Tune In To Taylor Tonight!
Mar 9th, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsDon’t forget to listen to Blog Talk Radio tonight at 9 pm EST to catch a new interview with Taylor Lautner! If you call the number below, you just might get lucky and get the chance to talk to Taylor yourself!
Call-in Number: (888) 874-5757
Twilight fans nationwide now have a chance to hear Taylor Lautner, who plays teen werewolf Jacob Black, dish live from the film location of the smash-hit flick’s sequel, The Twilight Saga’s New Moon.
On Monday, March 9 at 9 p.m. Eastern / 8 p.m. Central, log onto our Stardish Radio special event. During the show, you may even get the chance to ask Taylor a question or two!
Join me, JoAnne Kubasek, and MomAdvice host Amy Clark, as we talk about this beloved novel and its big-screen adapation, and ask Taylor some of your questions about his experiences making the sequel.
This 90-minute special featuring Taylor is brought to us by Walmart. The retailer is working with Twilight’s studio, Summit Entertainment, to engage millions of fans in the excitement surrounding the March 21 DVD release of the film. Among the many promotional activities will be midnight events at the stores – where new Twilight shops will be offering Twilight-themed apparel, accessories and entertainment.
To find out more about Walmart’s Twilight activities – including how to send your friends an “eBite” invitation, CLICK HERE!
In the meantime, teens, moms, and Twilighters of all ages, consider this your invitation to all the fun and excitement!