Why should Kassie read Twilight AGAIN?

Feb 17th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Question of the Week, Site News

This week we are going to discuss the idea of Kassie REreading Twilight.  I (Kallie) have read the book three times, and do make it a habit to read my favorite books more than once.  Kassie has NEVER read a book more than once, and I want YOU to tell her why she should!  So here is your Question of the Week…

Why should Kassie read Twilight AGAIN?

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218 Comments to “Why should Kassie read Twilight AGAIN?”

  1. Michele Celine says:

    Okay. Kassie, I love you and even though you aren’t an avid reader like Kallie doesn’t change anything. Kassie, you totally don’t have to re-read it. I had to wait 2 months in between getting New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, and I didn’t even re-read Twilight. I just read the parts I like the most, like the Science scene where Bella gets sick-ish, ect. Anyways, my point is, you don’t have to re-read the whole thing, but you could read your favorite parts over to get a better sense of why you like them.
    Lots of love,
    Michele Celine

  2. TwilightGirl326 says:

    I think that you should read Twilight again Kassie! I’ve read it (and the rest of the books) four times and I still plan to read it (and the rest of them) thirteen more times at LEAST! Because my friend’s big sister has read the whole series sixteen times, so I’m going to try to read it one more time than her! It’s my New Year’s resalution! Thank you Kallie and Kassie! You’r podcasts are sooo cool!

  3. Laura says:

    I think you should reread Twilight, because if you thought you loved it the first time, you will go crazy the second time you read it. You’ve discussed all of the nuances of the characters, your favorite quotes and scenes, but when you read it again, you will notice so much more! Your favorite scenes will make you fall in love with EDWARD and his love for Bella more than the first time. Especially since you’ve seen the movie, you will be able to hear Edward’s voice and, trust me, that makes the book so much better!!!

    I love reading Twilight for a second (and third and fourth) time, and I know that you will too!!

    I love your podcast,

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^READ MY ANSWER! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  4. Jessica S says:

    Kassie, I wholeheartedly believe that you should re-read Twilight. It is a wonderful book and is worth re-reading. Now you may have a better memory than I do, but i know i forget things that occured in the novel that I wish I could remember. It could possibly be benificial to the show (not that is bad ofcourse i love the show and listen religously!!) because you could recall certain little details that could make the conversations more enriching. (again, I love the show and its perfect the way it is!!)

    I have not re-read the book either, although i sincerely want to because i miss the joy that it brought to me the first time i read it. I think that even though you know what happens, (which is a decent argument) it is completely worth it.

    Love the show, keep it up!!

  5. Samantha LeAnne says:

    First I just want to say the you girls are awesome (and the fact that you are southern makes you more awesome, I’m from TN)!
    Kassie, you should totally read Twilight again. There aren’t many books I will read over and over, but Twilight is definitely one of them. You realize how much you really miss the first time around. There are so many things I noticed the second and third time I read it, that I didn’t notice the first time that I couldn’t believe I missed them.
    You really do miss a lot when it’s a book you really love. You get so involved and you want to know what happens next, so you rush through and you don’t take the time to really notice everything; so by reading it again, you can take the “scenic route” so to say, and really take in everything instead of rushing to the next page. Go for it Kassie!

  6. Emily says:

    Kassie you should like totaly re-read the Twilight books because they are like super awsome
    You will get to read new moon now that you like Jacob better than you did then. You can really se how super duper Jacob is.
    you can read Twilight and compare and contrast betwen book and movie!

    I love your podcast it’s awsome,awsome,awsome!
    Keep up the good work :)!!

  7. Becky says:

    Um, Hello!?!? Why would you not want another dose of Edward, when it’s still all fresh and new to Bella? Yum. I caught some new things each time I re-read Twilight, which is fun too, but not as fun as re-experiencing Mr. Yum (Edward) in all his new splendor. And who knows, maybe if you re-read it, there might be a new exciting chapter when he leaves Bella for you!

  8. Fritzi says:

    You really should read Twilight for a second time, or better yet, listen to the audio book. When you read it for the first time you get so wrapped up in finding out what happens next that you miss many of the smaller details. I read it once and just finished listening to it for a second time, and it was much more satisfying because I didn’t have that frantic feeling that I had to get to the end. I was able to focus on the subtleties of each character.

