Nikki Won’t Dye Hair For New Moon

Mar 11th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

MTV has a new interview with Nikki Reed, who talks about getting to use a wig this time around, rather than going through the long process of bleaching her hair!

“But what will this mean for the fans? Reed said the die-hards might notice some of the changes — like her plan to wear a wig this time rather than dye her hair again. “My hair fell out,” she winced. “It took 36 hours initially to make me blond, and every other day, I was bleaching my head and my skin. This time around, we are testing out different wigs and stuff.”

Before the Twilighters start judging the change, however, Reed wanted to point out one thing: The franchise stars went above-and-beyond to make their original hairdos work. “I really wanted the fans to understand that I was dedicated, and I was going to do whatever I needed to do, even at the expense of going bald,” said the 20-year-old, who hopes to squeeze in the film “K-11” with Kristen Stewart between the “Twilight” sequels. “But it was such a brutal process, plus we have a break in between where I have a couple of other projects. And then I go back to Rosalie. So I don’t think I’m bleaching my hair this time. I know how upset everyone is going to be, but [my devotion to Rosalie] is why I did it initially.”

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