If you like Twilight…..
Dec 13th, 2008 | By Alex | Category: Book News, Fandom, Featured ArticlesHey guys I got this email, and wanted to share it with you guys check it out! Its pretty cool!
You’ve read and re-read all of the Twilight books. You’ve seen the movie
multiple times. But you’ve still got a hankering for more Twilight?Novel Novice Twilight is pleased to present “If you like Twilight … a
guide to everything that is not Twilight.”This is where you can find NNT’s recommendations for books, movies and TV
shows with themes similar to Twilight or some kind of Twilight connection.
If you like Twilight, we think you’ll also enjoy the items in our guide.So come check it out, peruse our recommendations and share your own! It’s
all here:You’ve read and re-read all of the Twilight books. You’ve seen the movie
multiple times. But you’ve still got a hankering for more Twilight?Novel Novice Twilight is pleased to present “If you like Twilight … a
guide to everything that is not Twilight.”This is where you can find NNT’s recommendations for books, movies and TV
shows with themes similar to Twilight or some kind of Twilight connection.
If you like Twilight, we think you’ll also enjoy the items in our guide.So come check it out, peruse our recommendations and share your own! It’s
all here: