Convention Pictures

Feb 23rd, 2009 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie News

One of our listeners, Madison, was able to go to the convention last weekend and sent us some pictures from the experience!  She also had this to say…

“The convention will now be a part of my life that I will keep in my mind forever,Kellan was very humble,as well as Christian and Michael,I asked them all Questions they looked me in the eye when they answered,and I could tell that they weren’t like some stars that let their fame go to their heads,they really are just Regular people.”

5 Comments to “Convention Pictures”

  1. Shteff says:

    =] I’m so envious! Hehe, ITS THE DUDES FROM THE YOUTUBE VIDEO!!!! LOL!!!

  2. Patty says:

    I was there too!! And it was soooo much fun I’m still on cloud 9!!!!!!
    Yes “The Hillywood Show” ladies were there and they showed the Twilight Parody on the screen and they were absolutely awesome and hilarious!!
    The whole cast was sooo beautiful, I cant say which was my favorite because they were ALL awesome. I have photos with ALL of them 🙂
    My highlight I have to say was “100 Monkeys” concert!!! I wasnt planing to attend at first but we decided to go for it that day and I have to say Jackson and the band ROCKS!!! Cant wait for their CD…soon to go on sale 🙂

    Cant wait till next year!!!!

  3. Zhaan says:

    I’m going to the one in Atlanta and I can’t wait. I love seeing the pictures from the SF one – getting me excited!

  4. Cedar says:

    I wish I could have been there!

  5. april says:


    The highlight for me was seeing Michael Welch.. who’da thought that he would be so charming?!?!

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