Suggestions for the New Moon Cast?

Dec 3rd, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Question of the Week

This week’s question of the week is a fun one!  We would love to know who you think should be cast in New Moon!  We also want to make sure that you send in or leave your Supporter’s Speculation about what you think will happen after Breaking Dawn!

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213 Comments to “Suggestions for the New Moon Cast?”

  1. Brandi says:

    I would just like to point out that Taylor may be young looking now but just wait!!! Guys at that age grow into men over night!!! That said I would like all of the cast to stay the same!! I think they should go with more unknowns for ‘new’ characters in New Moon and so on. And I would LOVE anything new from SM!!! I love her writting style, and am dieing for anything she has to offer!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. KK says:

    Jason Issacs… seriously… he would be the PERFECT creeper…
    Dakota Fanning or Summer Glau.
    Eva Mendes
    Jessica Biel
    Skandar Keynes (so cute!)

  3. emily says:

    OMg!!!! you soooo need to finsh midnight sun its awesome!! and plllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssssssseeeeeeee dont stop with breaking dawn!!!!! im soooooo thirtsy for more i love your boooks they are amazingly awesome!!!!!! i love it i love it! and i soooooo totally cryed at the end of breaking dawn!! please dont stoppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):)

  4. Gabby says:

    I honestly think everyone in the cast is great, I thought I’d be dissapointed, hoping I wouldn’t be, and I wasn’t. There is one thing though….I DO NOT LIKE KIRSTIN STEWERT AS BELLA.
    She’s nothing like her at all and I knew that’d dissapoint me even before I saw the movie. I think she should be recast. But if they don’t do it for NM or Eclipse then deffinatly for BD because Bella is Bella but not, if you can understand that. She’s changed a lot and not just turning. Her whole attitude is differen’t, she’s tougher, and I don’t think that KS can capture that. I mean w/e keep her up until the scene she turns and then when they flash to where it’s ending switch the girl. Bellas supposted to look different anyway right so not like it’d be a big deal. Itd be like, Human Bella and Vampire Bella.

    And I hadnt even thought of the Volturi but yah! Dakota Fanning would be fantastic as Jane!!!!!
    I love it!

  5. Michelle Miller says:

    How old, exactly, is Jane in the books? I’ve read, re-read, and re-re read, and all it says is little Jane. Dakota Fanning? Maybe..depends. She’s already what, 14? And she’s got a little sister, Elle, who could take over if she aged out.
    If Jane is older, what about Emily Osment…her brother Harley Joel, could play Alec,

  6. Michelle Miller says:

    Personally, too, I think Kristen was perfect as Bella. The entire cast was very well done. As for Carlisle being so gotta remember, he’s over 300 years old. In BD, the Volturi are very pale, almost ashy looking, too…I think the Romanians explained it to Nessie as ‘petrifying’. It would make sense that he would be more pale than the others..he’s been a vamp the longest.
    Taylor should stay Jacob…but I agree with the earlier post that a growth spurt would be a very good thing.
    Emily? Vanessa Anne Hudgens.

  7. Megan says:

    I loved Taylor as Jacob. He looks like the perfect Jacob and I think that he showed the perfect amount of interest in Bella. In the end of the movie, in the prom scene, Jacob and Edward share a glare. I just thought that Taylor played that moment perfectly. He should definitely continue to play Jacob in New Moon. I don’t think his boyish looks will be a problem for the werewolf Jacob since they can do so much with make up and effects. Plus, he will grow by the time they start filming. They really shouldn’t switch any of the actors because many of the fans have become very attached and would be disappointed if some actors were different.

  8. XtremeTwilighter says:

    Jodelle Ferland is the most perfect Jane EVER. go check it out…

    I actually agree with comment 54’s people the best.

    Kristen Chenoweth or Dakota Fanning are so wrong for Jane, sorry people, but i def. do NOT see that.

    I agree with Draco Malfoy’s dad from Harry Potter playing Caius, that is perfect.

