New Kellan Lutz Interview
Feb 5th, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsCocoa has sent us her interview with Kellan Lutz from last year, which you can read below!
Let’s start with a little “get to know you” rapid fire, okay?
Kellan: Shoot.
Favorite color?
Kellan: Neon green actually. Green, but specifically neon green.
Favorite song?
Kellan: Salvation by Citizen Cope
Kellan: I love Football
Favorite Team?
Kellan: The Vikings have been my favorite team for a long time because of Randy Moss, though he’s with the patriots now so I’m kind of jumping that band wagon. But yeah, Randy Moss is the guy! And football is my sport.
Favorite flavor of Ice Cream?
Kellan: Strawberry, from Cold Stone Creamery. I usually get Strawberry mixed with strawberries. It’s really good.
Favorite Movie?
Kellan: That’s a close one. It’s definitely between Fight club and Spy Game
TV Show?
Kellan: Lost, I watch that a lot. I got pulled into it and I love it.
I love that show, do you have any theories?
Kellan: I don’t because they keep having these crazy episodes! It’s just such a crazy show that’s why I enjoy it so much.
What has been your favorite role?
Kellan: The project I did just before Twilight, it’s called Generation Kill. It’s a miniseries for HBO. I was able to play a marine, and I have a brother who is in the marines he is currently in there for ten years. My step father he was in the air force. I just wanted to portray some war hero, on an epic journey and as a Marine we were able to shoot stuff and drive Hum-V’s or blow up tanks. It’s just a dream really to play a marine. It was really cool because I got to have my cake and eat it too because I really wasn’t in any danger but yet could play the role of a marine.
It was pretty crazy because I was shooting with 30 guys. We had 6 day work weeks, and we had a lot of down time and waiting around. So all we did was work out. And I gained a good 20 lbs. It was amazing and we just got yoked!
What was your workout like?
Kellan: In the miniseries the guys go without eating for like 17 days so we tried to get fit as we could before we got to that part of the miniseries and then once we did we had to stop going to the gym. We were really dedicated to bringing the true story to life. So I actually lost a lot of weight towards the end of it but you know I got back to the gym as soon as I got back to the states and I came back.
That sounds like an incredible thing! We will be sure to tune into that.
Kellan: Yeah, stay tuned, I’m really proud of it was a huge part of my life and in and of itself it was another life.
Are you working on anything right now?
Kellan: I landed a role on 90210, they are bringing that show back and doing the remake and I’m really psyched about that because I have a lot of friends on it. I am really excited to do TV again and since the shoot is in LA, I can actually be around my dog and my friends. I have just been gone so much it’s nice to be home.
Traveling can be difficult.
Kellan: I enjoy it but I have so much stuff here that it runs amuck if I’m not around.
Speaking of traveling, Emmett your character is from Tennessee, have you ever been to Tennessee?
Kellan: Actually, I have not been to Tennessee yet. I mean, I don’t think so. My Mother took us around growing up, all over the mid west. I don’t think I’ve been to Nashville or anything but I’d love to. I’d love all the pictures I see of Tennessee. I actually did a report growing up on Tennessee, and what Nashville was like. It was my city of choice and it’s funny that I have yet to go there.
Can you tell me about your audition for the film?
Kellan: I was extremely fortunate, that’s how I see Twilight. And I’m really blessed. I was in Africa for those seven months and I believe the project came out on the grid around September or something like that. And of course I have an awesome team and they sent me the scripts via email so I would try to put myself on tape so I could try and book roles while I was there. And it was really tough to actually find time to do that, so some really good projects that I had put my heart into slipped away. And this was one of them. I really enjoyed the script, I enjoyed the character but I just couldn’t find the time to put myself on tape. So they booked who was going to play Emmett. So then I came back, I finished Generation Kill in December and came back. I just really wanted a break. I had been away from America for several months; I really wanted to get re accustomed to my life that I had left in May. So I told my team that I wanted to go see my family, and that I wanted a break, and they totally respected it.
And then in late January or early February my agent called me up and was like…”Kellan, I know you don’t want to act right now and you don’t want to audition unless it’s really good, but the actor who was going to play Emmett fell through for some reason and I really want to get you in the room.” And I loved the script so I was like, “Yes, Okay! I’m back, let’s do this!” And then I went to the audition and they liked my stuff. So they sent the tape to the director Catherine, who was in Oregon prepping. She liked me, she wanted to see me so Summit flew me out to meet with Catherine in Portland, Oregon. And I auditioned in front of her at like eight in the morning the next day. And she chose me! So I am very fortunate to be working on Twilight.
