The Twilight Riddle

Feb 3rd, 2009 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles

As part of a university project, Twilight fan Julika has created a Twilight puzzle adventure for you to participate in!Β  Five prizes will also be given away as part of the project!Β  Click here to join the fun!Β  (Winners will receive a shirt from We Book Apparel).

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685 Comments to “The Twilight Riddle”

  1. lariza says:

    awesome! first comment!

  2. mousey mel says:

    ok could so not figure it out and nearly threw my puter out the window… can someone help me get to the first question please?

  3. Erin says:

    Cool quiz! But hard though. Got stuck at Edwards father’s occupation then skipped a couple, got to a hard question and gave up. I’m to lazy to find the answer I mean hey, it’s a school night

  4. emily says:

    WOW this is sooo much fun πŸ™‚
    hard, but fun!!

  5. Alethia .O-A says:

    How do you get to the first question?

  6. Liz says:

    can someone help me with question 23? i cant find the answer anywhere!!

  7. Luna Eclipse says:

    OK, can I just have a HINT as to how to get past the first page? I know it’s suposed to be part of the riddle, and I think that you have to type something in the little box thingy, but I’ve tried everything! Please help!

  8. Liz says:

    in the web address box you type letitbegin where it says level 1

  9. Sarah Madge says:

    I suck at it !!!!!! lol

  10. Kayla says:

    Can someone help me with #9? Which way do you put the answer in?

  11. SOO CONFUSED says:

    Re to Liz, I tried that but I get tons of other websites?? I feel terrible that I fill the need to cheat but can we be more specific about how to start the riddle??? beyond that I think I can… I think I can… ::rolls eyes::

  12. Brandi says:

    OME I feel soo stupid! I get it, I was googlesearching :::slaps forehead:::

  13. ashleycullen says:

    how do you get to the first page????? I’ve typed in the letitbegin thing but i get tons of other stuff. Could someone PLEASE help me????

  14. Kayla says:

    nvmnd i got it

  15. alleyoope101 says:

    what is question 22? i have every other book but my Eclipse my friend is borrowing it and she doesnt have it with her so she can’t look it up πŸ™ i know he stays inside because he has to do some sort of school stuff but i dont know what subject ive tried everything! Please help!

  16. Luna Eclipse says:

    help on 22?

  17. Luna Eclipse says:

    oops, i meant 21

  18. Luna Eclipse says:

    alleyoope101: while in jacksonville edward fabricates a TERM P – – – R as an exuse to stay indoors.

  19. paige says:

    i don’t get question number 4! i need help!

  20. Shteff says:

    noooobs this is to fun!

  21. Luna Eclipse says:

    paige: edward’s face was something any male model wouuld trade his – – – – for

  22. Luna Eclipse says:

    46? I know what it is, but I don’t know which words to use

  23. Nici says:

    Luna Eclipse: I might be thinking to complicated. just complete the phase, I’m sure you’ve heard this tag line before: “the … tastes the sweetest.”

    can anyone help with 69?

  24. Luna Eclipse says:

    Oh, thanks Nici! I feel really stupid.

  25. Christine says:

    I am stuck on #5, i have tired everything. I reread some chapters in Eclipse & i have tried typing in the things they have in common. Someone please help

  26. Luna Eclipse says:

    Bella says: I feel like the villan. twirling his mustashe while I steal some girl’s – – – – – – –

    Help on 68? I’ve read it before, but I can’t think of the name and it’s not showing up on stephenie’s site, even though that’s where I read it to start with.

  27. Christine says:

    Luna Eclipse thank you, thank you so much!!!! i was thinking that & i had typed it in maybe i spelled it wrong, but when i get to #68 i will try to help. Thanks again!!!!!

  28. paige says:

    okay, you know, maybe i’m thinking to hard but i still don’t get number 4 even though you gave me a hint.

  29. Christine says:

    paige just think of it as what does Edward believe he does not have & should not be allowed to go to “Heaven”

  30. Emily says:

    I can’t get past 3, i have tried eternal commitment,fate and destiny b/c these are the words she uses in eclipse but they won’t work!! :@
    Some one help! πŸ˜€

  31. Nici says:

    paige: there is one thing that edward is convinced he doesn’t have because of they are vampires … part of it what was needed to get to this question
    Luna Eclipse: go to a certain someones page and look for clues INSIDE some things, open them, there aren’t so many possibilities there

  32. liz says:

    can anyone give a a hint to # 3?? im haveing a bit of trouble wiht it i though it was destiny but its not and i cant find it in the book

  33. paige says:

    Emily: she thinks he is her s—m—-

  34. Emily says:

    nvm i got it πŸ˜‰

  35. Hannah says:

    I need help with number 6! Who was the third wife married to?

  36. liz says:

    thank you! for the hint!

  37. Luna Eclipse says:

    paige: think The Host. Wanda is a – – – -.

  38. Becca says:

    ok where do u start cuz im confused???/ it takes me to rules and i cant go any farther!!

  39. Christine says:

    Hannah if u have your Eclipse book with u. look up ch.11 legends.

  40. Becca says:

    plz help me guys

  41. Nici says:

    Becca: insert the letitbegin into the url where the level1 stands, before the .html … took me a while to figure it out, too

  42. liz says:

    a hint to #4?? i said life, bellas life but it didnt work

  43. Becca says:

    oh i got it nvm copy and paste letiitbegin hehe im dumb!!

  44. paige says:

    help… I’m completely stuck on number seven!

  45. liz says:

    im an idiot it got it lol

  46. Emily says:

    What is jacob??
    any one wanna help with 8?
    lol this is so fun!

  47. Emily says:

    nvm i found 8 πŸ˜›

  48. paige says:

    i need help with number eight!

  49. Luna Eclipse says:

    I am stuck on 79. any ideas?

  50. Nici says:

    Emily: the lex is a great help with this kind of question – character bios!

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