DVD Countdown: 14 Days Left!

Mar 6th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Site News

Are you all getting excited for March 21? We here at TST are starting our very own Twilight DVD countdown! Every day we will be asking for your opinions on a DVD-related question, as well as including the answers from TST staff! Be sure to check out our DVD page for information on all DVD versions.

Today’s question:

What are your favorite and least favorite scenes in the movie?

Kallie: My fave scene is definitely the make out scene! LOL! I know I am usually the modest prude, but that scene was intense… and I loved it! My least fave scene was probably the one in the forest when Edward is ripping roots out of the ground and then proceeds to sparkle to the sound of Tinker Bell!

Kassie: Fav scene: first kiss scene! πŸ™‚ Least Fav: running vamps in the forest!

Alex: Fav. Scene the Fight Scene.
Least Fav. Scene…umm…The Meadow…..I enjoyed it but it could of
been better πŸ™‚

Nicole: Favorite- The baseball scene, hands down. (I also love the scene where Edward is driving just after he picked up Bella in Port Angeles- it was very intense! That was Edward to me..) Least favorite- I can’t really think of one off the top of my head.

McKell: I loved when Edward first smelled Bella in Biology Class, but didn’t like the running to the mountain part πŸ™

Michelle: Fav–Edward and Bella kissing in her bedroom. My least favorite scene is when Bella enters the science lab and Rob looks like he wants to vomit.

Erin Marisa: Prom. I thought that was adorable. Least would just be bits and pieces throughout, but not really a whole scene.

Krystal: Fav: The first kiss or prom. Least fav: The biology scene, well-placed fan, hand clenching, etc.-it was horrible! Or the scene in the hospital at the end when Kristen is sputtering “Don’t leave me.”

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27 Comments to “DVD Countdown: 14 Days Left!”

  1. Jocelyn says:

    mine is definatley the baseball scene!! and i agree with everyone else, the meadow when edward sparkles is probably my least fav. it could have been so much better! but i am looking foward to the “enhanced” sparkle on the bluray!

  2. Erica says:

    My favorite is the baseball scene. That was just awesome on film and fitted the book perfectly. My least had to either be the bio scene (rob just looked constipated) or the meadow scene. The meadow scene i think could of been done so much better than it was.

  3. Britta says:

    My favorite scene is the bedroom kiss scene! It gets me every time. That’s the first time their relationship really solidifies on-screen. I mean, we all know what’s going on, but the movie isn’t as clear about it until that moment. My least favorite scene, the hospital scene at the end, is really only my half-least favorite. I really REALLY don’t like how Kristen acted in that one- would Bella really sputter like that??- and her performance felt the most forced there. However, when Edward kisses Bella on the forehead it is SO SWEET omg. I almost like it better than the make out one… maybe. πŸ˜‰

  4. Madison Team Edward says:


  5. kim says:

    The baseball scene was the funniest!
    When the Cullen’s enter the lunch room. I think they really got the feel of them there.

    my LEAST favorite was Edward acting “embarrassed” by his family. That is not Edward or the Cullen’s.
    In the book Edward is very proud of his family. In the movie you get the feeling like getting past the folks and to his room was the main reason for the visit.

  6. Samantha Cullen says:

    My fav scenes the baseball game but not when the bad vamps come, the fight scene espically when Edward saves Bella’s life, the first kiss its just SOO cute and shows them all lovey dovey, and the prom scene because it also shows how in love they are. =D my least fav scene is the hospital scene when Renee is talking to Bella. I thought it would be Edward not Renee and the part when Bella stutters its just not Bella-like. My other least fav is when the credits come on =( because we ALL have to wait till Novemeber 20.

  7. Samantha Cullen says:

    Duh I forgot my most favorite one is when they’re in the trees together it shows how their love is growing for each other and Bella’s lullaby just sets the mood also =D

  8. Mariah Cullen says:

    My fav scenes is when Edward introduces himself to Bella, because Edward seems all scary but then he has the sweetest voice *sigh*.=D My least fav is the baseball scene because the bad vamps just mess the whole game up.:(

  9. Mariah Cullen says:

    My fav scenes is when Edward introduces himself to Bella, because Edward seems all scary but then he has the sweetest voice *sigh*.=D My least fav is the baseball scene because the bad vamps just mess the whole game up πŸ™

  10. Twilight Geek Sam says:


  11. Sarah :) says:

    You guys are so lucky!
    I have to wait til the 22nd of April to get my dvd πŸ™ πŸ™
    Cause i live in Australia…

  12. Cedar says:

    I can hardly wait!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. lexine says:

    awwww, i thought they did the vamps running RIGHT. it’s bugged me in almost every other supernatural movie except this one.

  14. kaisa says:

    my fave scene is when edward introduses himself in biologyclass. he’s so adorable when he says: hello, my name is edward cullen. another fave scene is when the culllens enters the cafeteria. love it. my last fave scene would have to be the scene where edward says: you better hold on tight, spidermonkey. that was kinda lame.

  15. Luisa says:

    I love the scene when Carlisle comes in in the hospital. Like a god! But Im not such a fan of the whole hunt in the end, I often skip that when Im watching Twilight.

