Message from Lisa McMann

Jan 29th, 2009 | By | Category: Book News, Fandom, Featured Articles

I got an email from Lisa Mcmann, the author of WAKE and FADE, so here it is!  She is so amazing! Thanks LISA!

Hey Alex and everybody! Alex told me you were talking about the books so I thought I’d stop by and say hey. I’m glad you liked WAKE!

FADE will be here soon — it’ll start to trickle into stores very slowly over the next ten days, so keep your eyes peeled.

If anybody’s in Phoenix, I’ve got a few signings in the area the week of the release. Also, I’ll be on tour at the end of March for a bit — I’ll post the cities on my website once I have confirmation of those.  Here’s the link to my tour page:
Hope you all find me on Facebook or Myspace or twitter and say hello.

Thanks for reading the books and supporting me — I really appreciate that.

xox and <3

