Stephen King on J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer
Feb 3rd, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Book News, Featured ArticlesUSA Today has an interview with Stephen King, where he discusses his feelings on Stephenie Meyer (though not very favorably). He does seem to get what the whole phenomenon is all about though. Do you agree with any of him commentary?
“People are attracted by the stories, by the pace and in the case of Stephenie Meyer, it’s very clear that she’s writing to a whole generation of girls and opening up kind of a safe joining of love and sex in those books. It’s exciting and it’s thrilling and it’s not particularly threatening because they’re not overtly sexual. A lot of the physical side of it is conveyed in things like the vampire will touch her forearm or run a hand over skin, and she just flushes all hot and cold. And for girls, that’s a shorthand for all the feelings that they’re not ready to deal with yet.”
“Both Rowling and Meyer, they’re speaking directly to young people. … The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn. She’s not very good.”
I definitely do not agree with this. Although I read both Twilight and Harry Potter, I think SM is a much better writer. She writes like a typical 17 year girl feels. Plus, even though both SM and JKR write “fantasy” books, SM doesn’t let the fantasy take over the reality. This is the main difference, and that SM can end a saga WAY better than JKR…but that’s a different topic 🙂 Stephen King just needs to quit bashing his fellow writers and do what he’s good at…write.
sadly, i agree… the plot is great, but its not that well written. New Moon is by far the best written of the Twilight saga, but I think SMeyer’s The Host beats them all with quality of writing… its very good.
Well, I don’t agree with him at all. I do read both series and I enjoy both for different reasons. I think Stephenie writes very well. I love how easy it is to read and you don’t realize that you’ve read as long or as much as you have. She definately has a way with captivating her audience and keeping them entranced. JK Rowling has a way with making the imaginary and whimsical alluring. I have found that Stephenie’s writing can keep you reading when the other has a way of getting to be too much. But this is just my opionion.
man, i didn’t know stephen king had been a teenage girl. mostly because he can’t write from a female perspective very well (or much of anybody’s, but that’s besides the point), but also because he’s never gone through puberty as a female. the dude is a hack, and it seems like he’s a jealous hack as well. this is all my personal opinion, but then i’ve never liked his writing, or his attitude very much.
TOTALLY agree with #1, couldn’t have said it better myself 🙂
I couldn’t disagree more with what Mr. King has to say about Stephenie Meyer.
I tried to get into Harry Potter and, while they were pretty good, I honestly felt no need to complete the series. I wasn’t nearly as drawn to them as I am to the Twilight series.
Ms. Meyers books have a way of drawing you into the story to the point where you almost feel like you’re seeing things through Bella’s eyes and you can’t wait to find out what happens next. It’s rare when an author can draw you in like that and keep you thristing for more. I’ve never felt that type of desire for a Stephen King book. I’ve never picked up one of his books and been so immersed in it that I found myself still up at 5 in the morning unwilling to put it down. Maybe he’s just jealous of the fact that Ms. Meyers books have done something that his have never been able to do, transcend several generations. From teenage girls to sixty year old women, I’ve heard nothing but praise about her writing from them all.
So, with that said, please excuse this 37 year old mother of two while I sign off and restart the series all over again.
we love stephenie meyers books. shes fantastic and I back her up.
millions of other people, girls, guys, and young and old love her books!!!!!
ARROGANT #$%^&*(
jk rowling is great too but i feel like twilight saga caputured your attention more, it had more describing which made you feel like you are living the series. and i conected to twi more
OMG!! how can they say that!!
Jk is good, but im more addicted to Twilight Saga than i was ANY of the HP books!!
This is just rude!1
I wldnt worry thou, world wide fans cannot be wrong!!
i do not agree with this at all. i don’t think he has any idea what he’s talking about . he doesn’t understand why we love the books so much, he probably is jealous of all the fame she is getting, certainly isn’t going his way anymore.
why should we even listen to his ranting, stephenie writes about an amazing dream she had once and is extremely famous for her amazing stories. stephen did a lot of drugs, LOTS of acid, and then wrote about the f-ed up dreams and hallucinations he had after that. i’d rather love her books, and know they come from being talented, not completely wasted and nearly out of your mind. thanks stephen, but i never wanted your opinion anyways…..