    At the same time I broke down and read the portion of Midnight Sun that Stephanie Meyer posted on her website. I had been holding out for the day that it would be complete and published, but couldn’t stand it any more. Oddly enough, it made it extremely clear why Robert Pattinson portrayed the character of Edward in the way that he did. There were people who were on the fence about his portrayal, and even made fun of some of his expressions. But all the grimaces, looks of pain and little smirks, and the timing of them, made complete sense after listening to the book again and reading Midnight Sun. It actually made me appreciate his performance so much more.

    So, I highly recommendation that you re-read or listen to Twilight again and if you haven’t already, read Midnight Sun. Have fun!

  9. The Youngest Reader Ever! says:

    Hey Kassie,
    You SHOULD read Twilight again beacuse
    A) You will see where the most important details of the movie were cut out.
    B) You will pick up small details that you didn’t notice before
    C) (This is what i did after seeing the move) I re-read Twilight. And in some parts of the book i thought back to the sence in the movie. (It will make you laugh)
    D) Even if your not a reader (Like myself) twilight is a great one to re-read.

    Kassie please re-read Twilight. For all the Aussies. PLEASE!

  10. Rhianne says:

    Well there are a few reason to re-read the twilight saga because i’ve read them all at least 5 times each (except for new moon i dont really like that one it bored me a little, so i only read that 3 times) they are all amazing!! and i’m a crazy reader it took me four days to read all four books (Y)
    so you should definately re-read twilight again because its the first book it has amazing decriptions of all the characters you can see where bits of the book where cut out of the movie and see what was added into the movie (e.g Emmetts line in the baseball scene “Babe, come on, it’s just a game” or Edward saying “Hold on tight spidermonkey”) the books are hilar and you’ll probs think about bits in the other books that make you laugh (for me) in eclispe where emmett says to bella “Did you fall down again bella?” and she says “NO, Emmett i punched a werewolf in the face, cracks me up everytime!!
    It’s just an amazing book to be honest. defo one of my favourite series of books, i read wayy to much! ha.
    R xxx

  11. laura heath says:

    i have literally been rereading all the series on a loop since i got them with the occassional new book inbetween as a breather.

    they get better each time because you notice new little things that make more sense after you’ve read the whole series

    plus why wouldn’t you wanna reread it. i think i read twilight about 7-8 times now and the others at least 3 times each book.

  12. Alice says:

    hi! i think that you should definatley re-read twilight! this is because now that you have read all four books and know how it all ends, when you re-read you pick up things you never noticed before and how important they are to the conclusion of the series. another reason to re-read is becuase i have now read twilight 53 times and i am STILL not sick of it…. the other three i havent read as much but still every time you read it you think about some of the things differently which is cool. also everyone loves to re-read things like the meadow scene and the prom it’s just so much fun!

    also…. if u would like to read the book with even MORE stuff on stephenie meyer’s website under twilight and new moon there are chapters that were not added to the real book (like shopping with alice and emmett telling us about being attacked by the bear)

  13. Jena says:

    I think it may be considered a mortal sin by all Twilight fans, if you don’t! Also, on a side note, I would recommend re-reading all of the books. I am an avid listener of another podcast based on a book, and the gentlemen have only read the books 1 or 2 times at most, and it drives me crazy when they get facts wrong because they missed the nuiance of the book. So, since you are podcasting re-read them!!!

  14. Kassie says:

    From one Kassie to another…The main reason why I am happy that I have re-read Twilight is….I actually like Bella know. The first time I read the series I really couldn’t relate with her that much, but after the second or third time around she has become a really likeable character to me.

  15. Kassie says:

    From one Kassie to another…The main reason why I am happy that I have re-read Twilight is….I actually like Bella now. The first time I read the series I really couldn’t relate with her that much, but after the second or third time around she has become a really likeable character to me.
    (reposted because I misspelled now and but a darn K on it….what was I thinking 🙂

  16. Alice says:

    Seriously Kassie?! Are you serious? Okay, over with my surprise, now with the convincing! Here are a few reasons why you should reread Twilight:
    -You miss things when you first read books. If you reread them you could be like, ‘Oh I never realized Edward kissed her here!’ Not that you would miss anything like a kiss, but still.
    -You could skip those boring parts that you absolutely hate, OR you could just read your favorite parts over and over and over again.
    -You could laugh at Bella’s clumsiness and realize you’re really not that clumsy compared to her.
    -You could scream ‘I love you Edward’ every five seconds even more than last time, since you didn’t know how amazing Edward was until later.
    -You could impress people by saying you’ve read a book twice.
    And last, but certainly not least…
    Now do you see what I mean?

