“What’s in a name?”

Jan 11th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Question of the Week

All of the Twilight Series characters have great names!  Some of you have emailed in and let us know what your favorite names mean.  We are going to spend next week looking into the meanings of the main character’s names!  It will be fun to find out how the meaning of a name might reflect the character’s personality!  So, here is the question we want you to answer…

If you were going to change your name, to that of a Twilight character, what name would you pick and why?

222 Comments to ““What’s in a name?””

  1. Cedar says:

    ok I totally changed my mind( I wrote #98-99 and #101-102 and #35) If I was a boy I would want to have the name Seth or Jacob or Jared(I’m a big fan of the werewolves’ names)or Vladimir or maybe Alec but if I had to change my name now I would change my name to Zafrina or Heidi or Kate or Jane or Rosalie or maybe Tanya.

    Love the podcast
    Keep up the good work
    luv Cedar Cullen
    (Emmett’s future wife)

  2. Mimi says:

    This is my first time answering so please don’t make fun of me! I would want my name to be something like Alice which sounds fun and cool but also a something like Bella which is sort of elegant. I guess I would combine the two names but Alla and Balice boh sound really wierd. If I have to chosse one though, I would stick with Alice because it is more unique. I mean, nowadays, you see Bellas everywhere. I want to be original. 🙂

  3. Ginny says:

    I’d have to say Senna or Kachiri because I they are pretty and unusual.
    Senna is A) an English name, from the Senna Plant (or Cassia Didymobotrya) which is a pretty flowering bush. It’s leaves have medical uses, supposedly they are good laxatives (?), and they are also used in black hair dye. (I would love to have black hair, but I could never dye my hair black. I think it’s better when it’s just naturally black) or B) a Brazillian name meaning blessed. (Probably this one, just keeping all the posibilities open)
    Kachiri is a Brazilian name meaning fortunate. I am most definitely not Brazilian, but I still think it would be awesome to be named Kachiri. It sounds cheerful, like you have to smile when you say it. 🙂

  4. Kate says:

    I really love the name Bella. It’s so beautiful, which makes sense cuz that’s what it means, and It is unique, which is nice.
    For guys tho, i really LOVE the name jasper. it’s like awesome. lol.

    Good question!

  5. Laura says:

    If I were to choose a name from the series, I would definitely choose “Charlotte”. Her partner is Peter, who escaped from Jasper’s coven with Maria.

    Charlotte means “free man”, or woman, and I thought that this was an extremely appropriate name for a nomad, especially when she is paired up with Peter, who is a Saint in the Christian religion because of his moral code (Peter left the coven because of the terrible things they were doing to humans.

    It’s comforting to think that the free woman and the saint are running around the world, together and in love, and I would like to instill some of that in me by taking on that name.

    Or maybe I’ll just give my future daughter that gift.

    Love the show!

  6. kP~love says:

    so, i dont know it sounds kind of wierd, but i really like Siobhan. I have irish heritage and i really like that name. 🙂 imagine, though, how many people would pronounce it wrong, especially at school. yikes.
    but honestly, i am not a huge fan of a lot of the female names in the book… but even though i am a girl, if i were a guy, i really like the name Emmett. SM really chose that one well because to me, Emmett is a really STRONG name, i really really like that name, and since Emmett is strong, it goes well!

  7. kP~love says:

    ok i wrote the comment above (#156) and i wanted to say, that in case we didnt know how to pronounce the name, and assuming that SM pronounces it the way it is said to be pronounced, you say it :

    sheesh can you imagine the first day of class when the teacher reads the role out loud?
    teacher:”yes and this one… ummm. See-ooohb- han?? is that right??”
    siobhan:”actually its shi-VAWN… yah i know.. its irish.”
    teacher:” shi what?”
    siobhan: ” shi-VAWN!”
    teacher: “ya im just gonna call you Sio for short.”

    hahahah 🙂 no joke this kind of thing has happened a lot with some of my friends. 🙂

  8. Karissa (kuh-riss-uh) says:

    I would choose the name Leah. Leah is such an amazing character . . . strong and independent. She has emotional scars and bitterness, but they have just made her even stronger. I think her name reflects her strong personality. But Leah is searching for happiness too. I think I have a pretty strong-willed personality, and everyone is looking for happiness.I think “Leah” would reflect that part of me well.