    ALL cast needs to stay the same. that would be so BAD if they changed anyone after Twilight has come out!

    Love the podast and can’t wait to hear what you guys think about this! This was actually the question I asked at the LA live podcast!! =)

  9. Jane87 says:

    for a low budget movie, i think twilight has the opportunity to up its standards by casting more well known actors in the following films as the books progress along, there are more characters introduced and involved; i think this will give twilight a more blockbuster movie feel to cater for all genres. its a fantastic series, and sometimes people need recognizable actors in a movie to be interested and drawn to watch the film.
    so what i think…
    definately dakota fanning for Jane; she just has this eery look to her and if she was to play an evil Jane, dakota fanning would look even more freaky and eery!
    gerard butler as dimitri? i dont think so! he is so sweet looking, especially after PS. I LOVE YOU and i cant see him as evil, get the usual actors who play villans to be the bad volturi clan
    AND PS. i really dont like the look of Kristen as bella. to me she doesnt suit the part and i think there are better actresses out there that couldve played bella alongside edward! kristen just looks so retarted and boring, not what i wouldve liked. maybe get rid of her!

  10. Jane87 says:

    PS. i totally agree with comment 104 about BELLA!
    finally someone is on the same page as me! she irritates me so much and just the look of her annoys me- RE CAST

  11. sara says:

    i think they sould recast bella i dont like kristen stewart is the best bella case she got the part with out reading the books first
    and i think all the other cast are good but i think the director should of thought of someone that has read the book.

  12. Hannah from the UK says:

    Johnny Depp would be soooo good in new moon, but its never gonna happen. He’s too expensive and i recently heard he’s signed on for yet ANOTHER Tim burton flick.

    John Malkovich is a great idea!! Dakotta Fanning would be great as Jane!

  13. Jesus says:

    Luke Goss as Aro.

  14. Cody Boyd says:

    IDK really wht to say i read all 4 books in 3 days and i seen the movie. all i have to say is that the characters really didnt fit the descriptions in the books. I thought alice and jasper were close and emmett too but the others could have used more emotions in there acting.

  15. kathrynAnne says:

    lots of people have said kepp the twilight actors/actresses in….well oviously lol

    but i think (i no jane is meant to be very small) that christina ricci should play jane coz she has those heeuge eyes and she is very thin
    i think if they worked on her they could really make it work 🙂

    i dunno about the others, ill have a think and post again!!

    love you tst!


  16. kathrynAnne says:

    oh wait!
    i totally agree with crispin clover for one of the volturi

    he would be…AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    omg thats a good idea 😀


  17. Jen - TwiMom says:

    My goodness, there are a lot of posts. I think you all are doing a great job! (And by the way, I totally would get excited if you ever used one of my answers on your podcast!)

    I don’t have a grasp on many of the characters for NM, however I will make the following suggestions:
    Jane: Saoirse Ronan
    Aro: Adrien Brody
    I think Antonio Banderas would also make a good cast member, but I’m not sure which!

    With that said, I think that Summit will need to stick with lesser known actors/actresses for the additional NM cast. Do we know what the NM budget will be? I have to imagine it will be more than Twilight, but the actors (Rob, Kristen) will also cost more. I think in order to keep the same “feel” of the movie (and to be able to afford a larger cast), they won’t choose A-list actors.

  18. Lisa-Sophie says:


    I think everybody did just an amazing job, they should definitely keep the cast.
    As for Taylor Lautner I think he can manage the “transformation” he’s already taller than Kristen and if he’s going to excercise a bit, he going to get a few muscels.
    They just have to keep Taylor he’s such a Cutie!!!!
    It would just confuse everybody if they would cast another Jacob.

    I’m soo excited for the next movie, it’s just going to be better, don’t get me wrong, i loved twilight, i really did but new moon is going to be a new level, i think it’s going to be awesome, beyond awesome. Even if edward isn’t that present in new moon.

    I’m also really looking forward to the volterra scenes with the volturi.

