Book Recommendations

Jan 2nd, 2009 | By | Category: Book News, Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

Hello People!

This week I am recommending only one book, and that is because i have only gotten 2 emails! So remember send any BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS to or 🙂

So on with the Recommendation!

CORALINE by Neil Gaiman!

Coraline Novel

Coraline Novel

Yes coraline is a movie that comes out sometime in January! This book is a very fast read! short! and fun!

Review from Common Scence Media

In Coraline’s new house she discovers a door in the attic that sometimes opens onto a brick wall, and sometimes doesn’t. Venturing through the doorway she discovers a world that mirrors her own, though the mirror is disturbingly distorted. There is more fun and better food there though, and her parents and neighbors are reflected there too, but with troubling differences. Returning to her own home she finds that her real parents are missing, only appearing in the hallway mirror. With the help of a cat that can talk in the mirror world, Coraline returns to rescue her parents, as well as the souls of other children that she finds imprisoned there, from the fiendish Other Mother.

I dont think I have to say this because this is a site about a Vampire novel, but this is a horror (sort of) novel! Just letting you know!

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