MTV Staffers Unbox The Magical Edward Cullen Doll
Jan 26th, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News
You can see one lucky MTV staffer open her Twilight dolls below, or read the article here!
Tags: Bella, dolls, Edward, Movie, Twilight
Yay! First comment!
I want a doll
the picture of the figurine edward looks better than the one the mtv writer got in the mail. I want the one in the picture!!!!!!
This doll looks WAY better than the Hot Topic one!
Does he sparkle in the sun light???
that doll so doesnt look like bella!!!
is it available in australia?
haha i love how the bella doll is blushing… very nice touch.
I’m just as in love with Twilight as the next person, but the dolls… well to be honest they kind of creep my out!!!
weird dolls
this is so…SAD (not emotionaly. just dumb :D)