Twilight Director’s Cut
Jan 14th, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsThe Hollywood Reporter recently interviewed Summit’s CEO and president about Twilight and New Moon, and it seems that Catherine Hardwicke is going to be putting together a director’s cut of Twilight! I don’t know if they will go on sale together or not, but it’s certainly interesting. They also talk about the budget for New Moon and Edward’s role in the sequel.
“THR: What happened with Catherine?
Friedman: Basically, we had a different vision of what the movie should be, and we decided that the best course of action was to part (ways as) friends. She has done a fantastic job with “Twilight” and continues to promote it. She’s still working with us on the movie — the DVD, she’s doing her director’s cut. We just agreed that we had a different vision.
THR: There is talk that because Edward is out of the picture for much of “New Moon,” there will be elements of the second and third books combined into the second movie.
Wachsberger: No, but Edward is present for the movie.”