I do agree a lit bit……. I have read both Harry Potter and Twilight
i’m not surprised to hear him say that, really. a lot of people have said that about her writing. just because the story is awesome and sucks us in doesn’t mean she’s a great writer. i think he’s separating her actual writing from the story itself. of course, i’m no writer myself, so i can’t honestly say, but many have been critical of her writing skills.
Harry potter is well written in third party. I think that if Stephenie was to write in this format she wouldn’t be very good. Having said this. Her writing style is simple, an easy read. In all honesty she carries on the stories longer then they probably need to be. But that is what so special about it. That is how we are able to truly capture the cheracters, senarios and little moments thougout the series…..I love her books and Im a big fan but i would admitt that J.K and Steven King *bows down* have far superior writing skills. But never fear! Im sure Steph is not done writing and like a good wine. she is only going to get better!!!!!!
I lovw twilight and I love the writing- but that doesnt make it good. Harry Potter is written at a higher level of skill, but that doesnt mean twilight is worse.
*slaps Him*
He criticizes Meyer for giving girls fantasies that they’re not ready for, yet he writes about sick and twisted people…
What message does that convey???
I disagree with that. Stephenie Meyer is EXTREMELY talented at writing novels. Stephen King shouldn’t criticize her because he has some really freaky stories, believe me I’ve read some…
Ok, I can agree that Twilight wasn’t written as well as NM or others, but that was her FIRST BOOK!! I haven’t read anything of JKR and don’t intend to. I don’t want a complete fantasy, I wan’t something that is believeable, which is what SM writes. I am dishearted that SK would say such a thing. I had such respect for him, but that is in the toilet now, he shouldn’t bash other writers, he had to start somewhere too!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE READ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok so as you can see he thinks that Stephenie Meyer isnt as good of a writer as KJ Rowling. Now due to the fact i have been forbidden to read any HP i cant speak for her on the disagreement. I do however know that they are written in different persons, which-and being a writing freak-makes a big difference. We also have to look at who , and what kind of story, characters, and writers Both SM, and JK. Rowling are. HP is written in the 3rd person which gives you a little more insight into the story, and although it doesn’t give you everything, it is more set up like a movie, than you actually being in the shoes of the character, which allows you to think in the same demeanor -like bella having the same questions in your mind, and not yet having the answer, feeling like your in the moment in the conversation-and also you have to account for what the writers do. JK Rowling is a very experienced writer, and the books she writes, as SM said herself are for everybody-except me- but then SM writes the book for everyone too with the prominent buyers being younger, or older girl, and women who have experienced the same feelings, and emotions knowing what its like, and its very catching, and addicting to have the fantasy world in there too. HP fans-and not all of them- i have found to not understand what the big deal about the twilight saga is, and i can say that that is probably because of the fact the books they love to read are more fantasy out of the real world, than Meyers which make references to movies, books, and even rotten tomatoes! and i think that would be the difference- we like stephenies writing if not the same as JK Rowlings, but more, because we like the element of being connected to the character in that manner, and that there is romance in it too-that always helps. Now you also have to consider if hes only read the twilight book or the rest of the saga, because she has grown in her writing style throughout the series, and we have to take into account that he writes theses totally other type of stories, and that his writing-which he probably finds to be very good, considering his criticisms- is closer to JK Rowlings than stephenies too. Maybe hes confused on what they were asking about, and he just had to make that kind of comment, but i can say, that if you go and read one of his first books that they’re not that much better, if better than meyers!
also hes didn’t have three young boys to feed, and look after while writing, and he isn’t a woman, so he will never be able to understand. So, and im not sticking up for him, but cut him some slack-just not too much for him to get away with what he said!
-=sorry about the length, and the typos, but as i said, i write too.! so 🙁 for him!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As someone who has read everyone he mentioned (and a lot more), I understand what he is trying to say about the difference between a popular writer and a good writer. It’s ironic that he and Stephenie Meyer probably belong to a subgroup of writers that he never mentioned – those with completely obsessed fans. Many writers have fans, even devoted fans, but King and Meyer have a different kind of fan altogether. There’s also something similar in the way they draw you into the story. They both tap into something deep in the reader’s emotions. They both create characters you feel you know and describe feelings you’d swear you had at one time but couldn’t articulate. There’s something intensely personal about the way both King and Meyer write.
