The Twilight Riddle
Feb 3rd, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Fandom, Featured ArticlesAs part of a university project, Twilight fan Julika has created a Twilight puzzle adventure for you to participate in! Five prizes will also be given away as part of the project! Click here to join the fun! (Winners will receive a shirt from We Book Apparel).
um ill give you a hint
she was drinking blood and she went to the bathroom. she stumbles (obviously)
and she drops what?
45. Who designed the cover art for Twilight?
I can’t find the answer anywhere?
okay thanks a TON mitch. you really saved me a vertigo. i can finally sleep in peace…if you know what i mean. *yawn* almoooooost done. i am so finishing this tommorrow!
lol you only have 7 more questoins
soo just finsih it
no probbss
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! I just don’t think I could take more of that one! 🙂
no probss
# 49 confused me! i have only heard of twilight guys refered to as twiguys lol :::rolls eyes:::
Can i have some help with number 10?
What is the question?
53.The song that was treated as Bella’s lullaby before Carter Burwell and possibly before the whole movie business.
I really thought it would be Billy Joels, the one listed at but it doesn’t seem to work???
haha I can’t get to far with out some help.. hehe maybe its the lack of sleep… at least that is what I WANT to think.
The song accompanying the very minutes before Bella’s change?
Ive tried a million different years lol
53!!!!!!! i also need some assistance!!!!!!!!!!!
help anyone???
bella’s lullaby before carter burwell’s version and all the movie business started????
riverflowsinyou nikki (took me forever!!!!)
kate is that a question? not sure i ahve gotten to that one yet.
Oop! Haha you caught me cheating 🙂
Number 10 is Bella’s car could be Edward’s car’s grandfather, but when was it born?
Help please 😀
oo look at stephenies website in cullens cars 😉 I can’t rmemeber the anweser but that is where i found it
isn’t the cd Phil gave Bella Linkin Park? which one??
Ok thnx 🙂
arg got it
# 55 is just soo cryptic :::rolls eyes:::
OH YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. 55 is just to crazy!
thanks brandi… youre a lifesaver :]
Stuck again. This is hard
A weekly MTV institution prior to the release of Twilight – the movie.
anyone know the technical term derived from this ἐμπάθεια greek word?? I would roll my eyes but i am getting kinda tired lol
it is a day of the wee, i am thinking that for new moon maybe new moon mondays but twilight was twilight ______
Im sorry ive been looking for ages but i cant find it. How many ppl attent forks high school
I’m stuck at #25 too! help!!!
365?? I think
** 358 sorry
what is the question to 25?
55,2 miles from Port Angeles to Forks. When you go by car … as a human … about how long will it take you (in minutes)?
65 is the answer
thank you! I kept putting in “minutes” after the number!
this quiz is awsome and the questions really help you know more about the twilight series
stuck on 68….
Stephenie Meyer’s creative outcome/practical joke of the Twilight Fanfiction’s “Take a walk in my shoes” challenge?
Will have to get to it tomorrow. to tired to think.
Its on her website in the extras i thnk. If you havnt read all the extras nd stuff on her site you should there good
yeah it’s in the extras for new moon
i’ve been stuck on this one for an hour at least and i am getting pretty fed up!!!!!!!
all greek to me: We all know Jasper is sensitive to emotion. The technical term derives from the Greek word ἐμπάθεια … So how is his ability called?
57!!!!!!!!!!! ahh!!!!!!!
help please!!!!!!
QUESTION 37 !!!!!
I cannot get it to come up, what am I doing wrong?
Can anyone help with number 21?? Im a slowpoke and have school so I never have time to do this!!! Plus nothing makes sense. I found that quotes from the movie and tried it but it won’t work!!!
I finished the riddle but I didn’t write my answers down, will someone please help me out and email them to me so i don’t have to re-do the whole thing??? My email addy is Thank-you!!
Kay anybody remmber 28. Or can help with it? Everyones like half way done or got bored now!!! I wanna pull my hair out!!!!!!
fally: emmett nearly got killed by this thing when he was human. now, they are his favorite meal.
steffi: there is a chapter called this in eclipse.
Chantal: if you mean that you can’t get past thepage with instructions, you’re doing nothing wrong, it’s part of the the instructions carefully, but don’t overthink.
Revolutioner of vampiric warfare?
I’ve tried jasper and garrett. they don’t work.
HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nikki: jasper is e- – – – h – – – c. i got this one by googlesearching ἐμπάθεια .