Eclipse Release Date Announced!

Feb 20th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

According to EW and Deadline Hollywood Daily, Eclipse will be released in theaters on June 30, 2010!

“I’ve confirmed there’s no director hired yet. And the two productions won’t be back-to-back. But that hasn’t stopped Summit Entertainment from newly scheduling its Twilight threequel for release on June 30, 2010, not long after its Twilight sequel New Moon set for November 20th this year now being helmed by Chris Weitz. Summit also officially changed the name of its vampire movie franchise based on Stephenie Meyer’s bestselling series of novels to The Twilight Saga.”

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87 Comments to “Eclipse Release Date Announced!”

  1. Josh says:

    Although this is old news by now, I am still a little ticked off about this. Personally I think there was no reason to even mention a release date for Eclipse. What was the purpose of this? I understand what some of you have said about the actors aging, but I THINK everyone realizes that the actors are indeed just human, and would not fault Summit if the actors look a little older (its human nature). The main point I wanted to make here though was this: Yes, us Twilight fans made the movie a succes, BUT there was little support from critics or those who had not read the books. This alone I think could make the numbers for New Moon go down. NOW, if New Moon is rushed and does not exceed the standards set by the first film, does Summit think anyone other than die hard fans will want to see Eclipse? I dont think so. I also think, and it has been stated above, that if New Moon is just thrown together, that the movie franchise will lose even some die hard fans.

    I don’t understand, why with the success of the first movie, Summit is giving very little care to its sequel. Yes we all went to see Twilight, and while some of us looked past the dodgy editing and special effects and still loved the movie, i think we can all admit that the editing and special effects SHOULD be given more care.

    Wow, this has turned into a rant, I hope it is even readable.

  2. Mary says:

    Im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo exited! Im also very worried that the movie is coming so soon! i mean i want the movie to have a good quality but i also am very exited maybe the started a long time ago and are just finshing New Moon you never know! I just wish Esclipse would come on July 18 2010 thats my birthday! I cant wit!!! πŸ˜€

    • Emma-Jayne Randall-Webb says:

      I am so excited that Eclipes opens on June 30th as this is my birthday yey πŸ™‚

  3. modesta says:

    I heard that robert will not be playing in the sequal brakeing dawn….Why is this….It will kill the movie everyone I have talked to agrees…….

  4. strawbz says:

    OMGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe it i cant wait i have read al the books and now i am just waitiing for the films there has been no disappoint with the films there just as good as the books, love itttt x

  5. Baillie says:

    there seeems to be a lot of people saying that they are concerned about the quality of the Eclipse movie, but it had already been recorded before New Moon was released in cinemas. I think thaey have already started filming the fouth movie, Breaking Dawn, because the vampires are not supposed to age, so they have to produce the films as quickly as possible to avoid the actors aging. I cant wait until Eclipse comes out . Woohoo x

  6. mysterious girl xx says:

    i am sooooooooooooo happy i love twilight and have read all the books and by the wAay just to spoil it bella marrys edward and has his baby .. a girl called renessmee after renne and esme and her midel name is chalile after charlie and carslie and the voulier want to kill her baby :(((((
    also she nealy dies when she gives birth so has to become a vampire and edward has to bite open bellas stomak to get the baby out xxxx

  7. BiggestTwilightFanEVER says:

    Guys i think you should all stop paniking!! I know everyone is concerened becaus yes it has been rushed but if we know how good these actors are (Robert pattinson,Taylor lautner etc) then they will deliver a magnificent performance no matter what!!! I look forward to it but yes they could have taken more time on it. Still I CANT WAIT !!!!!
    Chill guys xx LuLu xx

  8. kelly mcvey. says:

    awww yaaaaaay :D. i love the books, hehe , they just make u want to keep reading ! xxxxxxxxxxx

  9. Joanne xx says:

    Does that mean the UK aswell ;$ ??
    Cant waiit ;p xx!!

  10. alleena says:

    OMG I absolutly love twilight series and eclipse makes Me feel special because my birthday isjune 29th πŸ™‚ and I only just started the series of twilight saga finished them and was a little sad that there isn’t a book after breaking dawn

  11. Ian says:

    ive seen, read and own twilight (movie) and read it but dont own the book yet. i have read new moon and am waiting to see it and i own the book, ive recently finished reading eclipse and i loved it and waiting 2 get a copy of breaking dawn

  12. bethan says:

    cant wait my friends is planning to go and see the movie for her birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Annie Stockburger says:

    Nobody worry about a thing, the cast WILL DEFINATELY be staying. They know how much it would ruin their reputation if they quit before the end.
    As for the quality of the film, dont worry. You have all seen New Moon and that was much better quality than Twilight. Eclipse is bound to be better, changing of directors must be because they wanted someone who could get just as good quality and finish the picture in half the time.
    If anyone has any news about Breaking Dawn please POST IMMEDIATELY. Im freaking out, Will they make it into 2 seperate movies? Who will play who?