    By the way, I think that Christina Ricci would be an excellent Jane, a little evil doll.
    She has that round head, it has something doll-like.
    Don’t you think?
    Gaspard Ulliel would make a really nice Felix, cause he’s really really nice to look at.
    Oh and he’s a great actor.

    Love your podcast.


  19. Elizabeth says:

    I love Taylor, I think that he makes an amazing Jacob!!! and I honestly dont think that it would make sence to change people half way thru the film. It could confuse people.

  20. Amanda says:

    i agree that they need to keep the same original cast cause i’d be tempted to skip it if it didnt have rob pattinson or any of the same cullens.
    i think that taylor can pull off the transformation with some movie illusions.
    i dont think that (human sized) he needs to be 7 foot 4
    it might make the point if he gets to at least just 6 ft 1 or something lol.
    Jodelle Ferland would be an awesome Jane.
    This is my dream cast for the volturi though:
    Aro-Antonio Banderas
    Marcus-Brad Pitt
    Caius-Shane Brolly
    Heidi-Kate Beckinsale
    Felix-Jensen Ackles
    Demetri-Scott Speedman

  21. Julia says:

    One thing I have to say about casting a child as Jane would not work. As a vampire shes not supposed to age. A child of say 10 or 14 or even 16 change so much in two or three years. Jane has to stay the same from when New Moon is filmed till Breaking Dawn is filmed. So the actors that play Jane and Alec the twins would best be played by someone at least in their 20’s so the change is minimal over the years of filming. I would like to see someone like Dakota Fanning or her little sister but that just will not work they will grow up too much. They can make an actress like Kristen Chenoweth look younger and she’s so small that she can pull off playing a child.

  22. yvonne says:


  23. Kiersten says:

    Here is My Volturi Cast:
    Aro —————–>Johnny Depp
    Marcus ————–>Antonio Banderas
    Caius —————>Shane Brolly
    Jane —————->Jodelle Ferland
    Alec —————->Liam Aiken
    Felix —————>Jensen Ackles
    Demetri ————-> Scott Speedman
    Sulpicia ————>Delta Goodrem
    Athenodora ———->Keira Knightly
    Chelsea ————-> Kate Beckinsale
    Renata ————–>Selena Gomez
    Gianna ————–> Shannyn Sossamon
    Heidi —————–> Agnes Bruckner

  24. RDL says:

    Oh goodness I kinda of draw a blank when it comes to actually casting the Volturi. Honestly when I see the Vulturi, I see Gary Oldman when he was in Dracula!! Especially when he has the white hair (possibly Caius) but I dont think he’d play another vampire. But off the top of my head, here’s who’d consider:
    Aro-Hugo Weaving (although i dont think he’d actually do it, he could do a good job)
    Marcus-Hugh Jackman

  25. Twigurl says:

    I think Bella, all known vampires, friends, and family should stay the same. As for the Volturie the dude who plays Lucius Malfoy(from Harry Potter) as Cacuis he’s good at being the bad, rude, mean guy. Johney Depp as Marcus cause I can just picture him looking bored out of his photographic mind and it would be super funny. The chick who plays Luna Lovegood as Jane, the kid who plays Draco Malfoy as Alec, whats his name who stars in Bourne Ultimatum as Felix ( they can put makeup on him), and finally a victoria secret model for Heide. Plus I remember how on your last or so podcast Gina was in love with the siblings so the actors should hook i=up their sibs with vampire parts,that would be freakin awesome. Oh and for the speculations I predict maybe if the Volture will get imprinted on by a werewolve like u no who.Love ya

  26. Twigurl says:

    Hey again, this is just a comment. If they change any already cast actors from Twilight or if they mash the 2nd and 3rd (2/4 of the best books ever made) theyre gonna get 4’9 feet of nasty. It would be ridiculous. If you remember Pirates of the Carribean, they extended the”2nd and 3rd” so they are only 2 movies in reality. I see no reason they cant do that to Twilight, money isnt a problem and most humans loved the movie. Love your podcast 🙂

  27. ellobie says:

    I think Alan Rickman would be a great Marcus. I have an actor in my head for Aro, but I can’t think of his name!

