New Moon Casting Call In Phoenix, Toronto

Feb 5th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Update: There is also an open call in Toronto posted below.

According to this post on LJ (don’t know if it’s official) there is an open casting call for Native American teens for New Moon! Click here for all the details.
New Moon Casting Director for Native Americans, Rene Haynes, is holding auditions to find Native American teens. She is seeking young men 15 to 20 years of age, and young women between the ages of 18 to 20, for speaking roles in the upcoming Twilight sequel, New Moon. The auditions will be held at the Phoenix Indian Center.

No acting experience is necessary, just an out-going enthusiasm and the desire to be a positive role model for other Native Youth.

Supposedly there is also an open casting call in Toronto as well!  Click here for the post.

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