  9. Carly says:

    hey Kassie and Kallie! i was inspired to write in bc i’m Miranda’s sister, and she has started to obsessively listen to TST. then i started, and i actually got an email from Kassie (!) and now here i am. no one cares, do they?

    anyway, if i had to pick, i would pick Irina. i love that name. it means “peaceful” and is the Slavic (where is Slavia? is Slavia even a place? sounds Scandinavian) form of Irene. i think that even though Irina wasn’t the nicest person in the series, she has a beautiful name. actually that goes for the entire Denali clan. i like all their names: Tanya, Kate, Irina, Carmen, Eleazar, Sasha, and Vasilii. i’m not big on Vasilii but it sounds very Russian. hehe!

    well i must be going, nice talking to you, ciao!


  10. Cedar says:

    ok in #150 I wa sreally stupid I said that I was the the person that wrote #35 but I meant #135

  11. Cedar says:

    (I meant to say #151not #150)

  12. Cedar says:

    There are to many names!!! any Time i write a comment I half a another name I like!!! this time I want to add Maggie to the newest list (# 151) I don’t really no why I like it I just do!

  13. Lisa says:

    So i was thinking and i really loved Renesme but of corse you can’t find the meaning of that. So, i did the best i could. I found that Renee means rebirth and Esme means loved. So i think that Nessie was the rebirth of Bella, as in she caused Bella’s rebirth. Also as you find out from breaking dawn everyone that meets Nessie falls in love with her. Just though i would share was i learned. -Lisa

  14. Lindsay says:

    Bella: Beautiful
    Edward: Wealthy Guardian
    Carlisle: (old english)Carl’s Island (old German) or (Carl : Free Man one who is strong)
    Esme: Emerald and Esteem
    Rosalie: Pretty Flower / Flower
    Emmett: (German) All embracing (english) Truth/ Hardworker
    Alice: Noble/Truth
    Jasper: Treasure bearer/Semi-Precious Stone

    Jacob: Supplanter (one who wrongfully or illegally seizes and holds the place of another)
    Sam: Like the sun/Heard God/God’s Word/To hear
    Quil: Cub
    Embry: ember, smoldering fire
    Paul: Little one
    Jared: Strong/Descending
    Leah: the light of the sun/ weary
    Seth: Appointed One
    Collin: People’s Victory/ Child
    Brady: broad meadow/ broad shoulders
    Ephraim: very fruitfull

    Denali Coven:

    Laurent: Martyred/Laurel crown
    Carmen: Song
    Eleazar: Court
    Kate: Pure
    Tanya: Fairy Princess
    Sasha: Defender of Mankind
    Vasili: Person
    Irine: Peace/ those who watch

    Victoria: Victory/Winner/Conqueror
    James: Supplanter, substitute

    American Nomads:

    Peter: Strong
    Charlotte: Little
    Mary: Sea of Bitterness
    Randall: Wolf’s Shield

    Amazonian Coven:
    Senna: Blessed
    Zaphrina: Diminutive
    Kachiri: Fortunate

    Egyption Coven:

    Tia: Happiness
    Amun: God of Mystery
    Benjamin: Born of the right hand
    Kebi: Ancient

    European Nomads:

    Alistair: Defender
    Charles: Manly
    Makenna: Who is like God

    Irish Coven:

    Soibhan: Farmer
    Liam: Resolute Protector
    Maggie: Power

    Romanian Coven:

    Vladimir: Renowned Prince
    Stefen: Victorious

    Charlie: Manly
    Harry: Ruler
    Billy: Resolute Protector
    Tyler: Tile Maker
    Lauren: Laurel
    Mike: Who is like God
    Jessica: God sees
    Angela: Angel
    Eric: Eternal Ruler
    Emily: Industrious
    Sue: Persuasion
    Renee: Reborn
    Jason Scott/Jenks: Healer


    Aro: Glorious
    Caius: Shakespearean
    Marcus: Warlike
    Arhendora: Skill or Wisdom
    Sulpicia: Star
    Didyme: A Twin
    Jane: Merciful
    Alec: Defender
    Heidi: Noble
    Felix: Fortunate
    Demetri: Lord
    Chelsea: Port
    Afton: From The Afton River
    Corin: Dweller Near a Hollow
    Renata: Peace
    Santiago: Supplanter

    Vulturi Human:
    Gianna: God is Gracious

    If i could change my name to anyone of these from Lindsay (meaning: the linden trees near the water (linden from the spanish meaning i believe is pretty.)) I would choose Victoria or Rosalie or Alice. I could pick out many traits in each of these characters that are like my own and their meanings tie into them well.