  28. Blaize Donald says:

    please do not change the actors from Twilight because i think it will be very different. also i LOVED that movie and the people in it. they were very good.

  29. Jacq says:

    I thought I saw someone said he wants Jim Carrey to Aro. PLEASE! Have mercy to our sanity.

  30. Jacob's Babe says:

    okay so first since i missed last week, I LOVED THE MOVIE there were some things they left out and some let downs but overall it was the most amazingest movie i have ever ever seen. so here is my personalized cast list for New Moon-
    Cullens- all the same they were perfect! (especially Rosalie)
    Jacob- Taylor (he did amazing have you ever heard of lifts and body suits? with a bigger budget it will be easier.)
    Wolf Pack and everyone from La Push- all did great keep them all in there for another round (especially embry (kris Ivory) he was extremely nice to look at! haha i think you guys said that on your show)
    — they need to add another girl from school i think during when edward is gone to keep things moving so i think that that person needs to be ME i would hang out with jacob then transfer to Forks High School and be friends with bella and jacob!!! PERFECT PLAN who agrees?
    i have no clue who should play the volturi! i just never really though about what they should look like so i think Catherine will pick someone amazing i just know it! have some faith in her peopele.

    Thanks for keeping the podcasts clean its hard to come by these days (why i have no idea but it is!)! Awesome podcast, glad you had fun at the premiere loved hearing about it! AND MOST OF ALL HAVE A ROCKIN AFTERNOON!

  31. alaina says:

    Johnny Depp could play any one of the volturi especially Aro because he would definately be great at it he is an amazing actor and he could really bring the character to life. Also dakota fanning would be a very good Jane. i think they should keep all the same people from the first one of course it would be stupid if they didnt and they all did amazing jobs!!!

    As for what they should do after breaking dawn is i really REALLY want them to continue with renesmee and jake you know how sweet that would be and of course all of the cullens would still be in it. That would be really amazing from nessies point of view i mean come on!!!! who wouldnt love that???

  32. kate says:

    i only have one thing to say!…….


  33. Dana says:

    In my head i always picture aro as older but still handsome and jane should be around 14 or 15 cause it will be a little wierd an 8 or 9 year kid trying to hurt someone with thier mind.

  34. Dana says:

    not johnny depp, orlando bloom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. katherine elizabeth says:

    Leah: Q’Orianka Kilcher. She is so beautiful, but at the same time she can look really mean. She played Pocahontas in the 2005 film, The New World.

    Jane: Elle Fanning is exactly how I pictured her in the books. She’s so cute! and she’s a very strong actress for her young age! (or Dakota Fanning)

  36. C. Cullen says:

    -I like Christopher Walken for Aro

    -Kristin Chenoweth or Hayden Penetierre for Jane

    -either Tom Felton from Harry Potter or Haley Joe Osment as Alec.

    -Alan Rickman could be Marcus or Caius and

    -Camille Guaty from Gotta Kick it Up, The Nine, and Raising Dad as Emily.

    Thanks! love the show

  37. Kristina says:

    Okay this took me awhile and i really like my choices
    I dont think any or the Volturi should be really old, i think of them as being in there early 30’s
    I am going to list them for everyone to read easily and then write why in the end
    ARO————-Karl Urban
    CAIUS——— Kevin Durnad
    MARCUS——Adrien Brody
    FELIX———-Justin Chambers or Jensen Ackles
    DEMETRI—–Vinnie Jones or Henry Cavill
    JANE–Rachel Leigh Cook
    ALEC–Liam Aiken
    HEIDI–Eliza Dushku

