Thoughts On Twilight

Jan 22nd, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles

Hey guys! Thought I’d post this in case you wanted to participate ๐Ÿ™‚

“Hi All , My name is Paula and I am a writer for vitomagazine and I am writing an article on The twilight movie craze and was wondering why the movie stands out as popular to you , and if you are a part of the craze what makes you take the step forward.
Any Suggestions , please give me an email on

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4 Comments to “Thoughts On Twilight”

  1. ashleycullen says:

    I went and saw the movie because I read the entire series. Even in the trailers, the movie looked so adventurous and exciting. And that is exactly why I think people think it’s so popular. When you read the book, it gives you such an amazing feeling and it’s like you’re actually there. Then when they take it to the theaters it’s even more exciting. The rush comes ten times faster when all the vampire chasing and all the really exciting parts come in. To me, the movie is exactly what popped into my mind as I was reading Twilight. The movie stands out because it’s so original. Not many people could think of a romance novel between a teen and a vampire and make it a phenomenon, and very few people can take such a wonderful world and transfer it to the big screen. I took a step forward and saw the movie because I was so committed to the series I had to go see it. I was very pleased with what I saw. The movie follows the book so well, and I think that every Twilighter who is crazy about the book series should go see the movie. Stephenie Meyer created something wonderful and Summit Entertainment and everybody involved in the Twilight movie really kept the adventure strong in theaters.

  2. Shteff! says:

    Sent ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Julie says:

    My son and a friend of his got me hooked on the books. I was really surprised when I actually got into them, it got to the point that I was even driving my son crazy, we were racing to see who would finish the series first. We went to see the movie the first weekend it was out and we loved it. My daughter, who has never read the books had the same reaction. I actually really liked the part where Rosalie broke the salad bowl when Bella came over for dinner. I appreciated the comedic moments.The characters were just so human for vampires

  4. Peri says:

    I joined the craze in 5th grade(I am now in 7th)! Our teacher would give us a book at the end of the year of what he/she thought wud resemble our sense of literature. and what did he give me????TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!! I thought that the twilight book was so amazing, mianly because im a hopeless romantic! and edward is as an amazing,romantic, loving and caring boyfriend/vampire as it getss!!!!!! And plus, there are tons of action! And thats another reason i got HOOKED! So once i really got into twilight, i was adddicted. So i continued to satisfy my twilight craving by reading the following 2 books(New Moon, Eclipse) and as my craving dwelled on, it was partially releved by the next and final( ๐Ÿ™ ) book in the saga, and the movie! So, as a loyal twilight,new moon,eclipse, and breaking dawn fan, I can honestly say that I, Peri, am a Twi-hard

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