  17. The future Mrs.Edward Cullen, watch out Bella! says:

    3)u know u want to
    LOL i know these aren’t really real reasons but come on, who doesn’t want to?

  18. liz says:

    I think that Kassie should read twilight again because every time someone rereads a book they find something in it that they didn’t know or forgot. I my self have read twilight three times too and I found many things that I didn’t know. Another reason why is because you experience the same emotions that I experienced the first and second time. I laughed on all the funny parts and I cried on all the sad parts. I remember I cried when Bella is writing that apology letter to Edward at the hotel before they go to the airport. And twilight is a great book overall so why not read it a second or third time.

    Love the podcast =]

  19. Shelby Whitlock says:

    First if all, I want to mention that in aprevious podcast you were talking about Jacob becoming a vampire for Renesmee- I just want to remind you that Stephanie said it was impossible. Venom is a poison to the Quiluetes, she said this in Breaking Dawn I believe when Nessie (which I think is cute) kept biting Jake and they were glad she wasn’t venomness.

    Now- Kassie should reread Twilight because you pick up on so many things you didn’t before, subtle clues that the author meant to be hard to find are often found in second readings. Since you know what will happen throughout the book you can also pay more attention to details and characters, etc. And a book thats good the first time, is good the second time too isn’t it? Few books compare to Twilight (in my opinion at least) and why not re-experience the things that made us fall in love with the Cullens and Quiluetes etc?

    Love your podcast by the way- you’re my workout entertainment, lol.

    Love, Shelby Whitlock (yes, I love Jasper)

  20. Gemma Thompson says:

    kassie you should read twilight again beacuse its amazing and you’ll pick up new things everytime you read it. ive read twilight, new moon and eclipse 3 times since the film just beacsue its like im reading it for the first time everytime. ive only read breaking dawn twice because its so big. but seriously you should read it again. x

  21. Caroline says:

    KASSIE YOU’VE ONLY READ THE BOOKS ONCE!!!!! The best part of following a series like Twilight or HarryPotter is the fact that these books can sustain your hunger for elongated periods of time, because you can read them over and over and over. Kassie I think you might be missing out on a great deal of stufff by not re-eading them. Funny things people say od do that dosn’t take that gets lost during a first plot reacher read. Also in Twilight it’s so fun to re-read the bits where Edward and bella arn’t ‘together” because now with “Midnight Sun” bits you know what Edward was thinking and it’s stinkin’ hilarious cause Bella seems so worried about him and dosn’t know whats really going on. I hope you take my advice because you’re missing out on a whole diffrent twilight Series. Go Kassie Youcan do this plus you don’t have to read so quick this time.

  22. Rachel C. says:

    Rachel’s top 5 reasons why Kasssie should re-read Twilight!!!

    6. I’ve read Twilight alone about 11 times, not an exaggeration.. and it would help me feel better that i’m not completely alone here doing that! so you have some catching up to do!

    5. in some of the podcasts, you have been starting to forget some things that went on in the books (sorry, but it’s true!!!)

    4. it will get you ready for when the movie comes out on dvd, so it’s fresh in your mind. it will help you remember what exactly did happen and what changed in the movie, so you don’t go around thinking that something that happened in the movie happened in the book that didn’t (i hope that just made sense.. i does to me at least! haha) (this was my excuse this time for re-reading it yesterday)

    3. you already love it!, so whats the big deal?

    2. Twilight has the LEAST amount of Jacob in it

    1. one word- EDWARD! that right there is reason enough to!!!!

  23. Rachel C. says:

    ahh sorry i forgot to change that!!!!!!! its RACHEL’S TOP 6 REASONS WHY KASSIE SHOULD RE-READ TWILIGHT!!

  24. Gabbie says:


  25. Kel says:

    Love the podcast, ladies!