What was your first impression of Catherine?
Kellan: Oh I love the girl! I had heard so much about her, through the grapevine. I have a lot of director friends. I love her movies. She is such a free spirit so when they said I had to audition in front of the director and this was my last shot, it was going to make or break it and I had all that pressure. It was just me and her in the lobby of the hotel. And she shook my hand and gave me a hug and I was like…this is going to be fun. And that is what the whole project was. Just an amazing experience.
Did she give you any insight further into Emmett’s character?
Kellan: Well yeah. It was really cool having Stephenie Meyer there as well. She had a lot of deeper notes for Emmett, none of which made it into the book. There is that outtake on her website with Emmett and the bear, which I loved because it shows that soft hearted relationship between Emmett and Edward. And pretty much he is the fun loving teddy bear guy. We had a joke around set where everyone was calling Rosalie and my relationship the “Dirty South” relationship because we were such fun loving characters especially on set, the way Nikki Reed and I would goof around. And Catherine would be like…you guys are so ghetto, I love it. It was just really fun. And then Stephenie gave me some great advice for the role.
Emmett is often label with the stereotype of being no brains and all brawn. How do you feel about Emmett’s intellect?
Kellan: [laughs] I don’t think he’s not smart. I think he’s very free living and adventurous. He doesn’t let the world weigh down on him. I think he is a smart guy. He’s a trained monster, a killer. Maybe he does lack a few brain cells but he’s an intelligent guy.
How was the relationship between Emmett and Rosalie developed on screen?
Kellan: Nikki and I talked about this; we got dinner and just tried to figure out how we could show Emmett and Rosalie’s relationship in the few scenes that we are together. We pretty much came to terms with the fact that Rosalie owns Emmett in a way and Emmett is extremely – extremely, extremely – grateful to have his angel Rosalie. To a) have transformed him and saved his life. And I feel like Emmett, he’s not one way or the other about being a vampire. He thinks it’s pretty cool, and he’s not so negative about it like Edward. Like in their relationship, Rosalie and Emmett’s, if she wants to get married she’ll tell Emmett. “Hey I want to get married…tomorrow.” And Emmett’s like, “Okay!” It’s kind of like she’s the leader and I’m like a dog – in a way.
Now I wouldn’t say a dog! Come on now. [laughs]
Kellan: Well, her best friend then. Woman’s best friend! [laughs]
I have heard to talk about having a brotherly bond between your character and Robert’s character, how did you develop that on screen?
Kellan: Between Rob and myself? Again that outtake with me, Emmett and the Bear,…uh…really find out that relationship. It’s really tough; I mean there’s not much you can go off of with Emmett in the first book. It really helped be define that relationship. With all the research Rob and I did, we hung out a lot. They are the closest siblings, at least I feel like, they hang out a lot. They have a lot in common and so it was cool to bring that understanding. Especially during the cool ballet fight sequence. We share more words then and never even need to open our mouths. We tried to bring that to life as best we could.
So I know you have read the book Twilight, what is your favorite scene in the book?
Kellan: It’s funny, I just really loved the idea of her vampires and the myth. That they have super strength and that they really enjoy thunderstorms. That’s where they can be free, be themselves, because no one can hear the wacked baseball when they play. I just think it’s beautiful. So that like really captured me when the family decides to go and just be a family, and do something that they can’t do when the sun is out, when it’s a normal day. And I’m a base ball fan. [laughs]
Do you have a time when you can be free with your family like that?
Kellan: In real life?
Kellan: Um…My parents got divorced when I was young, and I have so many siblings. I mean I love my family dearly but we were never the sort that took family vacations or “do” anything. I don’t know, it’s complicated I guess.
Maybe you’ll have that one day.
Kellan: Yeah, I love my Mother and my Father dearly and I really do wish that we did. I guess after our band rehearsals or ceremonies we’d all go get Cold Stone. I guess it’s those memories I hold on to the most. And that’s why my favorite ice cream is from Cold Stone. It was a reward, I guess, a time for us all to celebrate and relax.
The hype around this film has been pretty crazy.
Kellan: Nah…well…YES! [laughs]
Especially early on with the casting announcements and during filming, I understand you have had many fan encounters.
Kellan: Oh yeah, the fans are awesome.
Are there any that stick out in your mind?
Kellan: Well they all do! I guess the coolest one, and I’ve said this in other interviews, was the two awesome girls who drove up [to Portland] on their spring break. And I really wish I remember their names, but I don’t. They knocked on my door and I was just waking up. I thought it was room service or a wakeup call, so I walked over to open the door and I looked at the girls and I was like, “Oh! Gotta get some clothes on here.” I opened the door and they had like this giant basket full of goodies just for us Twilighters – the cast! It has really sweet notes.
