real, and fluid when they morph in between forms. also, they should keep true to the book and make sure everyone is the same color. thats how we’ll be able to easily tell them apart. keeping taylor as jacob is a MUST!!! ive already grown so attatched to him, itd be as catastrophic as the switching rob for someone else. they dont REALLY have to make him grow taller, but it would be awesome to see the effects of becoming a werewolf transform him. they should also incorporate red and white tulps in the movie, like they did with the rob holding the apple in twilight. anyway, sorry for the long post, its impossible for me to write short paragraphs, just ask my english teacher!! keep up the great podcasts, and i cant thank you enough for your news page!!

  25. Ariana says:

    I think that they should keep Taylor Lautner in New Moon and maybe in Eclipse… it’s just that he is so Jacob! For Jane I think that the girl who played Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter, would make a realy good Jane. Just wanted to put in my idea! Bye!

  26. Insomnia says:

    Johnny Depp as Marius; hands down. I can imagine him being all aloof and bored out of his mind.

    Oh, and after Breaking Dawn, Leah will imprint on Mike and a love triangle will begin between Leah, Mike, and Jessica. 😉

  27. Kelli says:

    I’m a Twilight Mom. I have read all the books including part of the fifth book. I never thought reading a book or , in this case four and a half of them , could take someone so far away from the humdrum of everyday life. Reading the Twilight series took me away and , all beit for a short time , made me believe in love ever after. The books and the movie stole my heart and refreshed my true passion I have inside me so it would be a mistake if you changed any of the actors. Rob Pattinson makes the movie hands down . All of them have a connection with the movie and the books , now we can put a face to all of them. It would be a shame to take them away from all the loyal fans. I truely believe that fans will not go to see the sequels if anything changes because they too have falling in love with and relate with them as a whole. Thank You

  28. Kelli says:

    Please stay true to the books! Again thank you for letting me share my opinion.

  29. Allison says:

    The original cast needs to stay the same. Stewart was exactly what I imagined Bella to be like in my head and Pattinson was good although I’m kind of hoping that the script for Eclipse and the end of New Moon do a much better job of allowing him to say lines that demonstrate why Bella would have fallen for him in the first place (something they didn’t quite manage to get across in Twilight).

    My Some of Picks for Cast Members in New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn

    Sam: I completely see Lou Diamond playing this role despite the fact that I know he’s really too old (he’s only supposed to be 19!) I’ve also considered Adam Beach – still too old but closer.
    Seth Clearwater – Tyler Posey.
    Leah/Emily/Kim – Q’Orianka Kilcher or Danay Garcia. Whichever of the two is the better actress and can pull off Leah should get her part and then the other should either be Emily or Kim.
    Caius – Jason Issacs (Draco Malfoy’s Father in Harry Potter) He’s a scary s.o.b.
    Aro – Someone who can pull off chipper. I think Antonio Banderas is a good choice.
    Jane- Dakota Fanning (I’m sort of amazed about how many people on this website thought of her too – I kind of thought I was alone on this one). Kristen Chenowith is much too old and not nearly pretty enough to pull off Jane.
    Tanya – I know she’s supposed to be a strawberry blonde but I completely see Emily Blunt playing her part.
    Demetri – Cillian Murphy

    I definitely forsee a book from Jacob’s perspective about his courtship of Renesmee once she’s reached maturity.

    Please feel free to comment/respond.

  30. Peri says:

    Well….I think that she should finish midnight sun…but only when SHE! not the press, family,fans or friends want her to but when she feels like it, after all she did create this amazing vampire world for us!!!! And I do not hope they recast anybody that was in Twilight I think that they all balanced eachother. Although being along with Kassie a complete anti-jacob!!! I dont think that they should recast him, Taylor was a gret jacob

    Love the podcast and keepup the good work!

  31. Emmetts Rosalie says:

    I have heard Rumors of making New Moon and Eclipse in the same movie..
    I beg of you all not to do that.
    That is way to much info into one movie

    I agree. Midnight Sun should be done on her time, when she wants to. If it werent for her, all of us girls would be trying to read something else, and not getting a good feeling for it. I don’t think that there should be a post book about Renesmee and Jacob. It will lead into other things, and then she may have to start the series again, only with Nessie. That should have been done at the end of Breaking Dawn I think.

    Dakota Fanning should totally get the part of jane, She is a total bad ass. And is PERFECT for it,

  32. Jenni says:

    I don’t think anybody should be recasted. I love all the actors. It would just be to weird without them.

