Our Take on The Jonas Bros…

Feb 12th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Site News

Ok… So I am soooooo sorry, but I had internet problems this evening, and we had to postpone our recording tonight!ย  I hope that these videos will make it all better…

15 Comments to “Our Take on The Jonas Bros…”

  1. Lindsay says:

    yay more vids!

    Im sure they could pull off a good song for the movie.. however i think they are just too bubblegum pop. I also think that it sounds like they just want to ride the “gravy train” of New Moon to bring them more success instead of doing a song because they just want to write a good song. Good songs come from the heart. (sorry to anyone who loves the jonas brothers)

  2. Rachel Neilson says:

    I’m a huge Jonas Brothers fan and i totally agree with you guys. It’ would be so cool if they were on the soundtrack but their sound isn’t really T-y. But if you wrote a song for they New Moon soundtrack and it was the right sound it would be awesome! And ya, they are really pop-ish but some of their old, old stuff (before they were famous) has a sound that’s some what close to the Twilight sound. So I think they could write a good song for the soundtrack.

  3. Rachel Neilson says:

    Sorry I meant to say “Twilight-y” not “T-y”

  4. Rachel Neilson says:

    Sorry Lindsay I have to disagree with you. I know you’re entitled to your own opinion but the Jonas Brothers aren’t looking to become more success. They know that a lot of their fans love Twilight, so they just want to kind of bring the two fandoms together. They are really jut down to earth guys.

  5. Nellie says:

    I totally agree. The Jonas Brothers just don’t have the right sound for Twilight, especially New Moon. They are too poppy and happy-go-lucky. New Moon is way to dark for The Jonas Brothers to be involved. I mean Bella is like on the edge of completely losing her mind the whole time and Edward tries to kill himself! I mean come on!

  6. Monika_ says:

    Ugg! No. Just No. I don’t hate Jonas Brothers i just really dislike there following. If there is a Jo-Bro song on the soundtrack it would bring it to comparisons of HSM and Camp Rock. (Nothing against the movies i just don’t like them)

    And i think that they just what the fame that it would get them by doing a song for New Moon. Because fon the interview they say that they havn’t read the books or seen the movie… Honestly? Are you kidding me?

    Furthermore, i don’t think they have the right style to fit with Twilight. Just my 2-cents.

  7. katy dalangi says:

    rachel neilson are u insane yes u r the j bros suck live in reality fame fame money fame it’s all they want those morons yes u can have an opinion but your opinion iis wrong and stupid I hate the j broa I hope they don’t get on nm

  8. katy dalangi says:

    soz if rude but it’s my opinion

  9. Mrs. Everarianas Edward Cullen says:

    katy dalangi,
    someone can’t be insane because of an opinion. Don;t you remember the difference between fact and opinion?? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Dana says:

    I love the videos

  11. Lara says:

    u guys try so damn hard 2 be politically correct ! lol..em….I’m not a fan of the jonas brothers at all and would be personally insulted if their songs were on the soundrack because I don’t think that they CAN’T sound poppy…summit should really have a poll or something to see how fans will react before they take action. However, I really hope I’m wrong and that they can actually NOT sound poppy. if that makes any sense!! I actually really like pop, but that just won’t cut Twilight. Sorry Jo-Bros.

    I LOVE the Twilight soundtrack and really hope that New Moon’s is just as good, if not better!

  12. Carly says:

    i’ll have to agree with Lindsay here…i think the Jonas Brothers have the wrong sound. and i disagree with Kallie that they could change it. they have the wrong voices. i mean, it sounds like Nick’s neck is being squeezed (imho) and Joe sounds constipated. they can’t make that into good music. SORRY. flame me, whatever, i don’t care, that’s just my opinion. can’t wait for the podcast ladies!


  13. Jacky says:

    I totally agree with Carly. I’m not a big fan of the Jobros. They can try to make a good song if they want but I don’t think it’ll work. Kudos if it does though.

  14. Amber Pederson says:

    I really hope they don’t get on the soundtrack. ๐Ÿ™ I don’t. I mean, I’m not a fan, but… I just can’t imagine it. I don’t think it’s wrong that they haven’t read Twilight or New Moon because not all artists who end up on soundtracks are familiar with the work, but I just couldn’t rock out to the J-Bros.

    And wow, Katy… You can’t just sit there and say ‘sorry, but it’s my opinion’ and then verbally bash someone, saying their opinion is ‘stupid’. That’s really ridiculous.

    I also don’t get the Indie thing. I’m not sure what people are referencing here — the Indie SOUND or the band actually being on an independent LABEL or not being well-known…. If it’s the last one, the Twilight track had some really awesome, non-indie artists. Paramore is huge. I’m not sure about Blue October’s success, but a lot of people seem familiar with them. Linkin Park, I’m pretty sure, is not indie in any of these ways.

    I’m so excited for the new podcast, though. Love the video. And yeeesss! Sing Taylor happy birthday! *in German. BWAHHAAHA!*

  15. Jackie says:

    i have a problem with this.
    as great as the jonas brothers are…they do not fit in with the twilight saga at all.
    it needs to be consistent in its music.
    but im afraid that theyll go for it just for publicity, but it just wouldnt work for me.
    unless they really go out on a limb and do something indie, but i dunno how that would go.
    sorry if that was really negative, but i just want the movie to be perfect ๐Ÿ™‚

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