Rob & Kristen Interview

Feb 9th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Vale from Twilight Poison sent us another translation of an interview Rob & Kristen did with Mexican magazine, 15 a 20!  Click here to read the entire interview and here to see the scans!

What was the hardest part of playing Edward?
“Edward has a certain aura that makes people be scared of him instinctively and they don’t know why. I really love that, but I think that’s hard to show on screen so I would imagine him as a lion who was in the jungle surrounded by animals, they know he’s not hunting but they keep their distance. And that was something I really wanted to add to the movie, in fact there’s a scene in which all the birds literally fly away as soon as I walk by, and this gives you the idea. But I think that was the hardest thing to show (he pauses). Well that, and being the most beautiful man in the world! (laughs). But there’s nothing I could do about that.”

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