Why should Kassie read Twilight AGAIN?

Feb 17th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Question of the Week, Site News

This week we are going to discuss the idea of Kassie REreading Twilight.Β  I (Kallie) have read the book three times, and do make it a habit to read my favorite books more than once.Β  Kassie has NEVER read a book more than once, and I want YOU to tell her why she should!Β  So here is your Question of the Week…

Why should Kassie read Twilight AGAIN?

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218 Comments to “Why should Kassie read Twilight AGAIN?”

  1. Heather D says:

    Kassie, you should re-read Twilight again because….you will get to re experience all the things that made you love Twilight the first time. Bella first seeing Edward and the Cullens, Bella and Edwards first kiss, the entire meadow chapter. All those feelings you got when, You Kassie, fell in love with Edward. When Bella and Edward got married and had their cute little Nessie. Now you can just read Twilight over again and skip the other books, or you can read the entire series again. πŸ™‚

  2. Mary Kate Karle says:

    Hey girlies I loveeee your podcast, I listen to your podcast everyday and sometimes feel silly, because I will start laughing walking down the street. haha πŸ™‚ Anyways, I was so upset when Breaking Dawn was over so I resorted to reading Twilight again. I wasn’t extremely excited, but I was up for it. I just didn’t think it would be anything special. But I started to read the series again and LOVED it. I picked up on so many other things. And Kassie, I hate Jacob too, so when I read New Moon I rushed through it to see if Edward would come back. So I when I re-read I realized I went too fast and was glad that I re-read because this time I could focus on the book knowing that Edward would come back. I have re-read all the books and just absolutely love it, it is almost as good as the first time! So please read it girl! πŸ™‚
    Another Southern Girl, Mary Kate:)

  3. Carly (Lautner) says:

    Hi Kassie. you should reread Twilight because…

    1) you know you want to read those detailed descriptions of Edward again. Rob is great, but no one beats Stephenie’s Edward.
    2) you get to forget yourself and all your problems and just slip into Bella’s shoes, feeling and seeing everything she does.
    3) you will relive the best Twilight moments, like the meadow scene and the bloodtyping scene, both of which the movie disappointed me thoroughly on.
    4) you will be able to say you reread a book for the first time ever, and with the best book ever.
    5) you won’t want all the details to slip away from you. you’ll be like HUH WHAT HAPPENED THERE? and you can’t let that happen, Kassie, you really, really can’t!

    i’ll probably be back when i think of more. but that’s good for now, ya? well, love the podcast, bye!


  4. Sandi says:

    Go for it girl! There will be all sorts of things that you missed the first time around. I’ve read each book in the series three times and still find new things. If you haven’t already, read the out takes on Stephenie Meyer’s website. She’s posted edited and deleted chapters from all books. Very enlightening! Let us know what you decide.

  5. Madison Team Edward says:

    Kassie Should reread Twilight so she can see why you do this podcast all over again,and reexperience all of the wonderful writing and sequences as well as she can tell us if she has a favorite part now

  6. kassie, you should reread twilight again because you will read some parts you maybe missed. also, who wouldn’t want to read about edward over and over again!! so you should just reread it!!

  7. Abby says:

    Ok, I have to admit that before reading Twilight I was totally with Kassie on the whole “why should I read a book twice” aspect. Then I read Twilight and it easily became my favorite book and who can have too much of their favorite thing? No one. It is the same as watching a favorite movie again and again. You know what is going to happen and yet you continue to watch it over and over. The greatest thing about reading a book or watching a movie for the second or third time is that there is always something new to discover. It would be impossible to take everything in on the first try. Take New Moon for example. Stephanie openly said she wanted everyone to read New Moon twice because they would be so concerned about when they were going to see Edward again that they would miss the relationship formed between Bella and Jacob. So take Stephanie’s advice, read Twilight again you will discover a million new reasons to love the book.

  8. Rhonda says:

    Top 5 Reasons to Re-read “Twilight” (or Any Book, for That Matter):

    5. You can skip the boring parts the second time around and still know what’s going on.

    4. Since you already know what’s going to happen next, you can turn the pages more carefully, resulting in fewer paper cuts.

