Kristen Interview

Jan 23rd, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

E! News talked to Kristen Stewart once again at Sundance about Twilight and other upcoming projects!

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6 Comments to “Kristen Interview”

  1. Leticia says:

    I think shes right about the sucking the comedy out of everything… though when she was, and dont take this the wrong way i love her acting, pretending to die after being bitten in twilight it looked like she was being tazered. oh and the reasoning behind my comment wasn’t because she sucks the comedy out of everything- it was because shes so intense!!

  2. Leticia says:

    oh i was the first commenter!!! cool!!!

  3. Leticia says:

    oh hey in that picture she could have worn that in twilight as the sweater Edward hates on her because its not form fitting…Stephenie wont let it go in Midnight Sun.

  4. teen14 says:

    I LOVE Kristen!!!! Before seeing her in Twilight I didn’t really take any notice to her movies, and I didn’t think she was right for Bella, but WOW. Since then I’ve watched a lot of her movies, shes probably one of my favorite actors now. She has a lot of talent.

  5. Cedar Cullen says:

    that was awesome

  6. gilgbtifidufcaboej says:


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