11 Days Left!

Mar 9th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Site News

There are now 11 days left until Twilight is released on DVD!

Today’s question is:

Who is your favorite female character in the movie?

Kallie: Definitely Jessica, played by Anna Kendrick! (Which is funny because she is my LEAST fave in the books!)

Kassie: Bella….I like her much better in the movie than I did in the book!

Lexine: Bella. The lead roles were SO well cast, I really liked how awkward and yet driven she was, just thinking about the confrontation in the woods gives me butterflies.

Alex: Ashley…Aka Alice..I Love Her She Seems so….cool.

Nicole: Alice!

Michelle: I liked Alice best.

Erin Marisa: Alice!

McKell: Rosalie

Krystal: I have to completely agree with Kallie! I loved Jessica in the movie, but hated her in the books (just goes to show how good of an actress Anna is!). And I love Alice, of course 🙂

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