Stephenie’s Site Update
Dec 17th, 2008 | By Krystal | Category: Book News, Featured Articles, Movie NewsStephenie Meyer’s publicist has a new message for fans on SM’s site. To read more, click here!
“It has come to our attention that there are several people on social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook pretending to be Stephenie. The only site besides Only announcements on this website and Stephenie’s official MySpace page should be considered legitimate. Please note, due to the overwhelming number of e-mails she receives on her MySpace page, Stephenie is unable to answer e-mails. that Stephenie has is a MySpace site at
Also, Stephenie is aware of the numerous Twilight conventions happening next year. It is exciting to see so many fans wanting to celebrate the books together. However, these conventions are not authorized or endorsed by Stephenie and she will not be attending any of the conventions. We hope that fans enjoy the conferences, but wanted to make this distinction so people weren’t spending money under the assumption that Stephenie would be in attendance.”