And both of them have had their share of criticism about their writing. Stephen King has been criticized for years. He’s been considered a hack for being so prolific and dismissed due to writing in the horror genre. Many of his stories start out great, but fall flat at the end (or have outright ridiculous endings). We all know the criticism that Stephenie Meyer has had.
Stephen King should understand (maybe more than anyone else) that there must something special about Meyer’s writing style even as a fledgling writer. There are countless young adult stories centered around romance, thousands of romance novels for adults and at least as many vampire stories. There must be something that Stephenie Meyer tapped into that makes these stories stand out – similar to the way Stephen King stands out in the horror genre.
I agree with him 100 percent.
As far as writting abilities JoRo IS a much better writter. That’s not to say SM isn’t a good writer, if she couldn’t spin a tale twilight wouldn’t be this big…But Jo spent years developing her series. Every character, every event, every line was carefully planned out and every word written was written for a reason. You can reread a JoRo book and each time you will find more symbolism, more foreshadow, and more mythology that you missed the first time. Just knowing the name meanings of her characters or the mythology of those names lets you know a lot of what was going to happen in that series. She did something hadn’t really been done before in the child and teen markets and it became this runaway hit that created new best seller lists(It was bc harry potter topped the best seller list for so long that they fianlly created children’s lists and teen lists), it spawned crazy merchandising and movie deals and really paved the way for writers like stephanie to do the same.
And Jo took an old fantasy idea–wizards, and created a world never seen before…Stephanie did nothing new.
Amelia Altwater-rodes wrote a great series a few years back and the first book was a about vampires who could come out in daylight and her second book was a about a girl and the vampire in her school. Her other books deal with shape shifters(sm’s wolves are shape shifters) and the like. Amelia’s books are much better written and she was only 16 when she wrote them.
There is also another teen book called The Silver Kiss(can’t remember the author) about a teen girl who falls for a vampire.
I really thinkStephanie kind of got lucky with twilight.
And I don’t want anyone to get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE twilight…but I also read tons of books by tons of different authors spanning tons of genres so I don’t mind other people like stephen speaking their minds. For someone with a degree in English Steph could step it up.
I disagree with him. I love the Twilight saga and Stephenie Meyer’s writing. “Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn” now thats just mean. She may not be the BEST writer in the WORLD, but she can write.
Who is Steven King to say what writing is good and what is bad. WHy did he even comment. Probably just to piss all of us off. UGH?! the nerve of some people. Steven king is just probably a miserable person anyways. That’s probably why he is insulting other people’s work.
I agree. No disrespect to SM. Obviously I love the stories or I wouldn’t be on this site. But JKR is an extraordinary writer. SM has even said this all herself. She said she’s a story teller, not a writer like JKR. All the same, I’m sure his comments hurt her feelings.
who does he think he is yea stephn king but he writes horror this is rommance with a twist of fantasy ok
I do not agree with him at all my grandma and my aunt have read them twice i think and they both loved it i do not understand how he can even think that stephenie is a bad writer?
I agree with Stephen King; grammatically, symbolically, and analytically Stephenie’s books aren’t as strong as a lot of writers. As a fan of Harry Potter I seen the mounds of symbolism, and rhetorical devices that are present in all seven of her novels. Alongside this the characterization in Stephenie Meyer’s books, despite its weakness, is able to pull the reader in. This is due to the lack of build up in Bella’s character, alongside many other characters, allowing the reader to put themselves in the place of that character. This causes the mind to personalize the story, making it more popular, however having an interesting book does not make the book well-written.