    Karl Urban as Aro because i think he can play that very stern looking character but still keep Aros fun attitude up.
    Kevin Durand as Caius because he is really tough looking and can have that pissed off attitude and look needed
    Adrien Brody as Marcus because he is an amazing actor and can play the moping character.
    All three will be really strong chacters and will be good as the three leaders
    For felix i cant decide i think either could do it. Jensen is the same height as Kellen and the build would work too. They both could do the tough but comical thing.
    I like Vinnie Jones as the really tough character but it woul be great to have Henry Cavill, meyers choice in the movie and he is a good actor too.
    Racheal Leigh Cook would be great as Jane she is tiny and has child like features because Jane is not a child she is petite and child like.
    Liam Aiken good play Cooks sibling they could look similar it just depends on there hair and makeup, he has an mature look to him but can still be young..if that makes any sense
    And i just really want Eliza Dushku in it she tough and beautiful and would be really cool as Heidi i think even though it is a small part

  38. Haley says:

    NO JOHNNY DEPP! NO JOHHNY DEPP!! one of Twilight’s quirks is casting relative unknowns, and a Johnny Depp (or Dakota Fanning) would ruin that. i agree with a Volturi member being Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy from HP). and i just Googled Camille Guaty, and she’s Emily. i know i already posted, but one of Haley’s quirks is posting a thousand times, and now I have more info, so here’s my NM cast.
    Aro–Jason Isaacs ( [HALEY’S NOTE: he’s CREEPY!! so Aro.]

    Marcus–Shane Brolly ( [HALEY’S NOTE: good enough to be a Volturi, doesn’t seem evil enough to be Caius, doesn’t have that Aro look, so what’s left? Marcus.)

    Caius–Jeremy Northam ( [HALEY’S NOTE: i like this fella, he looks EVIL and can be very pissy if necessary {and it’s very necessary for Caius}.]

    Demetri/Felix–Henry Cavill ( OR Gaspard Ulliel ( [HALEY’S NOTE: our fave Edward rejects could have a second shot at being sexy vampires!]

    Jane: Jodelle Ferland ( [HALEY’S NOTE: she’s my first choice, but she’s too young. so second choice…] OR Rachael Leigh Cook (

    Alec: Liam Aiken ( [HALEY’S NOTE: unoriginal, sure, but a good Alec.]

    Heidi: Jessica Stroup ( [HALEY’S NOTE: she’s very pretty. i like this girl.]

    Leah: Q’Orianka Kilcher ( [HALEY’S NOTE: she’s gorge and i can see Leah when i look at her. i decided she would be better as Leah than as Emily bc she’s younger, and Emily’s closer to her twenties than her teens.]

    Emily: Mallory Low ( [HALEY’S NOTE: she’s my Emily. nuff said. 😉 ]

    Seth: [HALEY’S NOTE: i’m getting booted off the computer as we speak, thus, i don’t have time to find a Seth. but, fear not! i will be on later and hopefully find one.]
    i hoped u liked my actors. still love the podcast!!

    peace, love, and Twilight

  39. Natasha says:

    I have the perfect volturi.
    Marcus- Gary Oldman (Sirius Black from Harry Potter)
    Caius- John Hurt (Mr. Ollivander from Harry Potter. Very creepy.)
    Aro- Alan Rickman (Snape from HP)
    I doubt that they would use all Hary Potter people, but it would be cool. Saroise Ronan from Atonement would be good for Jane too.

  40. Bailey says:

    All i have to say is please leave all the characters casted as who they were in Twilight! if they change the characters it won’t feel like a continuous series and it will fill all wrong. even though i loathe who they picked for bella i don’t want them to change her becasue it would be too different and not the same. plus new moon is all about the wolves and i want them to stay the same! i love taylor, krys, and solomon!

  41. Bailey says:

    I am very against dakota fanning and she ruins every movie she’s ever in- besides uptown girls, i liked that one- and i think taylor is perfect for jacob and they’ll find some way to make him bigger and bulkier. i have faith in him!

  42. I think I would make an awesome Leah if I say so myself, but I know I don’t look as Native American as I should.

    I love the idea of Kristin Chenowith as Jane, even though she is older, she still is short enough to convey the youthful look described for Jane.
    I think if Christopher Walken could be perceived as scary he’d be a great Aro though Christopher Lee would also be awesome. I picture Marcus to have a choppy bob (kinda like Ben Barnes in Narnia) and be relatively young looking, I dunno how they’ll do the whole young looking but still having papery skin…

    Love the show!