    3. Multiple readings of a book take you one step closer to attaining expert status on that book. Who doesn’t want to be called an expert?

    2. If you have no money to buy new books, re-read one you already know you like. A money-smart solution for tough economic times!

    And the Number 1 Reason to Re-read “Twilight” (or Any Book for That Matter) is:
    1. There’s nothing on TV.

  9. Becky says:

    I have also read Twilight 3 times. Kassie…Read It Again!!!!! If you re-read it you notice things that you never noticed before cause you were too busy being excited about wat you wanted to happen on the next page. Plus theres nothing better than falling in love with Edward even more!!! Id read everybook if he was in it!

  10. Melaine says:

    There are very few books I have read more than once (all Harry Potter, The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird…). The Twilight Series is definitely worth the re-read. I very much liked reading them all again. They never get old, you still laugh at all the same jokes and you still get chills at those certain moments. They’re still wonderful. Plus you get a new perspective on the books once you know how they end. Certain things make more sense than maybe they did the first time around because now you understand the characters better. Give it a shot. I guarantee you’ll fall in love all over again!

  11. Skye says:

    Cassie, I Am Very Much Like You For I Have Never ReRead A Book B4, However I Did ReRead Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, And Some Of Breaking Dawn. There Are Many Things I Picked Up That I Had Never Noticed, And Since Ur Already “Obsessed” Joining The Twilight World Makes You All The Merrier. But If You Would Like To Stick To Your Old Ways Which I Don’t Blame You For, You Could Consider FanFiction. Most Of It Is So True To The Book/Character You May Think Mrs. Meyer Wrote It Her Very Self. There Are Tons To Choose From And Take Only A Short While 2 Read Compared To The Thickness Of The Regular Saga.

    Also As I ReCall In A Previous Episode Back In May Or June You Said You Would Give Reading Twilight Again A Try? Obviously You Didn’t Live Up To Your Word. But Again I Am Much So Like You I Think You’ll Enjoy It, And As You Say U Dont Like 2 Read, My Very Dear Friend Ava Hates Reading As Well But Has ReRead Twilight At A Minimum Of 5 Times And Still Cracks The Book Open When Near Another Copy. I Hope This Was Helpfull To You Kallie And Kassie! Please Keep Up The Amazing Work!

  12. Lola says:

    Okay, so I became an obsessed fan last September. Once I read Twilight it took me five days to read the rest of the books. Ever since I read the books, I have literally not been able to put them down. I’m always re-reading one of them. I find that I miss parts when I read and I like to RE-read so I can fully appreciate these wonderful books. For example when I read New Moon, once Edward left I couldn’t focus on the middle part of the book and I had to read the ending first. So for over 200 pages I was stressing out as to where Edward was and if he was coming back. I missed a lot of that book and have since read it two more times. I think my official count for re-reading the Twilight series is Twilight-5, New Moon-3, Eclipse-3, and Breaking Dawn-3. On your first read through the books you mainly concentrate on the plot line and what your favorite characters are doing. When you re-read the books you can relax, cause you already know what happens, and enjoy the characters. Every book that I like, I re-read more than twice, so Kassie, I really think it’s a great idea to re-read Twilight and the rest of the series.

  13. Krissa says:

    I think reading it the first time we read it so fast we miss stuff. I just wanted to get to stuff to do with Edward. So reading it the second time around and even after that I caught a lot of stuff I missed. Plus there is some funny inside jokes in there for only those who read it over again. Its funny! I also think its just as good of a read or better the second time and even after that.

    Love the show! you guys are so cute! your the best twilight podcast out there!

  14. Jacob's Girl says:

    Kassie, you should reread Twilight definately. Twilight is clinically proven to make the soul younger! No, just kidding. But it probably does!! Rereading is good for the soul. (Alright, now I’m just getting off track.) But anyhoo, rereading will be more fun because you can pick up little hints and inside jokes. You also will strengthen your undying love for Jacob Black. . . . and Edward, too, I guess. πŸ˜€
    Anyways, rereading great books like Twilight is more fun altogether because you can really enjoy it instead of racing through the book like most people do their first time reading (me). Remember: Twilight is good for the soul. Go for it and reread it. It will be fun!!