    Personally, I enjoy rereading books that I loved in the past. Reading a good books again reminds of why I fell in love with them in the first place. The reasons that Kassie should reread the series are:
    1. Twilight – To relive those wonderful moments when Edward and Bella first fell in love
    2. New Moon – You’ll like Jacob much better the second time around (and because you already know that he’ll imprint on Renesmee in BD)
    3. Eclipse – Because its awesome!
    4. Breaking Dawn – The whole pregnancy/ birth makes sense the second time around

  26. Robin says:

    She definetly needs to read it again. There are so many quirks that you pick up on reading it a second time

  27. fally wally says:

    She has to REread it because if she doesnt Stephinie Meyer will be very sad because she knows that you must REread it over to pay attention to other parts of the story. Like when she told her friends to read and then REread New Moon you dont just pay attention to whats gonna happen but you notice all the details
    But the one bad thing is that you have to witness Bella flirt with Jacob all over againg(ahhhhhhhhh)TEAM EDWARD FOREVER!!!!!!!! And if you REread it you would be able to write a big report on how great everything in the book is and send it to Stephinie and yay, I make no sense, ahhhhh!!!!!

    Thanks for being suck a great podcast (but it would be greater(is that even a word?)if Kassie was forced, I mean dicided to REread it because makingKassie read or even REread is like reaching the summitt of Everest)

  28. fally wally says:

    Im sorry instead of suck I meant SUCH, Im bad at typing,lol

  29. Jill says:

    Hi Kallie and Kassie!!! I love your podcast!!!! =]
    iam working on reading the series for a fourth time. i think that kassie shoudl re read twilight because it is the best book ever!!!!! Each time you read the book you catch new stuff and you are reminded of how it all began. btw i am team edward all the way!!!

    love your podcast!!! keep up the good work!!! =]

  30. Sandi says:

    Read it again to help you forget about the horrible Twilight movie. Edward was wrong, wrong, wrong in the movie and so right in the book. Hmmm – think I’m going to start again myself.

  31. Erin says:

    you should read Twilight again cuz it’s like the best book EVER! lol

  32. Emily says:

    I have read each of the books 5 times a piece so I don’t see why Kassie shouldn’t read Twilight again cuz every time I read it I find little details that I missed and are really funny or interesting to know. Please read it again!

    Love your podcast sooo much!!! Thanks! <3 Emily

  33. I personally have read the books 3 times also Kallie. I have a few reason for Kassie to REread the books!

    1) You are able to pick up the details you missed, I know my self when I read I skip lines to get ahead and see what happens!
    2) You might see the book a little differently after watching the movies!
    3) If you REread the book you can fall in love with Edward even more!
    4) How can you not love the first moments Edward and Bella meet and how Bella flirts with Jacob!
    5) Try to figure out what Edward was thinking at the time and think about what Stephenie might write in hos situation!

    That is my reasons to REread Twilight!

  34. Emily says:

    Oh by the way Kassie if you re-read Twilight you’ll get the little things Edward did because you’ve read Midnight Sun!!!! <3 Emily

  35. Laurie says:

    Of Course Kassie should re-“vamp” Twilight. I have read it 6 times, New Moon and Eclipse 4. I count listening to the audio as a read. I love the way Ilyana Kadushin charactizes the story. Listening at work makes my day go faster and I secretly escape to Forks. This books are mainstays on my IPOD. I’m trying to catch up on my podcasts so I can listen again.

    I too raced through New Moon the first time and discovered so many things I just missed trying to move towards the light of Edward. Since he is a fictional character this is the only way I can get my brand of heroine.

  36. Laurie says:

    OME you’ve read Midnight Sun!!!. Don’t spoil those of us who are holding out that Stephenie will finish it with spoilers on the podcast. I have only read the first two chapters of it and feel a little ashamed I could not stay strong and not read any of it. What I read was the ultimate in fantastic by for me I hope my HOPE prevails for a published text.

  37. Lindsay says:

    I think kassie should re-read twilight because when you are all excited about reading the books sometimes you miss some parts so when you go over the books again it’s nice to read things you may have missed before. Twilight is the begining of everything so you should read it again… especially before watching the twilight movie on DVD!

    doooo it!! haha

  38. Kristi says:

    I have read Twilight through 2 times…plus a couple more times partially. I re-read it alongside Midnight Sun (which was so awesome to do!) so that put me through another half time. My reason to keep reading is that I can’t stop! I read all four books and then just started right over again. I’ve made it through them all twice except for Breaking Dawn. I’m going to start it again soon.