  43. arianna says:

    basically i think that robert pattinson should role in this movie. he is amazing actor and extremely cute

  44. Delaney Jo says:

    The cast should remain the same for New Moon. All of the Cullens were perfect. I loved Talor Laurtner as Jacob and I am really pulling for him to return as Jacob. I think he has plenty of time to buff up for the werewolf thing.
    My suggestion for the cast for the next movie is to have Dakota Fanning play Jane. I have heard some rumors about that, but that was early in this year before Twilight was even released, so I wouldn’t credit it much. She is young enough to do the part, but she is a good actress and could pull off the dark, sadistic vampire very well.

  45. Jacq says:

    I would rather not want to see anyone over-the-top famous. I like the docu-style feel in this movie (even some of it were done wrong) and please aside from Jim Carrey, I would not like to see Johnny Depp being in the cast (but I love him) it is just it seems wrong. Totally wrong.

  46. Callie says:

    I think you should keep the same characters. Duh!! When they start making the rest of the movies we don’t want to see someone else playing the cullen family or any of the other starts. yes they have to get more cast because for their was more people in the new moon. So definately keep all the characters PLEASE!!!!

  47. Bianca says:

    I saw the movie 4 times already!!! And I will see it two more times next week…I just cant get tired of it!! Its amazing!!! I hope all the cast members are goin to be the same…including Jacob, I read that he might get changed… I JUST LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! I LOVE THE BOOKS!!!!

  48. Ashton Cullen(IRELAND) says:

    Hey guys!!!!! love the podcast…ye r so funny!! so happy New Moon is going ahead!!!!! um.. I think they should keep Taylor as Jacob because it wouldnt make sense to recast…If I was casting, Evan Rachel Wood/Christina Ricci for Jane or maybe even Tanya?! Johnny Deep for Aro, Kate Bekinsale as Heidi….. um….in Breaking Dawn, I think issues that were not ressolved are gonna have to be cleared up in the next book,if any. I think there will be another book because I doubt The Volturi would back down like they did, I dont think Stephanie would finish the Twilight series like that. I was kinda expectin a big battle between The Volturi and Cullens, to finish things out, which would probably involve losing characters. I think the Volturi will have issues with Jacob and Reneesmes’ relationship(Ya,Im not all for Jacobs Imprint choice 2bh) also and we have not seen Renee’s reaction either to Reneesme. I feel Breaking Dawn was not enough to finish the Twilight series. If BD was the last ever Twilight series book ,I would be very disappointed…I think there are enough unresolved issues in BD to make up at least another book because BD didnt clarify everything…Here’s hopin!!!
    Thanks guys!!!!!!!

  49. Nicole says:

    The actors have to stay the same as in Twilight, I think it would totally ruin the story to change the characters!

  50. Rachel C. says:

    Ok, so i think they should keep everyone that they already do have, i think who they have so far are perfect. Since Jacob is really the main person in the book (of course this doesnt include the cullens, and some people will argue that jacob is more important in this book than edward, and the other cullens), they should keep Taylor Lautner the same. I absolutly LOVED him as jacob and he did an amazing job, and looks just like i thought he would. Anyways, i wouldn’t understand why he wouldn’t return for the next movies anyway, because they do so well and i bet he had a great experience. i think that they should MAYBE look around for another bella. Kristen Stewart was ok at it, but she annoyed me to no end (im sorry, no offense!) when she would blink quickly multiple times and shake her head quickly, too. I noticed that it was something that she also does in real life, in interviews, along with other movies. When it comes to new character, well, lets just see! keep doing a great job girls i love the podcast!

    Rachel C

    p.s. in your last podast, you both wondered if people are ever really excited if you pick our podcast and everything, and i know i would be, and i bet its true for other listeners!

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