And Dana, the genre does not change what is well written and what isn’t.
i really do agree with him. J.K Rowling’s writing is much better than SM’s. Maybe its style but SM doesnt give her writing much difference; its always the same style. But even though J.K’s writing is in third person and SM’s is in first, JK does give a sort of charisma to her writing. I love love love love LOVE the Twilight series to death but if the STORYLINE wasn’t as amazing and original as it was, I probably would not enjoy her work. I loved Twilight way more than i loved Harry Potter. I can understand why people would not like what he’s saying but you need to really see what he is saying. He is complimenting her story but pointing out that her writing isn’t as good as it could be. And he is a very expierienced writer; he knows what he is talking about.
I disagree. I still haven’t managed to get through the first Harry Potter book, and finished the entire Twilight saga in 2 weeks. I only read what is entertaining, interesting, and not slow and sludgy. If the literary world wants to critique her, that’s their right, but I read as a reader, not a literary folk, and I think she’s a great and talented writer.
King did not say he did not appreciate Twilight, he just said Stephenie Meyer was a terrible writer, which, for the most part is true. Although I LOVE Twilight, SM is a mediocre writer, and Jo Rowling, by far, is a much better writer. She really knows how to use imagery and figurative language to convey her ideas, whereas SM’s writing is less beautiful, more straightfoward and everyday.
I think when you are writing from a first person perspective and from a third person perspective it is very different. I believe first person is very hard to write because you have to consider emotions and really dig into the characters head. You get a whole different insight into the story.
I do not like Stephen King as a writer- maybe it’s because I don’t altogether like his genre of writing but I think writing techniques differ from writer to writer. If he his merely commenting on Twilight, I have to agree. But Steph’s writing gets progressively better throughout the novels. I am very impressed with how well written Breaking Dawn was. While some of the “cheese” may take away from the writing style, it has still gotten better.
Some of us are born writers and some of us have to work on it… I mean have you tried writing a book lately???
Oh and I don’t think he grasps what happens when you upset the Twilight fandom….
Although i love the entire Twilight Saga and just can’t get enough of it 😛 i totally agree with what he says about Stephanie’s writing.
Before you get all defensive stop and REALLY think about it.
After reading many other books i have to agree completely, SM only really skims the top of writing and doesn’t break through the surface into the deeper stuff.
I will say however that as she moved through the series she learned a lot and it showed. Twilight was pretty awful (remember i am just talking about the writing and NOT the story) but when she got to Breaking Dawn the writing was a lot better she started elaborating more, using symbolism and overall improved.
However Stephanie said so her self, she’s a story teller, not a writer. Which i think she does VERY well!
The story of Twilight is something that EVERY girl and a lot of guys i am sure too can relate to, and just as i have people read them wayy more then once 😛
This is just how i feel and a lot of my friends have said the same thing, this has stopped some of them from reading it which makes me upset b/c other then this the story is AMAZING!!!
lets just say i am a little obsessed 😛
I agree with King, as much as I hate to admit it. Though I think he was harsh, Meyer isn’t the best writer. What her story has is an intriguing plot, with gives it a helluva lot of potential. I think that’s why their so popular and successful. People love the idea. Given time, however, I think she could develop into a great author and really use the potential of her stories. Rowling is of course a literary genius. Her stories would have just the same potential as Meyers if Rowling were a terrible writer. But she’s not. And if all Meyer needs is a bit of English buffing, than that’s really awesome. I’m just going to completely disregard Kings statements on what he thinks teenage girls should be exposed to, however, because he really could only embarrass himself by trying to understand them, so he shouldn’t be trying.
I saw this on Yahoo! News yesterday and was totally outraged. Im 16 and i love teh series. [both actually] You know, with him talking that way, it makes him sound arrogant and cocky. That is just my oppinon. And quite frankly, his writing isnt very good either. Like with his book/movie, “IT”, it was okay, but in the end, the clown turned into a giant spider taht ended up dying…So how is that any better from what he is saying about SM, that her writing isnt very good. Well, his isnt too great, just to say! Sorry if i offended anyone by saying that. I think that if he were to criticise her work, he should have done it better. Im sure he wouldnt like it too much if someone “famous” [a writer] did that to him…
Im sorry. I just think this is really stupid and that Stephen King is an ARROGANT BABOON!
Haha You know what’s funny? If Stephenie can’t write why did she caught my attention and He didn’t? I’m a big fan of horror books and this guy didn’t manage to get my attention at all. I don’t agree with his point at all. Did he even read the book?
