12 Days Left!
Mar 8th, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Site NewsThere are only 12 days left until the release of Twilight on DVD!
Today’s question is:
Who is your favorite male character in the movie?
Kallie: I am going with Charlie, played by Billy Burke!
Kassie: Edward
Lexine: 😛 Edward. When I read the book, of course he was perfect (and actually in my mind a little too perfect – bordering on boring) but Robert Pattinson played him SO tortured… my favorite kind of guy.
Alex: Kellan Lutz
Nicole: I am extremely entertained by Jasper. If you pay attention, he is always in the background making fantastic, intense faces.
Michelle: Charlie because his portrayal for a father is dead on.
Erin Marisa: I really fell in love with Mike Newton. So much more charismatic than in the books. And James.
McKell: I really liked Mike and Emmett 🙂
Krystal: Edward and Charlie. Billy Burke did an awesome job!