  16. Alice says:

    my favorite scene is by far the baseball scene πŸ™‚ it looks like so much fun and i thought they did a good job adapting it from the book and bringing it to life. my least favorite is the biology scene because he looks like hes gonna vomit πŸ™

  17. RDL says:

    My favorite scene is hard to say..theyre like lil bits of scenes…probably when Edward and Bella are talking in the hallway in the hospital. I just like how he’s totally trying to lie to her and she is NOT havin it lol My Least favorite is the Ballet studio hands down. Not the whole scene, but mostly when the Cullens show up I think it gets really cheesy. Edward’s face when he’s sucking the venom out of Bella’s arm is like nails on a chalk board to me!!!! Ughh

  18. Amanda G says:

    My favorite scene was the Baseball scene or the prom scene. Baseball scene- holy crap holy crap holy crap! I loved it! And the prom scene- so cute! I loved it! The song Flightless bird American mouth! Omg I almost died! I loved it!!

    My least favorite scene was sadly the meadow… They did it totally wrong!! I mean come on! It totally wasn’t like that in the book, and like Kassie said, the noise Edwards skin made! That was so cheesy! I didn’t like it. I was so looking forword to that, and then when I saw it, I was like “what?” anyway that’s what I think :))

  19. Jasmine says:

    My favorite is scene is hands down the baseball scene! I was sooo sick!!! It was pretty intense! Loved it!

    I like pretty much every scene in the movie but if I had to pick my least favorite scene then it would probably be the biology scene cuz it’s a tiny bit cheesy the way Edward looks like he’s gonna puck.

    Jazz (Team Cullen!)

  20. Monica H. says:

    Hmmmmm… My favorite scene is probably the prom scene or where they’re in the restaurant in Port Angeles. The prom scene was almost better then it was in the book, and they restaurant scene was always one of my favorites. My least favorite is when Edward is sucking thevenom out of Bella’s arm. I always kind of imagined him really pained but in the end, he stops when the venom is out. But in the movie Edward looks totally mental and Carlisle has to practically pull him off her! To be honest, it was kind of creepy. I also didn’t like some of the cheesier parts of the movie, like the spidermonkey thing and when the vampires are making Bella lunch and are like “Is she even Italian?” “Well, her name is Bella!” That was kind of akward… I wished they’d taken it out. But the movie overall was pretty good.

  21. Monica H. says:

    Re-Reading some comments… I agree the medow scene needs a lot of work but I think the biology scene was really funny! I mean come on, how’s he supposed to react? Something that makes me mad- where’s the sleeptalking scene? That was one of my faves from the book and they didn’t include it at all! πŸ™

  22. Harley says:

    yeah me too i have to wait till april 22nd

  23. Alecia says:

    My fave scene is TOTALLY the kissing scene… Gawd, so intense! It gets me every time! I even heard there was a MORE intense scene on the DVD…. DYING to see that…
    My least favorite scene is probably either…
    1) when Bella tells Edward she knows he’s a vampire (she was breathing WAY to hard there, ya know?)
    2) The biology scene… I mean Edward looks really freaking sick…
    I LUV the movie I just thought the actors and actresses overdid it at some times…

  24. Tracey says:

    Fav scenes (Of course the kissing scene & them dancing in the rotunda)
    When Bella slips on the ice when Charlie gets the new tyres for the truck
    When Charlie is cleaning his gun & Bella says Edward wants to meet him – hilarious!
    When Bella first goes to the Cullen house & they are making her italiano : D
    Jaspers expression before he gets on the bus back from the science trip

    The scene I hate the most, well there is more that one…
    All the scenes from the diner with the annoying waitress. Totally hated that storyline
    The build up to the nomads. Prefered the way it went in the book.
    Waylan Forges – didn’t like him one bit

  25. Lola says:

    fav scene- of course the kissing scene!!

    least fav- the sparkling scene in the meadow. I also didn’t care for the affect of them running, it looked way to fake. And I agree with Kallie when Edward sparkled it sounded like Tinker Bell should be on screen.

  26. Brandi says:

    Fave- Baseball scene hands down!! (And everything that isn’t my least fave) : ]

    Lease Faves- The very moment you hear the sparkling (I don’t mind the visual sure its not the best or what I imagined but hey you do get to look at Edward(Robert)). ANYTIME Bella(Kristen) wrinkles up her face or twitches it, sorry but it just doesn’t fit for me. The part in the hospital when Bella(Kristen) is sputtering “No”. When Bella gets home from Port Ang. and reads from them book THEN gets on the computer to google ‘Cold Ones’, I realize they changed a lot from the book and its not so much that its differant from the book but that one just irks me. Why didn’t she just google everything from the beginning?! Just doesn’t make since. OH and when Bella(Kristen) is talking to her mom on the phone after she gets to Forks and flips her notebook around, and gives off a vibe of erkk Bella is a ‘suffer in silence type’ she wouldn’t (didn’t in the book) of let her mom even think she wasn’t happy being there. — My least list seems to be vast, I really LOVED the movie, I just have a few complaints about little clips here and there. But overall I LOVED IT!!

  27. emily says:

    I love the prom scene and the baseball scen- especially when Jasper spins the baseball around in his hand. I also loved it when alice and jasper walk in the room and alice says, ‘dont worry, you wont hurt her’. Jasper is so cute in that scene. Also the kissing scene. My least fav scene is in the meadow , but overall i loved the movie heaps!!!

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