You Can Meet Catherine Hardwicke!
Mar 7th, 2009 | By Kallieross | Category: Fandom, Featured ArticlesMEET CATHERINE HARDWICKE!
To celebrate the release of Twilight: Director’s Notebook on March 17th, Catherine Hardwicke will be doing a very special event featuring a behind-the-scenes look at making the movie, a chance to ask your burning Twilight questions, and much more! One lucky audience member will even walk away with a one-of-kind prop from the movie.
with special musical performance by Lal Meri
Stay tuned to all next week
for more announcements about this event!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
7:00 p.m.
Barnum Hall
On the campus of Santa Monica High School
601 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90405
THIS IS A TICKETED EVENT. Tickets will be available starting Saturday, March 14th at 9:00 a.m. at Barnes and Noble, 3rd Street Promenade, 1201 3rd Street, Santa Monica, CA. Please note, limit to two tickets per person. Twilight: Director’s Notebook will be available for sale during the event. Ticket distribution while supplies last. For information call 310/260-9110.
Please note, Catherine will only be able to sign one copy of Twilight: Director’s Notebook per person at the event. No pictures will be allowed during the autographing.