I just chatted with them for a good 20 minutes and they told me their story. And then they talked about how funny it would be if we could pull a prank on their friend, ‘cause it was April fools. Then we talked another 20 minutes trying to get a cool prank down. But then the guy didn’t pick up his phone. It was really cool. I just love how “real” all the fans are. There is nothing creepy, they are just really happy that something they love – the Twilight book – their dream is coming true. That it’s coming to the big screen and they can actually put faces to the characters they envision in a way. So nothing has ever been weird. Everyone is just really great, and really cool. They are just grateful.
Has it been different for you, is this your first film with an avid fandom?
Kellan: This is way new! And getting into it, I didn’t know about the following at all. Like I knew the book, know it was a best seller. But seeing the fans come out, and seeing how much they cared about it made me want to do my best 10 times more because I wasn’t just doing it for myself. I was doing this for them, we all are. And we want everyone to be happy. It was definitely a big surprise.
We heard that in the cafeteria scene you kept eating all the way through the scene.
Kellan: [laughs] Yeah, I know, I know! It was a long day, they gave us food and I’m always eating. If someone gives me food, I’m an animal. If you put food in front of a dog he’s just not going to look at it. The scene was kind of long and I was involuntarily eating the food. I don’t know if they can even use a lot of those takes! I didn’t mean to I was just REALLY hungry, and it was really good.
What were they serving?
Kellan: That’s even funnier. Those highly processed rice crispy bars, you know the stuff you like get out of vending machines! [laughs] It just looked really good and I needed my sugar fix for the day. [laughs] I think that’s the one where they caught me eating. But there was also a banana and some cookies. I don’t know what else.
Do they have to replace that food for scene continuity?
Kellan: Yeah, we had to do that scene like eight times. And I kept forgetting I’m not supposed to eat there. It’s just that we have to act like we are human and somewhat eating food so you don’t look weird in a high school. But I kind of took it to the next level and swallowed. [laughs]
Are there any funny experiences on set that stood out to you?
Kellan: In I guess the second month of shooting we were doing the baseball stuff down in the gorge. And the weather was just so insane. Everyone was like, alright lets just do this, let’s play baseball and get this scene done. I love rain, I love hail, and I love snow and that’s what it did every thirty minutes. We would set up and shot and it would start hailing! Like huge pieces of ice would come down. It was just a funny predicament. So we would go into the holding tents and wait for it to stop. Then go and start to set up again and as soon as we would start to film it would start raining.
We had a crane up and a black out cloth, and it caught the rain. So when we moved the crane once it dumped all the water on this one AD. He was cool about it. But I just loved that day because the weather was so cool and everyone hated it so it made me laugh.
What was your favorite location visually?
Kellan: The Gorge! Oh man it was beautiful. I want to live up north there. It was amazing! The waterfalls, the peaks, and its so woodsy all around; it was paradise to me. You really can get lost there. It so peaceful sitting on the grass and just looking.
Just a few more questions before we go.
Kellan: Awww…
[laughs] Well, the Twilight fans always want to know, are you single?
Kellan: I am single now. Um, yeah. I should say, “Yes I’m single YEA!”
You said single “now” – I’m sorry.
Kellan: Well, things happen. It was a great break up. It really was a very loving break up.
Those are the good kind.
Kellan: It was. I have never really had a break up like this. But you know we have different lives. Things change. It was very mutual. Things got really complicated, but we are still good friends. It’s interesting being single because I haven’t been single in forever. It’s kind of nice.
What kind of girl are you looking for?
Kellan: I’m not looking for one right now. I just don’t want another girlfriend for a little while. I need to get over my last one and spend some alone time and take care of my dog. I have a lot going on with me and don’t have time to give to someone else right now. But if I was on the market looking for someone special again – I want someone who can laugh and have fun. Someone who can be in their pajamas, watch TV and have a good time. I really don’t like the complicated girls. The more easy going ones are my favorite.
It sounds like you have a good healthy handle on things.
Kellan: I try. It’s definitely tough out here in LA. The only people you really hang out with and meet are actors.
Last question. What do you want to say to all the thousands of Twilight fans?
Kellan: Thank you.
I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for them and their love of Stephenie Meyer and this book. It’s just been an amazing roller coaster. In a way it’s going to be a life changing experience for all of us. I just have to give it up to them. They are why we are doing this film. I just hope we do it justice.