    Victoria because she is devious, very clever, cat-like, and cunning.
    Rosalie because she is oppinionated, strong willed, and thick-skinned not outwardly showing emotion if someone gets to her.
    Alice because she is does things her own way, understanding, empathises, quirky and caring.

    If i was a guy and could choose any name of the characters i would choose Jasper. I find him so intriguing and although he has a weakness more-so than the other cullens ( which i theorize is because it’s all about who turns you into a vampire.. ) he is still a good “person” and would love to see things from his point of view.

    There are so many great names it was hard to choose just one! Great question of the week.. love the podcast.


  15. Mary Kate Karle says:

    Hey ladies!!! I love the podcast and hope you find my answer interesting or worthy of reading! Anyways, I picked Renesme just because I find it so intriguing and different. When Breaking Dawn came out, many people were saying that they stumbled over the name Renesme and didn’t necessarily like it. I feel differently. I did not stumble over it, and it actually rolled off my tongue. I feel like if I googled the name Renesme (well if the Twilight series was not in existence) nothing would come up! Which I love, because it is a unique name, yet not weird or creepy. Another thing I love is the definitions of the two names.

    The name Renee is a French/Latin name. It means “reborn.” This meaning does not imply the direct definition, which is, to be born again. It implies a spiritual, intellectual rebirth, or an awakening. It is also said that the name Renee came from the name “Reiner” or “Rainer” which means that the person is usually knowledgeable and able to give some valuable advice. Renee was also a very common name given to babies in the 1970s and 1980s. This would make sense for Bella’s mother to be named, as she was probably born in the 1970s, or the early 1960s.

    The name Esme is an old French name. People in England during the early 19th and 20th centuries used this name for women mostly, but it is also said that Esme can be a boy’s name. Esme comes from the name Aime which means “to love”. It also comes from the name Aestimatus which means “esteemed”. The name Esme is, in addition, said to mean a gracious, kind defender.

    I thought that the name Esme was very suitable for Esme Cullen because she is extraordinarily loving and is a gracious, kind defender, in the sense that she protects and cares for her children. She tries very hard to keep them all happy and we see that she was ecstatic in Twilight, when Edward found Bella.

    Anyway, I love the name Renesme, for Renesme Cullen. The definition of Renee which says it means an intellectual birth really got me. Renesme is very intellectual and understands way more than you would expect. I also love the definition from Renee that says she is able to give valuable advice. It may not be a very accurate connection, but I like to think that Renesme gives valuable advice with her special power, when she shares her thoughts. I also think that since Esme means loving, that was good for Renesme because she loves with a passion, and everyone that sees her instantly loves her.

    Okay so sorry for the long response…you probably won’t have time to read it all, but they are just my thoughts! I am a huge Twilight fan. Anyways, love y’all! Mary Kate 

    p.s. CASSIE, I am so with you girl. I hate Jacob and don’t blame you one bit about giving him a hard time. I don’t even think they should be making the team Edward verse team Jacob thing a big deal. I never saw Jacob as a threat, because the only time Bella ever considered Jacob as more than friends, was ONCE when she was sure that Edward was never coming back and because she felt compelled to be more than friends with Jacob because she thought that she would lose Jacob if she didn’t get together with him. That was the only time I was uneasy but before and after there was NO competition it was always Edward. Plus Bella is mature beyond her years and needs a 100 year old man! Jacob is like 17 and immature, no wonder he imprinted on a baby! Haha. But I do like Jacob he is funny, I just hate the whole Jacob verses Edward fight. So stupid.

  16. Tiera says:

    I would choose the name Kachiri because i think its a really nice and it means independant which is cool to have your name mean :] I haven’t listend to your podcast yet but my friend Serene likes it and it seems pretty cool.

  17. gabrielle says:

    hey! I’m new to your podcast and I have to say I love it! 🙂 but if I had to choose a name it would be irina I love that name it means peace.
    thanks so much! keep up the awesome work!

  18. Carly says:

    c’mon people….Bella and Edward’s daughter is named RENESMEE. ppl keep putting Renesme. there are two e’s at the end. it says it throughout BD, and it’s not that hard to pronounce either. (it even has a pronounciation key in the book! ruh-nez-may.) get it right!

    sorry, i’m just sick of ppl misspelling it when it’s completely obvious.


