The Year of the Vampire

Dec 29th, 2008 | By | Category: Book News, Featured Articles

Reuters has as report of’s top sales for 2008 which includes many appearances by Stephenie Meyer.

Best selling book of the year: Breaking Dawn

Most Positive Reviews for a Kindle book: Twilight

Book most frequently purchased as a gift: Twilight

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11 Comments to “The Year of the Vampire”

  1. Erin(: says:


  2. Lily❤Jacob says:

    Yeah. We DESERVE it!! Keep recruiting more crazy fangirls/boys!!

  3. sou says:

    Yeah!!! We effing rock yous guys!! XD

  4. Tiffany C. says:

    hahah the Vamps have taken over the world!! this is smurfing AMAZING!!! AHAHAHAA!!!

    woo! go Fan-People!!!

  5. Jenn says:

    We beat our Potter? Sweet! Long Live Twilight!

  6. Alice says:

    WE BEAT POTTER! long live stephenie meyer

  7. Shteff! says:

    Bless =] Gotta admit, well done to Stephenie!
    ha, she shares my name *uber proud* Shame i’m a dozy runt, otherwise i’d be so cool 😉 Joke of course, but anywhooo YAY!!!! xox

  8. Namula Moonshine says:

    OMG!!!! we beat harry potter We beat the witches and etc. Vampires rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;0

  9. CullenCrazy17 says:

    WOOHOO!!! & to think that my uncle was a part of tht! (buying me the box set for christmas!!!)

  10. Daniella says:

    omg!!!! just i cant believe we beat potter hell yes!!!!! at least one book and a movie compared to potter in everytihng they make comparisons: sells, books, etc!
    long live twilight & stephenie meyer!

  11. Jasmine says:

    WHOOT WHOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jazz (Team Cullen!)

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