  15. Marissa says:

    Ummm… because it is an insanely awesome book!

  16. Jessica says:

    Kassie I just reread the whole series and fell in love with it again. The first time I read the series I think I read it too fast or something. I felt the second time I read it, I really read it. I too hated Jacob and now I have an appreciation for him( I think it helps that Taylor Lautner is playing him in the film). I really understand the book more now. You can find all new parts of Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn to love and cherish the moments you already love. It never hurts to read a book again, especially Twilight. Some things in life just never get old. Well I hope you read Twilight again and I love your podcast. Kallie I think it is a good thing you are persisting your sister to read Twilight again and she should. Can’t wait for New Moon.
    *Jessica from Wisconsin*

  17. Cherry Garcia says:

    First is because it is a awesome book series. Second is that you will catch thing you missed the first time you read all the books. Like when I reread New Moon I fond things I missed the first time becauce I’m a Team Edward and didn’t wont to read about jacod!

  18. Amber Pederson says:

    Because it’s AMAZING?

    Listening to the new podcast right now, gals. πŸ™‚ Just wanted to say that the Lionsgate and Summit thing has already been debunked.

  19. Olinda says:

    Hi Kassie and Kallie!
    i didn’t answer the other questions because some others girls
    put what i was going to put, but now i have the oportunity to put it πŸ˜€
    Ok… at first when i became found the incredible world of twilight
    i din’t think in anything else!!.. i didnΒ΄t know what to do..
    so i desided to not read the books again till i read breaking dawn
    soo i start to read other books (which i have not re-read them)
    then breaking dawn comes out and i began reading twilight again..
    there was when i see the book in other point of view.. there was
    soooo much things i didn’t read or understand verry well
    and then re-reading it i understand more.. now i re-read them
    all like 6 times or more.. i understand Jacob’s pain.. i really
    hate him and Edward in new moon.. but then i realize things
    that i think you (Kassie) will see too. And is really fun re-reading them!!
    i think that if you start reading it again you will enjoy it!!
    And the best part is that if you don’t whant to start from the
    first chapter is that you can start in any chapter you like…
    like in breaking dawn i always start reading from book 3 (bella’s)
    then the 1st one and finally the 2nd one.. is really cool…
    well i hope you read twilight again πŸ˜€ i know you can!!
    i love tst!!
    bye kassie and kallie!!

  20. Amy Git r Done says:

    I’ve read the first 3 books 8 times and the 4th book twice. Each time I read them I learn something new and make a ton of connections and see where Stephenie was forshadowing and stuff like that. Especially New Moon–I really hated it at first but after reading way too many times, I get a deeper understanding for all the characters and their individual pain. You just HAVE to re-read them!!!!! My copy of Twilight is all highlighted and dog eared from my favorite scenes, quotes, and foreshadowing stufff. Whenever I lend it out I always get teased, but I’m not as bad as some fans (and you know who you are!).

  21. Jacky says:

    Well, I myself have read Twilight over 18 times. Sounds obsessive I know…
    It’s just such a great feel good book. I love to read it and try to piece stuff together. It’s also fun to sort of re-examine the characters and compare the then and now, the Pre-Breaking Dawn moments and how they fit into the overall picture. Okay to really get this into your head Kassie, here are some of my best reasons to re-read Twilight:
    1. You get to relive all your favorite moments be it the meadow or the baseball scene.
    2. You’ve already read it so you can skip the boring parts if there are any…
    3. HOT GUYS! Come on, you know you wanna…
    4. You can look back and pick up thing you may’ve missed before.
    5. It’s just plain fun!
    6. It’s interesting to re-read and try ot picture how the movie will be and try to picture the actors doing what’s on the page.
    Well, those are some of my reasons for re-reading my favorite books over and over and over and over again. I agree with Kallie it’s fun!
    Thanks so much for a great podcast and keep up the great work!
    – Jacky

  22. Karen says:

    I think you should re-read Twilight because you will feel like you’re reading a different story. Like yourself, I never found the need to re-read books. I’ve always been extremely careful when I read books the first time, never missing a single sentence or word, so I never felt like I need to read something I already know. But when I ran out of books to read last month, I resort to re-reading Twilight. Not only did I feel differently about Edward (he just seemed much more scarier) the second time around, but I also found myself looking at the story from a much better perspective. So, don’t read the books again for the sake of being told the same story over again, but go read it for the different feeling you’ll gain at the end. I’m sure you’ll thank yourself for it in the end.