  19. Daniel Duggan says:

    Emmett is such a truly awesome name, since Emmett is truly an awesome person! go Emmett!!

  20. Ella says:

    After reading the whole series over and over again (each book at least 3 times), I have come to a conclusion that my favorite name is Bella. I will clarify that when I say favorite, I mean that I believe this name fits the character best. It is a beautiful name, but not at all simple all-American girl, and so it fits nicely with the rest of the names. The Cullen family all have very beautiful and old-fashioned names, like Edward and Rosalie. The name Bella sounds like a soft, nice person, which absolutely fits Bella herself. On the other hand, I have to say that Embry is probably the worst name Stephenie Meyer could come up with.
    Thanks! I absolutely love the podcast, It’s my favorite one out of all the dozens of Twilight podcasts.

  21. Ella says:

    Yes, it’s the same Ella again. I thought a little harder, and realized that Irina is also an extremely gorgeous name, even though I don’t feel as if we were introduced to Irina enough to know if this name really fit her character. Irina is actually a Russian or Ukranian name, and since I am 100% Russian, I can relate to her name. My mother almost named me Irina as well.
    The name Irina is actually of Greek origin, which I found interesting! Also, it means peace, which is almost the opposite of what Irina did — since she definately stirred up not peace, only trouble.
    Thanks, and I have to say that I absolutely love Kassie — I feel like I would be her best friend if we knew each other, since I am almost exactly like her, and always think of the same things!

  22. Hazel says:

    hi! um, i was listening to one of your podcasts a couple of weeks ago where you were talking about jane for a little bit and who would play her, and i noticed that you didn’t know what her age was and thought she was in her twenties. actually, jane and alec are both thirteen years old. it’s on the twilight lexicon, on Personal Correspondance number i don’t know but i just wanted to let you guys know! it’s taken me a while to get on the computer so…yeah. luv the podcast!


  23. jedi says:

    does anyone elses numbers overlap on the comments? if there are 200 comment, the numbers by them would stop at 99 and then it would go back to 00. i was just wondering if i missed something

  24. melanie cullen says:

    um…. this one is like hard! i think i’ll chose ….. ALICE !! i think her name represents the beauty and unique-ness of her. her name is the same as alice in wonderland and i think that’s really cool how her name is the same as a popular childrens book. because of this i think that her name means she gets along well with other people/vampires/werewolfs (boo — no offence/shapeshifters (boo — again no offence.) for example in new moon when alice first met jacob, she didn’t say anything mean or say he smelled bad, so she tried to get along

  25. mo says:

    I think i would pick RENESME beause…
    ESME means to love
    RENEE means reborn so
    my name would mean REBORN LOVE or TO LOVE REBORNLY.
    thats kinda cool. I would want something totally different. ON THE OTHER HAND i really like the name Leah. Even though it is more common. Yup love the podcast blablabla… 🙂

  26. fwbMalachi says:

    I would probably choose the name Aero (even though I’m a girl) I think it can be used for both genders I like it because its out of the ordinary most of the other vampires have relatively everyday names but Aero just really stands out. Love the show.

  27. Taylorlautnerssexy says:

    hey i think i emailed this to you guuys but its kind of important so here it is again Variety says that no one is auditioning fir Leah Clearwater becuase she isnt in the script
    if any of you guys want to check it out heres the site

  28. Taylorlautnerssexy says:

    O and sorry that it isn’t related to the question of the week

  29. Andrea says:

    CULLEN <– name

    Hi, guys! I’m absolutely in love with your show! Anyways… the name I chose was CULLEN.

    I was curious to see what it meant, and it means “handsome”. I feel like their name was so appropriate, seeing that they are the most beautiful beings on earth. So I though it was cool to find out their names, fit who they are.

    For Bella, her full name is “beautiful swan”. I felt like her name was totally appropriate seeing how (spoiler coming) she was once awkard and weird, she transformed into an extremely breathtaking vampire, just like swans are weird looking then turn into something so dazzling.

    THANKS! Fangs and love!

  30. Nicole says:

    hey! First time posting, but I would love my name to be Bella ^_^

    Not because I want my own Edward (although that would be great lol), but because I think it’s a beautful name. Isabella is one of my favorites, but I like the shorter “Bella” even better. I can hear everyone be like “hey, Bella..” I dunno it just fits if you know what I mean.

    Love your podcasts, thanks for all the time you put into them!