  33. Kerrie says:

    I am a 39 year old mother of 2 teenagers who have read all 4 books. One of them being my 15 year old son! I have never been a reader, but I read all 4 books within a 2 week period! I agree that all of the characters should remain the same for all 4 movies. I was only disappointed with the first movie in that there was not so much of Edwards velvety voice and charm brought out. However, Robert Pattinson played the part very well and is very handsome in a smooth, seductive way! I am anxiously awaiting the release of New Moon anb for Twilight to be on DVD.

  34. I think they should add a new character. They should put Arnold Schwartzanager in the movie to permantely take out Jacob or kidnap him and release him when Bella and Edward have talked things out and get married! =) That would make New Moon so much more interesting!

  35. Heidi says:

    I have only just recently started reading the books but have now read them twice and am about to read them again for the third time!! I’m 20 but think it’s still aimed at an older age group too, not just for teens!! I think they should keep the cast the same as Twilight!! I haven’t seen the Film yet as I live in the UK. But I love the casting for Edward<3, go Britian!! From watching the trailers I think they all fit well together, although I imagined Charlie being a little different but then again thats just my opinion.

    The only thing sad about New Moon is Edward leaving for nearly all the book sadness!!

  36. Rachel says:

    well i think you should replace Ms. Stewart cuz shes is a BAD actor….she doesnt even have any identical personality as bella in the book….and well i like rosalie and the rest of the family is great but alice has to be more graceful becuase in the movie twilight wen she landed on the ground there was a big THUMP! but other than that she is a great actor and the cullens in the movie do act like the cullens in the book…well thats all i have to say and i cant wait till winter of ’09 when new moon is released….most of all i cant wait will breaking dawn comes out becuase its like the BEST book! Thats my opions and well im looking forward to hopeing you use one of them…BUHBYE!

    ~*Rachel….A FAN!

  37. Rachel says:

    …………..also you should keep the movie the same as the book and johnney dept as Caius in the movie…all the females will go exstremely crazy fanns and well it would BE HOTT!

  38. Lynn says:

    I think that all of the original actors from the first movie should finish out the rest of them!! You can’t start a series and then change people after you are already into it. That would ruin it!!!!

  39. renea says:

    i think kate beckinsale should play one of the girls in the vulturi

  40. UHMMM…Rachel. I dont think that you quite understood Bella then. Kristen was the perfect role for that.I think someone needs to reread all the books. AND understand who Bella is. What would you have preferred someone who couldnt compare to Bella at all?? ;(

  41. Meghan says:

    I think they should keep ALL of the current twilight actors as they are . they are perfact enough for my twilight world!Robert Pattinson is the PERFECT, handsome Edward.I think for the charachter of Jane the should get Dakota Fanning or Abiglae bresslin. AS for what Stephenie Meyer should do i think she should deffinitly finish Midnight Sun!!!! I read the portion online and i fell in love with it. IT is so fantastic. I absulutely love Edward’s POV. I think she should also write more for the twilight world. I would enjoy anpother book of New Moon or Breaking Dawn in Edward’s point of view. It would be interesting to know what Edward was thinking while he was away from Bella so long. It would also be cool to know to what Edward was thinking actually about Bella’s pregnancy and their honeymoon.It would also be coolif she wrote a book that was seperated in too a ton of sections on everyone’s point of view on everything. Also’ she should write just another book with Edward and Bella with Bella as the narrarator.I think the twilight world is just beginning!!!!I am a HUGE twilight fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. Brittany says:


  43. Amber says:

    Billy Corgan as a Volturi. I’m thinking Aro. Seriously, that man is as close to a vampire as if though one exists.

  44. Sophia says:

    I think you should leave all the actors!!!!! DO NOT take out Jacob like that Matt kid said. Jacob is a HOTTIE and everyone knows it. I don’t care what anybody else says just please don’t take him out. He’s a great part for a werewolf!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t take out Edward or even Lauraunt (I don’t know how to spell his name) He’s my favorite out of the bad vampires and because James is dead he’s my favorite out of Victoria. But if it is possible please put James back in the movie. He is SOOOOOOOOO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if he is bad. I also think that Jacob should have more friends because in twilight at the beach he had only 2 friends with him!!!!! That’s kinda said lol!!! But over all I LOVE the whole series.