  23. Cedar says:

    because it is so amazingly awesome!!!!

  24. fally wally says:

    im gonna keep this short and simple because;
    The book is the reason for the whole thing you have us all hooked on, your podcast!!
    Because REreading it once is just enough thats as many times as Ive read it Twice, and I read it in like a week and a half instead of four days(im a fast reader) You get to notice everything again( I read it so fast the first time I didnt notice that Alice and Jasper were a thing, and still are. lol)
    And because if not were all gonna make Kallie sneak up at you while you’re just peacefully sitting at home and force you to REread it.(muahahahahaha, did I mention all your fans can be evil and kiniving?) Thats all love yall!!!

  25. emily says:

    So when the movie comes out on march 22 she can catch all of the little things they put in or left out in the movie

  26. Janeanne says:

    You should totally revamp yourself. I have recently started rereading the entire series (currently on Eclipse). Now,I know you are not a fan of reading, but neither was I. You cathch sooooo many more things when you read them again. When I revamped, I imagined what sings I would play, and how it would look onscreen. Plus, rereading the books made me realize which one I liked best. My fave is New Moon! When I first read New Moon, I didn’t like it because Edward was gone. But rereading it made me realize and understand the story better. Who knows, you might have a new fave book in the series!

  27. Sandi says:

    OK, forget my first post (#4). All I have to say is EDWARD, EDWARD, EDWARD!!!!

  28. Lindsay says:

    To prove you a true twilight fan

    do ittttttttttttttt

  29. Jeni B says:

    Hey guys!
    First off .. the story is amazing, so you have to read it agian.
    I’ve read the books through once and wanted to read them for a second time because I just fell in love with the story so much .. BUT .. I didn’t have to time .. SO .. I bought the audiobooks. I’ve now .. listened .. to the series three times. It’s very convenient for me, I’ll listen at work, when I’m in my car, or even if I’m at home and I have to do housework I’ll just play it in the background. I’ve caught so much stuff that I missed listening to the books rather then reading them.
    So Kassie hopefully this is a helpful tip..

    Love the podcast! You guys are amazing ..

  30. princess katie says:

    I’m usually not the kind of person who reads books twice (or once usually! =]), but I have read the entire series twice, and I’m debating a thrid time. My reason was that I read twilight about 3 years ago, so I wanted to freshen up for the movie release, but I loved reading it again!! There are so many little things I didn’t catch the first time, especially since I read breaking dawn in 3 days. Also, reading the book AFTER seeing the movie helps you visualize stuff even more.

  31. Peri says:

    the following are my reasons why Kassie should read Twilight again
    1) EDWARD!!!!!!!you know you love him!?!?!!?!!?!??!??!!?!:D
    2) you can catch those details you missed or loved when you read it the 1st time
    3) You can compare and contrast the movie to the book, now that you have seen the movie, with fresh eyes.
    4)Edward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3333333333333 :DDDDDDDD
    5) You can see Bella and Edward’s “forevernesss” begin to florish
    6) IF stephanie meyer writes, Midnight Sun, you can “predict” what she will write in the book
    7)dont we all just love the books that much!?!?!?!?!?!?! isnt it worth it!?!?!?!?!?!
    9) You can compare how Bella has developed in the series
    and the 10th and final reason
    10) EDWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Erica says:

    Okay Kassie, I say DON’T READ TWILIGHT AGAIN!

    Now, before everyone starts hating on me, let me just say that I – obviously – LOVE the book, but I just don’t understand how everyone can keep reading it over and over again. Everyone I know is on their second or third times reading it, and I think they’re crazy. You’ve read it once, so you know how awesome it is. End of story. (Literally).