  31. soccerchic#2 says:

    i was looking up meanings for the names of the characters of twilight and most of them described the character exactly. Edward meant a wealthy guardian. edward is wealthy as in money, but i didnt look at it that way. he is wealthy because of the security, feeling of belonging, and love in his family. also, he is guardian, because he guards his family, especially bella and renesmee, with his life. Bella means beautiful. and obviously that suits her perfectly. all of the guys worshipped the ground she walked on, but edward truly thought she was beautiful inside and out. someone really is beautiful if a gorgeous vampire says that to an ordinary human. jacobs name suits him, but it is a little offensive. its hebrew and it means he grasps the heel. jacob was always trying to come first, infront of edward, for bella. he was always trying to win her, even when it was inevitable that edward already had. Alice meant truth or noble. i may be going off on a limb here, but alice always could fortell the truth in action. and in older times, nobles were of the higher power, and alice’s power was pretty rare and powerful. something many people envy, as did the peasants to the nobles. Leah meant weary. leah was pretty weary and worn out from haing to endure so much as she had. knowing sam’s every thought, her father’s death, and her mother’s loneliness until charlie’s company. i know i would be extremely weary. The meaning of emmett is not surprising at all, strong, powerful. go figure. i thought all of these names suited this mix of vampires and werewolves perfectly.

  32. team jacob kicks team edward's butt says:

    even though i am a girl, i have to say i love the name carlisle.
    like, just say it!
    it rolls off the tounge 🙂
    carlisle carlisle carlisle 🙂

    also, carlisle is my favorite character ( besides jacob) in the books.
    i went to a name-decoder website and typed in carlisle and this is what it came up with:

    “From a surname which was derived from a place name meaning “city belonging to Lugovalos” in Welsh. Lugovalos was a Celtic personal name meaning “strong as LUGUS.”

    i don’t really know exactly what that is talking about…but carlisle is definetly strong because he spent 3 centuries trying to become immune to the scent of human blood, and look at him now – he’s a doctor!

    so, yah, i would probably choose carlisle as my name (if i was a boy) 🙂

  33. Joshua A. says:

    I would change my name to Emmett because it is so original and I have never heard that name before. I think that Emmett’s name fits his character so well because the name sounds so masculine and dominant and that is just how Emmett is. But if i were a girl i would love the name Esme because it is so graceful and flowing. LOVE THE PODCASTS 🙂

  34. Kimmy says:

    If I had the opportunity to change my name to that of a Twilight character’s, I’d have to chose one that was simple and sweet. I think I’d go with Carmen – a name that’s rooted in Latin and means “poem”. When we finally get to see Carmen in Breaking Dawn, we find out how kind and gentle she is. Despite her relaxed nature, we also find out that there’s a fiery side to her when she stands by the Cullens to face the Volturi. My personality matches hers pretty well so I think the name would fit. Have you noticed how most names are more like descriptions than objects? Coming from someone who likes to write, I think it’d be more cryptic and interesting to be named after a noun.

    Love you all and the podcast!

  35. Twilight Fan(Cat) says:

    if i could change my name i fink i would ave Esme because i fink it would mean peace and love or loving simply because Esme’s character is loving and peaceful. Or i would chose Renne because like the character and the name it could mean surprising and unique. If u put them both together u ave like bella cjose rennesme which i fink is a really nice and unique name.

  36. Hannah says:

    Hiya Kallie and Kassie,

    I love all the names from the Twilight series. But if I had had to pick one it would deffo pick Alice. Alice has always been my favourite name because I think it’s a really beautiful and graceful name. The name Alice is classic and spans generations. So it suits Alice the vampire as she has been alive forever.

  37. Rhianne says:

    oo um.
    I’d have to pick Renesmee because its just such a cool name. being combined with Esme’s and Renee’s. Also i like words that roll off the tounge and it does, i’m like bella i didnt like the shortened version “Nessie” but you get used to it and its quite nice, still prefer the full name though.

  38. mo says:

    I think i would pick like Bella or Alice or Rosalie hmm…??

    or how about.. BEROSLACE??? or ROSELLAICE?? or ALROSELLA??
    haha I think I would also choose Renesme.

  39. Kelsey says:

    My middle name is Rose, so I don’t really like the name Rosalie. My cousin is named Esme, so I wouldn’t want that name, either. I think Alice is such a sweet, simple name. I always loved the movie Alice in Wonderland, and I just loved her name. So I think I would go with Alice.
    Oh, I just Googled “Alice” and I found a site that says it means “noble, exalted”. It is of Old German origin.
    My other cousin is named Alysia, which is a form of Alice, apparently.