I dunno….excluding the Twilight books, has he read The Host? Although I love the Twilight saga, I personally love The Host and I sort of think it’s better. If he wants something more “mature”, he should look at that I guess.
Besides, just because majority of the fans happen to be young teen girls, doesn’t mean that Stephenie wrote the books FOR them. There is a difference. I’m an adult and I enjoy them a lot. I mean I enjoy reading other books that can be more depressing and complex than Twilight saga, but Twilight itself has it’s own strengths like this sense of innocence that I just don’t see in a lot of books anymore 😛
OMG WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT! i believe she is very good…and definately NOT writing just to young people!!! wat about all the twilight MOMS of the world…i believe they r a bit older…
i dont think i agree, not because im a twilight fan, but because Jo Rowling and stephenie are different and talking about different things, Jo is great at creating places and situations,and makes better use of words, i think she can write more elaborated things than stephenie,she is excellent at that, but i do believe stephenie is better writing about feelings and characters, i think she can relate better with her characters than jo, like mm she understands their emotions a little bit better, thats why her characters seem to have their own lives , i also think stephenie has a little more chance at having a second succesful book or series, like for example, if i have to choose between the host or the tales of beedle (I KNOW ITS RELATED TO HP AND NOT SOMETHING DIFFERENT), but still i would defenitely choose the host, i think its an excellent story and her writing is so much better and complex. sorry if something is not easy to understand my english is not that good, im from cancun mexico : )
Just because Stephenie has a different style then himself and even J.K. Rowlings does not mean she can’t write. If she could not write none of her books would have been published nor been as successful as they have been. I think Stephenie did a awesome job for an first time writer. Could Twilight been better? Of course. But the fact that so many people loved the book, the characters and they made a major hit movie should say something. J.K. Rowling’s style might be closer to Stephen King’s so he respect her more but to hate on someone’s success is wrong. Personally, I find the Harry Potter books to much to handle, Stephen King’s books are nice but just too depressing. I like Stepenie’s style and how easy it was and have enjoyed it very much. Maybe he should not hate so much and appreciate.
I completely disagree with him. When you read JK Rowling’s books, they’re actually not very well-written, there’s hardly any description and very simple words. Also, a lot of her ideas seem to be copied straight from Lord of the Rings- Dementors seem similar to Black Riders, and, like Sauron, Voldermort keeps himself alive using a ring.
By contrast, Stephenie’s books are well-written and ORIGINAL. I can’t comment on Mr. King’s, because I haven’t read any of them, and after this I don’t want to, he seems like a petty little man terrified that someone will steal his literary crown.
Stephen King is AWESOME!
Gawd, thank you for being honest Stephen! High Five!
While I agree with Mr. King and think that he described the reason that most teenage girls read Twilight well, I think the way he stated his opinion was wrong. To say Meyer can’t write ‘worth a darn’ is disrespectful and also not helpful AT ALL. I think it is rude to publicly humiliate a writer like that. Give concrit, sure. But don’t bash other authors in public.
Yet I agree that Meyer isn’t a good writer. She has managed to draw a lot of readers in and capture them with the story of her characters, but it’s pretty much a fact that the plot in Twilight is not complex at all (and neither is The Host’s for that matter), the world isn’t very developed and neither are her characters, most of which are very flat. Also, she tends to overuse the same words over and over again, though that is more a technicality that bothers me than that it really says something about the quality of her writing.
Also, to the people who’re saying that if Meyer couldn’t write, she wouldn’t have been published/her books wouldn’t have been successfull: there are plenty of books which are very popular, yet are utter crap. Being published does not mean that your writing is of good quality: it just means that the publisher thinks the writer can get them money.
@Briony: have you really read Rowling’s books? Voldemort doesn’t keep himself alive with a ring (a ring which also doesn’t have any powers similar to The Ring in LotR), he keeps himself alive with a variety of objects. Also, to say that the fact that the Dementors are Similar to the Black Riders immediately makes Harry Potter unoriginal doesn’t seem right to me. Because 1. the Dementors don’t play that big of a role and 2. they don’t seem very alike to me at all (but that’s just my opinion).