    Anyway, now that the question is answered, I just have to tell you girls that I absolutely love your podcast. I’m 26 years old and I work as a nanny and I always have your podcast on in the car when I’ve got the 3 year old little girl with me. And I just have to tell you that every time you girls laugh … she BURSTS out laughing too. It’s hilarious. She clearly has no clue what’s going on, but because you’re laughing she feels the need to laugh too. I love it. Oh, and she also rocks out hardcore when the music starts at the beginning of each episode … like, headbanging and everything. It’s adorable. And Kassie, every time you sing “Supporter Speculation” it gets stuck in my head for the rest of the day. Like, I’m literally hearing you sing it in my head while I’m trying to fall asleep at night. But that’s okay! I still love it!

    Thanks for all the hard work you girls do. Keep up the great work!

  33. Cedar says:

    you can understand stuff that you missed, you can find stuff you missed, you will get more of the stuff and be able to connect stuff to bella that has happen through the whole series, and it is just a great book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. Sarah says:

    well kassie, i don’t really understand why you wouldn’t want to reread any of the twilight series books let alone TWILIGHT!! i will not go so far as to say that the first is the best out of the series but i will say a few reasons you should reread Twilight:
    1. EDWARD CULLEN!!!!!!!: vivid descriptions of his gentlemanly manners, love towards bella, when he saved bella from the thugs at port angleles, the meadow, him saving bella in the ballet studio, oh and did i mention his dashing good looks!!!!
    2. PLOT very thrilling not only for a first time reader but I have read it at least 4 times since my first reading and I’m still entertained and amazed by it. and i started reading the books after thanksgiving
    3. CLASSIC LOVE STORY: its just a great read and there is not much else to say about it except for the fact that the spanish version is just as amazing. im trying to expand my foreign awareness and read it in espanol! can you say FabUloUS!!!
    Pretty much the series is amazing along with the first book out of the saga! please read it again! it helps you so much to understand what both bella and edward went through in their first few months together. oh and how jacob and bella were acquantinces and became BFF’s AEAE (and ever and ever)…
    love yalls show and keep up the hilarity!! πŸ™‚

  35. Rose-Marie says:

    cuz of Kella Lutz lol jk
    um because it is a really interesting story and also because it shows you would like your life to be because it actually “puts” you “in” the book

  36. Carolina G.B. says:

    Dear Pretty Kassie:

    First off I think you two are hilariously funny you tend to remind me so much of me and my sister.

    Anyways, I take this from a personal experience myself. My mother thinks I am pretty crazy about the Twilight Saga (and I agree) when she found out I was reading the novel AGAIN she thought I was stuck in this story. Personally, I do not think of it as being stuck rather than just getting more understanding into this phenomenal character’s minds. After you have read the series once and you read it again I was more than surprisingly shocked to see that I had gain so much more understanding as to why this characters do what they do in the future.

    If you read it again I am sure you will get to experience the books in a different way and you will see that you have read things that you have never read before or that you accidently missed because of the whole climax , excitement, and adrenaline rushes. Hahahahaha.

    If you do not want to read it again, that is ok too, but remember you can always look back at your favorite chapters. (Like the meadow scene, for instance.)

    Keep up the great work!!!!

  37. Twigurl says:

    Well, dear dear Kassie, my first reason would be that…

    if your truely obsessed, you might aswell go all the way,i mean, if you like, love Twilight
    soooooooo much that thats all you think about,like me, it makes you like,super duper happy to read it again.
    Two, everyone out there that LOVES twilight can relate to me saying,
    the first time you read the book you fly by soooo fast to see what will happen next, that sometimes you
    miss the critical information like: Edwards twitches, glances, and etc. But, if your scared like i was,
    that you’ll get sick of it(Like that could happen), have no fear! You just catch more:)
    And three, it’s just soooooooooo like alot of fun to say ” Ive read the series like 7 times and i still dream of
    Edward Cullen(in Kassie’s case and in Kallies, …. of EJ)”. So i must conclude cause my moms commin
    and im suppost to be doin homework that if you want to do good for a young twilight obsessed 11 year old,
    PPPPPLLLLLLEEEEAAASSSSEEE read it again like i did:(

    Your youngest,most obsessed fan, TWIGURL:)

  38. Samantha Cullen says:

    Kallie you should re-read Twilight!!!!! If you are a true fan then you would or a true Edward fan then you would. I have read 5 times now and I love every time it even more!!!! You can refresh your mind. Remener why you fell in love with the Twilight series. Also, to be a teenage girl…………again!!! And to show your love for Twilight. I hopes this convince you read it again.
    P.S. If you read again I will read again. =D

  39. Jasmine says:


    I think you should re-read Twilight again because when you read it the first time you kinda rush through it. But if yu read it a second time, there are small details that you might have missed that you’ll enjoy! πŸ˜‰ The second reason is because you fall in love with Twilight all over again!!! How amazing is that?!?!