    Good reasons for Kallie to read them again? I always notice new things that I didn’t notice before…and read them a different way because I know more now. I think it’s especially important to read Twilight again after you read Midnight Sun. And it is especially important to help you with the Twilight Trivia on Facebook! 🙂

  39. Kiwi says:

    I am a huge re reader, my HP books come out of the bookshelf at least once a year and now Twilight will go onto my list, along with Pride and Prejudice of books that must be read at least once a year.

    I enjoy re reading them as you don’t have all that angst of wondering what is going to happen you just get to enjoy each page for what it actually is. I have just recently converted my best friend (we are in our mid 30’s) and she is still to read Eclipse and Breaking Dawn but I found it funny when we discuss Twilight and New Moon how much detail she has missed as she was too busy trying to get to the end.

    I think Kallie will enjoy the books just as much if not more when she re reads them.

  40. Bree.J says:

    you should reread Twilight because:
    1.The love story never gets old.
    2.To catch every detail that you missed because you couldnt put the book down.
    3.Edward deserves more than 8 reads.
    4.The story is beautifully built
    5.The relationship between Ed & Bella is so raw and real that you cant get enough.
    6.The Cullens are great and arent written enough so you have to keep rereading it to get more.
    7.Everytime is like the first time.
    8.We are Twi-hards and thats what we do….and i could go on but i’ll keep it short…lol..

  41. Alecia says:

    Hey Guys. I LOVE your podcast.
    I have read every Twilight book six times each. I think that Kassie should read the book again because it never gets old. And you love the feeling of having Bella meet Edward for the first time… the chemistry that ties them together instantly. That excited feeling you get in your stomach when James almost kills Bella and Edward saves her… it’s all something you just feel like you have to experience over and over again. And Stephanie Meyer did an AMAZING job writing these books and you can’t find any girl over the age of 12 who doesn’t love them already.
    Thanks, LOVE LOVE LOVE your podcast.

  42. Tara P. says:

    Dear Kassie,

    I have never re read book ever in my life before I read Twilight. I have read the series three times now and am thinking about starting again soon. My reason for reading them agin and again may not be the one that convinces you, but it may help spark something in you.

    The first time I decided to read the series again was about four days after Breaking Dawn came out. I just felt this withdrawl from non reality, I guess you could call it that. I missed Forks. Stephenie does such a great job with writing that you feel you live there. I missed driving to La Push to go to the rez and hang out with Jacob. I missed the green woods and Edward. How can you not miss Edward? Dinner with Charlie. All these great things that bring you into the world are the things you begin to miss after a while.
    think back to the first time you read Twilight and how it made you feel. You will get that feeling again. I always say “Twilight is just the beginning.”
    i hope in the end you decide to read the book because you want to and not because you were pressured.
    good Luck & keep up the good work.

    P.S. Did you ever look into the part of Leah not being written into the script of New Moon? just curious to know what happened with that.

  43. Jamie Sug says:

    Hello, ladies.

    There are a PLETHORA of reasons to re-read Twilight, so I’ll be succinct… as best as I can. (:

    *If you are a fervent fan of the Twilight series, you should re-read the book (or we can adjust that and make it plural) after watching the movie to renew your passion for Stephenie’s words and the world we inhabit while reading them. Watching a movie is SUCH a dramatically different experience than reading. Part of the fun of reading is manipulating the words in your imagination into a unique vision, specific only to you.
    *I think it’s imperative that you re-read the book because we tend, in our initial haste and excitement in reading it the first time, to miss things. I know I do. I’m so into it, so desperate to finally reach the end and to know what happens already, that I read too rapidly, miss out on the minute subtexts and “easter eggs” that writers sometimes include.
    *It’s also fun to go back through a text and focus on specific passages that preclude an event that happens later– to look for those little phrases and comments, that may hint at what’s to come.
    *My final comment is simple and direct- I believe that you should re-read Twilight to offer fresh perspective to the podcasts, to keep things interesting and current. Take notes while you’re reading, buy some of those little post-it tabs to mark specific passages, and so forth. You probably already do this and I’m being redundant, but that helps me participate fully in discussions to be prepared such as this.