And if you start comparing Rowling’s and Meyer’s works – though I think they shouldn’t be, because they are different genres and have different target audiences – I think Rowling’s is a lot more complex. Not only when you look at her world-building, but also her characters (almost all of Rowling’s characters are complex, which is a sharp contrast to the few characters of Meyer’s that are somewhat complex).
Not only that, but the ideas Rowling tries to convey are way more complex and deep than the ‘morals’ that are in Twilight. In fact, Twilight doesn’t have a ‘moral’ or ‘message’ – not only has Meyer stated that herself, but if you would actually try to find one, the best you would come up with is ‘become a vampire, you’ll be beautiful!’.
So anyway, I agree with mr. King.
(also, I apologize if my English isn’t too good – it isn’t my mother language)
Hate to say this, but King is right. Meyer really isn’t a good writer. She comes nowhere close to JKR. Her books are popular for the romance drama, not the writing style.
I completely agree with Haine. Harry Potter in NO WAY copies Lord of the Rings (it is loads better than LOTR in my opinion). Plus, JKR is amazing at descriptions, she’s witty, the HP novels are so rich in plot twists and full of amazingly well developed characters. You just cannot say that for the Twilight series. The plot is pretty flat and straight-forward, the sometimes the characters can seen a bit one-dimensional, while some are just plain flat (look at Breaking Dawn…all of those new characters introduced for essentially no reason and there for too short of a time for development).
Anyway, since this is a Twilight website, I don’t want to bash to much. I just think King had a point that not many Twilight fans want to see. Bottom line, JKR’s HP series are rich and complex, while Meyer’s novels are just quick read for entertainment purposes only.
I have to say, I agree with Stephen King. Although Twilight is an awesome series, it’s not *written* well. The plot was good, the characters were pretty awesome, the whole concept was pretty amazing, but the actual writing, eh…
JKR is a much better *writer*. I like both series, but I have to say JKR is better.
All I have to say is that Stephen King shouldn’t be talking. I know for a fact that a lot of people skip lots of parts of King’s books because those parts are boring while everyone who has read Twilight has read every single paragraph.
He’s old and jealous I’m sure. Her books have sold more than his I bet and that her movies was more sucessful. Who care’s it appeals more to a younger generation??? Their read! That’s all they really matters and its a good series! I actually heard that his book are very boring and supposed to be horror stories, with sick twisted stuff, what kind of message is he sending out?? That he is crazy?? lol
Ok. I think that it is different when you write in first-person than in third. In first person, you are writing someone’s THOUGHTS. Stephenie was writing from an average 17-year old girl’s mind. So of course the writing isn’t going to be that great. You’ve got to look from the perspective. It’s not like a girl is going to use all of this high writing abilities in her head; it doesn’t make any sense. So I think that how Stephenie wrote the Twilight Series is appropriate and great, because she is writing in someone’s mind. Now when you write from third-person, like JKR did with the HP Series, of course the writing is going to be different and higher, because it’s not writing from someone’s mind. do you get what I’m saying? So you really need to look at the POV, to really see if the writing is great and all.
To add to my comment above:
Stephenie writes in an emtional and personal writing stye than anything else. It’s not your typical writing style. Well that’s because the story is coming from someone’s mind. This King guy needs to understand that the story is very emtional, coming from a 17 year old girl that’s head of heels for this guy, It’s not like Bella is going to be thinking the way how Stephen or JKR writes, she’s going to be thinking in the style that most people do. The whole series are told by characters, not by third-person, so the way how Stephenie is writing is pretty much how he character is thinking. So give her a break.
I think its funny that almost everyone who is bashing King hasn’t read his books or thinks he is messed up because of his genre but say he doesn’t understand stephaine because she writes for a different audience. LOL
He writes Horror…not fantasy…you can’t call it messed up just because you don’t like horror and say it has no point or messege. There are many things you can pick up from horror novels. Horror novels like science fiction novels can be great tools of warnings to the consequences of our actions.
I got no messege from twilight, nor did I get a moral.
Harry on the other hand….I got a lot