    RE-READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜›

    Luv ya Kassie,

    Jazz (Team Cullen!)

  40. Sonja says:

    Kassie should DEFINITELY read Twilight again! I mean, why not!? She gets to not only re-live every swoon-producing scene, but there is also the chance of her noticing new details that she may have missed before. I’ve read Twilight 4 times, and even once in Spanish (Crepusculo), and each time I read it I love it even more. =)

  41. Janna says:

    I have never read books twice until the Twilight series came out. I fell in love with it by the time I was done with the first few chapters. When I got to New Moon, I cried through the WHOLE book. After I was done reading them all for the first time, I reread them and everyone is right. You pick up so much the second time around. While I didn’t skip forward on New Moon, I was so sad through the whole thing, that I didn’t pick up as much as I could have if I didn’t feel so involved with the story. If you read them a second time, you can relax your heart strings and let the true beauty of this series shine through. The whole series is worth rereading.

  42. Shteff says:

    I shall probably put the shortest answer.
    Wanna know why?
    Well…it feeds your addiction…plus…*coughs in shame*
    It passes the time πŸ˜€

  43. Meredith says:

    I hardly ever reread books. Like EVER. For a while the only one on my list was So B. It [Sarah Weeks] and that was it. Period. Then I caught the Twilight Bug. It wasn’t until Breaking Dawn that I realized the fun of rereading. I bought Twilight and New Moon along with BD and spend my free time rereading them. [BD being the top on my list with about ten to twelve reads.] I find reading Twilight fun because you already know the future that awaits Bella, Edward, and Jacob, and seeing them develope is interesting, too.

    Although… I usually go back between Twi and NM to find any snipits about the Volturi, no matter how short, being the Team Aro fan I am. πŸ™‚

  44. sydney says:

    you should re-read twilight because every time you read it, you will find somthing new that you like about it. you do a great job on the show, and new thoughts about things that happened in the book would be a good way to improve your show. I would also re-read it because you might forget things as we go on to new moon and other books as the movies are being made.
    great podcast, i love it πŸ™‚

  45. Rebecca M. says:

    Of course Kassie should reread twilight! I read the whole series one time and thought I knew it all but then I went back and reread Twilight and found all sorts of little details I forgot about. It was definitely interesting to read it again, I do that with all the books periodically to understand them better.

    -I have a question-If I wanted to email you so I get a response, where would I do it?


  46. Kim says:

    Because you host this podcast you should read them again! often I’m yelling at my ipod because of stuff you didn’t don’t remember or maybe didn’t catch!
    BUT this is what I did, because I can’t sit still to read much…


    The whole series is read by a wonderful narrator and I have caught so much more HEARING the stories.
    The conversations between Edward and Bella are so stuck in my head word for word from hearing them.
    I am a 44 year old housewife who just read the books in November for the first time, but have listen to them about 5 times!

  47. Malachi4 says:


  48. Monika_ says:

    LOL! Because I just finished reading Twilight for the 107 time and I don’t run a podcast. Haha.

  49. ashleycullen says:

    Kassie, you should TOTALLY read Twilight again. I’ve read it more than once and it still surprises me and gets me excited even though I know what’s going to happen. You get all the thrill and experience that you got the first time and it’s awesome! Each time you read it, it’s better than the last! And you remember so many key things in the book that you didn’t notice the first time. So go for it Kassie!!!!

  50. Tess says:

    here’s my question….WHY WOULDN’T YOU?! any opportunity to read the story how stephenie wrote it is awesome and you definitely should if you have the time! plus….how could you pass up the chance to read about THE edward cullen?! come on…you know you want to πŸ™‚

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