  40. AddieBell says:

    Oh my gosh. If I could change my name to any I the names in the Twilight series, I would definateky change it to Isabella. I LOVE that name and the nickname Bella. It means beautiful in Italian. My mom has called me that since I was a baby so when I read the book I was soo happy! I felt special.

  41. The Youngest Reader Ever! says:

    Wow hard question. Firstly i just wanna say Happy New Year. And i’d love to have the name Alice. So Alice for a girl. And Demtri for a boys name. I haven’t read anyone elses comments, so this is orignal.

  42. Tess says:

    If i could choose one of their names i would have to choose bella, just because it means beauty and my middle name, shaina means beauty. and bella is so strong…the fact that she doesn’t mind being a deliciously smelling human in a room full of vampires says something about her character. she’s so confident when it comes to this part of her life. i wish i had confidence like that.

  43. Salina says:

    i would have to say Bella because its a really short and sweet name compared to the name i already have which is rather uncommon. lol But i do really enjoy all of the names in the book! And it seemed that each name fit there personalities really well, and as well they were really unique and not the average names that are used over and over in books, Stephanie did a great job of finding names that went with the whole uniqueness and creativity of her book.

  44. Klair says:

    I know that everyone is probably wanting Bella’s name, but I would love to have my name be Leah.
    Something about the name makes the person seem less “girlie”. I’m not one of those types who loves pink and shopping, but strangely enough, I’m obsessed over Twilight!

  45. Brea says:

    I have to admit that I am one of those people who love the name Isabella or Bella because it is just beautiful and sweet. Perhaps we fans are biased, but everyone must admit that it isn’t a bad name. I am also attracted to the name Irina because it makes a person sound strong and mysterious.

  46. xoxoEdwardC. says:

    I tried to read all the comments and make out a total, but I realized on comment 26 that it was gonna take way long than expected. So I just scrolled down to wirte a comment myself. I also realized (on comment 26) many gals out there want to be named Rosalie, Alice, Bella or Leah, but not many voted for Renesmee(again, I stopped on comment 26 so I don’t know the rest) I saw that Amber did and Kate did, but I donno why not as many people did.
    I mean, Renesmee is a beautiful name! Renee is french for ‘reneta’, although I don’t know what it means. and esme is so full of love and has this really comfortable feeling! and those two together, it’s like a really fantastic, one-of-a-kind, beautiful name. It also sounds really energetic(becuz its a mouthful?) and exciting. It really me. one-of-a-kind(my frienz call me special) energetic and exciting(so full of crazy new ideas, too). and I really hope I can be Renesmee Cullen in the next life, which I hope I can be a vampire or half.

  47. Anna says:

    Bella means beautiful, and she must be if all of the boys love her in the first book. Edward means wealthy guardian, and he’s wealthy. He also considers himself a guardian for Bella. Jacob means one who replaces, which makes sense because he is Bella’s replacement when Edward leaves. He also replaces his love for Bella with one for Renesmee. Leah means weary, which she is from being dumped by her longtime boyfriend and everyone hating her. Renee means reborn, because she reinvented herself when she remarried. Angela means messenger of god, and it seems like she’s sent from God to Bella, because of how kind she is towards her. Esme means loved, ironic because her power is her great love for others. Tanya means fairy queen, and from Bella’s description, Tanya looks like one (beautiful, light-blonde hair makes me picture a fairy). Keep up the great work! I love the name Charlotte and Alice, it’s a tie.

  48. Nik(goingallthewayintothetwilight) says:

    hey kallie and kassie
    love your podcast
    what should my name be….? that’s a hard one
    it would be Edward… its so classy and meaningfull but the best twilight name has to be Reneseme ( think that’s how you spell it LOL!) becasue its amazingly original its different and totally unique!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  49. Nik(goingallthewayintothetwilight) says:

    My Favourite Twilight name has to be Reneseme because its so unique and creative. the name is just amazing. i can just imagine the beauty that is the daughter of bella and edward! the name gives a discription of its own! but if i had to be called something from twilight it would have to be Edward he is great! the name is so classy

    love you guys
    keep giving great podcasts

  50. Sara says:

    If I were to change my name do one of the characters names I would definitely change it to Bella (Not Isabella) because it means beautiful and I just think it is a really pretty name. If not Bella then Athenodora because who wouldn’t want that name.

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