DVD Countdown: 14 Days Left!

Mar 6th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Site News

Are you all getting excited for March 21? We here at TST are starting our very own Twilight DVD countdown! Every day we will be asking for your opinions on a DVD-related question, as well as including the answers from TST staff! Be sure to check out our DVD page for information on all DVD versions.

Today’s question:

What are your favorite and least favorite scenes in the movie?

Kallie: My fave scene is definitely the make out scene! LOL! I know I am usually the modest prude, but that scene was intense… and I loved it! My least fave scene was probably the one in the forest when Edward is ripping roots out of the ground and then proceeds to sparkle to the sound of Tinker Bell!

Kassie: Fav scene: first kiss scene! ๐Ÿ™‚ Least Fav: running vamps in the forest!

Alex: Fav. Scene the Fight Scene.
Least Fav. Scene…umm…The Meadow…..I enjoyed it but it could of
been better ๐Ÿ™‚

Nicole: Favorite- The baseball scene, hands down. (I also love the scene where Edward is driving just after he picked up Bella in Port Angeles- it was very intense! That was Edward to me..) Least favorite- I can’t really think of one off the top of my head.

McKell: I loved when Edward first smelled Bella in Biology Class, but didn’t like the running to the mountain part ๐Ÿ™

Michelle: Fav–Edward and Bella kissing in her bedroom. My least favorite scene is when Bella enters the science lab and Rob looks like he wants to vomit.

Erin Marisa: Prom. I thought that was adorable. Least would just be bits and pieces throughout, but not really a whole scene.

Krystal: Fav: The first kiss or prom. Least fav: The biology scene, well-placed fan, hand clenching, etc.-it was horrible! Or the scene in the hospital at the end when Kristen is sputtering “Don’t leave me.”

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