    • Baggychops says:

      Yes it will be in 2 films it sed it on the virgin media website a couple of weeks agox

      • Baggychops says:

        i Love the Twilight saga like mental i also love R-Pattz so so so so much. Cant wait for eclipse n breaking dawn to come out in the cinemas. I have read all the books 6 times and my friends think that im a complete maniac over twilight but i guess i cnt blame them cus it is true!!! Sobassicly i luve twilight i love new moon i love eclipse i love breaking dawn and am litteraly obsseded and in love with robert pattinson xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3

  14. dnooo says:

    omggg..i cantt waitt, gnaaa beee amazinggg!!!!! <3<3<3 JACOBBB :)!!! soooo freakinn fittt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxx

  15. MassiveTwilightFan says:

    OMG!! I LUV TWILIGHT SO MUCH!! I HV READ THT WHOLE SERIES!!!! x πŸ™‚ i cnt wait! its gna be soooo awseome XxX

  16. Natasha Woodie says:

    OMG that is MY B-day !!!!!!!!!! WOO gonna b soo cool

  17. Erica says:

    Wow I am very excited that we do not have to wait long for the third movie! The second has always been my least favorite and I have been waiting for Eclipse since the release of Twilight. And of course they leave you at the edge of your seat at the end of the New Moon movie..

  18. Brianna says:

    Hey that’s my Birthday!!!! πŸ˜€
    So excited!!

  19. Emz123 says:

    Oh my god!!
    I love the books, have read them all!!!
    I just hope eclipse(movie) isn’t a diappointment because the book is the best of the saga and they just can’t ruin it!!!
    If you haven’t read them and you’ve just watched the films you should difinetely read the books because they give so much more detail.
    They have to make the films quickly because vampires don’t grow old and humans do!!!!
    πŸ˜€ luv the books!! πŸ˜€

  20. becky says:

    ilovethem all totally amazing!! read them loads of timess:)
    twilight and new moon were amazing
    eclipse is going to be the best..
    i wish there was a 5th book though it would be great dont want them to end..
    anyway prebooked my seat 4 when it comes out:)
    i want it to hurry up!!
    loveing twilight, newmoon, eclpise&breaking dawn.

  21. shawtykat says:

    I am so freakin excited about the upcoming movie! I loved the darkness of twilight new moon was kinda cheap looking thorughout but I liked it. Eclispe better have alot more romance! Breaking definitely needs to be two seperate movies.

  22. lissy says:

    i love twilight got em all on dvd so far! i hope eclipse isnt a disapointment. by the way i have all the books and love them so much. i love edward cullen (roobert patinson)so much hes so fit!!!

  23. sexyy x says:

    ommmmggggg!! imm soooo exciiiteeeeddd πŸ™‚ i cannntt waaiit too c JACOBB! Sooooo freeaakinnn fiiiittt i sweaaarr!!
    imm succhh a biiiigg twiliigghhhttt faaannn πŸ™‚ luvyaahh loaadss evryy1 especiallyy tayloorr lautnerr xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  24. kirsty says:

    you cant cut robert from breaking dawn as he is a amazing actor and all the girls love him. if hes not in it i bet not as many people will want to watch the film. Twilight and new moonwas a great hit for me and i cant wait to see the other films. I also love robert pattinson and i am a great fan of him, i just dont think the film will be as good with out him. He plays the part so well. I actually love the films so much. 1,because roberts in it. and 2, because is an amazing love story. everyone i know dont stop talking about robert and twilight and new moon. I cant actually think of anyone that hates the film.


    i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee twilight an every other film it rocks im a twicopath!!!!!.
    i lovvvvvvee R.PATTZ!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    i think its such a amazing film,the affects,ACTORS,idea’s are brilliant!! i cant wait to see it!!! i have read the books (WHOLE SET) 12 times no joke!! also have got all the books and the 2 films out (twilight and newmoon) and cant wait to get eclipse!!!!!!
    i think there should defonately be a 5th and 6th film maybe …….the 5th being called ….>>> calling darkness.) and the 6th one being called……>>> dangerous beauty). i think these names are awsome so it would be ….twilight,newmoon,eclipse,breaking dawn,calling darkness,dangerous beauty !!!! who will play what if they they do 2 seperate films ???

  26. Aaliyah says:




  27. ,Taylor_Lautner says:

    Da Films R Great… Any1 Worryin Bout Da Quality Of Eclipse… Well Dnt Worry Da Films Cant Get Much Better… N Taylor Lautner Knowz Ehat Hez Doin… Da Peng Dude Iz Great… I Met Him Last Year At Da New Moon Premier…


    OMG eclipse out in cinemas like on the 30th of June. I am so crazy abouyt Taylor Lautner and this is going to be huge for me. All twilight haters you suck. OOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGG, eclipse out very soon. YYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH.





  31. i loved the twilight books ever since they came out and i like edward but he has a nipple like a hickey but oh my god jacup is the best looking i think that there shud be moe than 4 books xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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