  45. Tiffany C. says:

    Personally, I think the actors they have so far should stay the same…and don’t hate me, but I think Taylor Lautner should only be Jacob as a human. I think Steven Strait should be the bigger, werewolf version of Jacob.

    As for other characters:

    Jane: Rachel Leigh Cook — she’s got that whole sweet, harmless look, but she can also switch it sooo quickly!
    Aro: Johnny Depp — he could do it. Johnny Depp is win. Love him. he’d make an AMAZING badass vamp.

    and in Breaking Dawn, I think Richard Roxburgh should be one of the Romanian vamps. He played Dracula in Van Helsing, and I can soooooo see it. love him sooo much!!

    i had more Volturi people but I can’t find my list…and i can’t remember off the top of my head…these characters and actors just happen to be the ones i love most so…i remember them! haha

  46. Erin(: says:

    I’m so not kidding!!!!!! I NEEEED TO GET OUT AN AUDDITION NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    If only I hadn’t sprained my ankle…I’m the Bella of the real life here!
    To THE CASTING AND BEOND!!!!!!!!!!

  47. Jane Volturi says:


    P.S. He is Pablo Tisdale, from The Tisdale Twins, in YouTube, go to:

  48. Lauren says:

    Hi guys, I love your podcasts and your awesome website 😀

    THINGS SHOULD STAY THE SAME: I love the fact that Catherine will be directing again. I love what she did with the interpretation of Twilight, by infusing such a dark yet sexual atmosphere about the whole film (just like Stephenie does with the book!). If it were to be a different director (eg Harry Potter series) doing each sequel, the whole aesthetics of the film would be lost. Catherine has her vision and I think it should continue through with each book.

    The same goes with the actors. I think everyone did an amazing job in their roles and should stay on for all the films. Yes, I’m sure some of us would have liked to have seen Bella do this better or Jacob be that little bit taller, but overall these actors gave us what we wanted in terms of bringing our favorite characters to the screen. (I just have to say that Jackson Rathbone kicked some serious ass in the movie, and I don’t like people ruining Jasper’s character by picturing an actor like Chace Crawford in his place. Jackson all the way!!).

    NEW MOON ACTORS: I really loved the fact that Twilight gave us actors that were (lets face it) unknown in the commercial film industry. Rob Pattinson was in Harry Potter, but how many of you can say that when you first heard the name you knew who he was? I think it would just be such a shame is New Moon was tainted by Twilight’s success and well-known actors were cast. Not every film has to include this year’s ‘it-people’ in Hollywood, (Gossip Girl actors anyone?!?! D:) No no!

    Jane: She’s not a kid, so no Dakota Fanning. She is described as having child-like features and being petite, but she didn’t become a vampire when she was 14!
    Aro, Marcus & Caius: I think if any New Moon characters were to have a well-known actor or recognizable face then it should be these guys. I like the idea of Gary Oldman over Johnny Depp, just because I think he’s a better actor. Since Pirates, I feel that Depp kinda sold his soul to the Disney Devil. Oldman still has that intense demeanor about himself. Plus, he’s already has the experience of playing a vampire in Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
    Felix & Demetri: I have to admit that when someone suggested that Henry Cavill should be cast eventually (because he missed out on Edward) I immediately thought Felix or Demetri. He’s a lot older, but if you’ve seen him in The Tudors then you know he still looks quite built.
    And Leah and Emily: These girls are American Indian. You can’t cast someone like Rachel Bilson in these roles just because she’s pretty and has long brown hair. That’s why I still believe in un-known actors all the way!

    Anyways, those are my thoughts.

  49. kat says:

    Aro – Jeremy Northam
    Caius – John Malkovich
    Marcus – Christopher Plummer
    Jane – Kelly Vitz (she looks like a young Catherine Zeta-jones)
    Alec – Skandar Keynes (he was Edmund in Narnia)
    Demitri – Gerard Butler I think someone else mentioned him and I totally agree!!!

    I spent WAY too much time thinking about this!

  50. lily says:

    KEEP TAYLOR AS JACOB!!!!!!!!!!! besides the fact that he is so hot he played jacob’s small part in twilight well. it would be fairly easy to change his appearance somewhat, add some bulkiness to him. i think twilight was great and i liked how the cast was small names. I think it would really ruined the new moon movie if the cast were to change. also if you look at books and movies not all the descriptions fit. like in hoot the girl in the book was all rough and tom boyish but in the movie she was popular and blond. please keep the cast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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