    I love to listen to your podcast, and often wish that I could participate. Thank you for keeping it fun– you guys always sound like you’re having a good time, and that translates to your listeners, such as me, having a good time. And I’m always up for a good time. 🙂

    I would like to end with a poem:

    Re-read that book, Kassie,
    it will be grand,
    you’ll remember so much information,
    and really be able to take a stand.

    Your sister will love you,
    your listeners will be happy,
    you’ll be pleased with yourself,
    and I’ll end now before this gets too sappy.

  44. Terri Carpe says:

    I am a lot like Kallie. I reread my favorite books over and over. I have read the entire Twilight series 3 times plus a few additional times for Twilight and New Moon. My copies of Eclipse and Breaking Dawn are being read by someone else, but as soon as I get those back, I’ll read them again. The main reason I read books again is that I usually rush through a book I love the firs time around. I’m just dying to know what is going to happen. The second time I read a book, I try to savor my favorite moments. I always find something that I missed or forgotten from my first read through. If I read a book a third or forth time its because I loved it so much that I want to be in the story again. Whenever I finish a Twilight book, I start to miss Edward and Bella and start planning the next time I will join them in their life adventure. The only other series that I have read more than once is Harry Potter. I have read those books at least three times each (including the original version published in England). I love being along for the adventure in all these books. I’m the same way with movies. I saw Twilight six times because I loved it so much and I can’t wait for the DVD so I can watch it whenever I want.

    I love your podcast. I just finished listening to all your podcasts from 2008. It was great hearing you talk about the movie being made and all the excitement leading up to Breaking Dawn. I wasn’t part of the fandom then, but it was still fun listening to talk about everything. You really bring a smile to my face! Keep up the great work!

  45. Nellie says:

    You should totally reread it Kassie! I’m actually reading Twilight for the second time right now. I decided to read it again because I read it in about 2 days the first time around and have already forgotten things! I know people who are reading it now and they talk to me about stuff and “I’m like whoa I forgot about that!” I’m going to have to read New Moon again, too. I read that one straight through one night, because it was so depressing, so I don’t rememeber a lot! Anyway.. rereading it is allowing me to remember why I fell in love with the Twilight saga in the first place!

  46. Dana says:

    you pick up on a lot of things u didn’t catch as u so wanted to keep reading the first time around

  47. Stephane...like Stephanie but spelled different says:

    I had never read a book twice myself before Twilight. But I LOVE the twilight books more then any others. I know that sounds crazy, but I do. When you read it twice you might notice things you did not notice before or remember little details you may have forgot. It’s just as awesome the second time and very relaxing. And you already know you’ll love it so why not!! After I read them all again I changed my favorite book from Twilight to Eclipse. And I also like Jacob much more now because the second time I wasn’t so depressed when I read New Moon. I am still definately team Edward though….OH Edward!!

  48. Dana says:

    I read them different amounts –
    Twilight 5
    New Moon 2
    Ecipse 3
    Breaking dawn 5 but only bella books
    I like it because u pick up little things that can be connected and i noticed how little the character develope there was in the movie because if they talked about carlise they could have really set up new moon because they talk about the volturi and how he stayed with them. Also when u read it u pick up the connection between Alice and Bella that was never set up.

  49. Annie McKee says:

    Kassie should definitely read Twilight if not the whole series again. You definitely have to read New Moon more than two times because the first time you go through it you want to know when Edward comes back and then you pretty much skim through until you see his name on the page. Then the next time you read you are way to charmed and turned on by Jacobs hotness. The third time you read it you have a healthy balance of both Jacob’s hotness and missing Edward, now back to the point.

    I think I read Twilight 4-5 times I can’t be sure I’m too excited about seeing Taylor Lautner the other day. I KNOW!!!!! I was in Vancouver. His teeth are really white. For Kassie though I do recommend reading twilight twice because It’s pretty much the first book I read all the way through Now I’m a reading freak thanks to Stephenie Meyer. LOVE YOU STEPHENIE! ‘Cause we all know she’s listening. My Birthday is in…let me count…on the 27…9 DAYS!!!!!!!!! I’m gonna be sixteen!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love the podcast, I’m a simmer and I made you guys on the sims 2. Don’t worry, I won’t kill you like all the other ones. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!

  50. Ash Pash says:

    Kassie should read Twilight again because it is so much better the second time you read and capture so many more details because you know how it is going to end so you are not trying to rush through it without reading the major details and just because it is good!!

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