Kellan, Edi, and Rachelle Talk New Moon

Mar 9th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

FEARnet has a new interview with Edi Gathegi, Kellan Lutz, and Rachelle Lefevre here!

With this film you’re working with a new director. Can you talk about any differences you’re sensing? Is the vibe any different?

LUTZ: I don’t know if any of us have had the pleasure of meeting Chris.

LEFEVRE: I’ve talked to him on the phone.

LUTZ: Oh, good. You like him?

LEFEVRE: Yeah, he’s great. He’s quite different than Catherine. Because with Catherine there was a real sense of energy coming through. It kind of comes out in a different way with Chris. He’s more measured. I think because he comes from being a writer and has come off of a film like The Golden Compass that he’s just thought it through completely. He’s ridiculously smart. You can tell by talking to him. I think he went to Cambridge. He’s a real intellectual. It’s real interesting because he has a fresh take. At the same time, you can tell that he’s seen the movie, read the book and respects that we’ve already established something, and that it needs to be continued and fans expect some continuity.

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