Only 9 Days Left!

Mar 11th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Site News

There are only 9 days left until the release of the Twilight DVD!

Today’s question is:

How many times did you actually end up seeing the movie in the theatre?

Kallie: Three times!

Kassie: Twice…Not enough!

Lexine: Three times, all told, i think.

Alex: Five times πŸ™‚

Nicole: I saw it twice.

McKell: 5

Michelle: Twice

Erin Marisa: Once. I’m a bad fan, I know.

Krystal: Five times πŸ™‚

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37 Comments to “Only 9 Days Left!”

  1. Amanda G says:

    Sadly only 4 times, after that all my friends got sick of it and no one wanted to see it with me!

  2. Britta says:

    i saw it 9 times. i always went with my mom and by the 6th time or so SHE was the one demanding to go instead of me lol! and i have to admit, i never got sick of it. it gets better every time you see it πŸ˜€

  3. Harley says:

    Yer same thing happened too me. i seen it 4 times and then nobody wanted to see it with me again or anything!

    ye but i dont know how many times i have watched it now like 30 or something!!!!!!
    really big fan!!!!! oh and im actually serious about seeing it like 30 times!!!!!
    OMG im meeting peter in like 3 weeks!! cant wait!!!!!!

  4. Harley says:

    i cant even say anything to my mum anymore, or she will just go nuts! (i talk about twilight ALOT!!)
    now she just buys me all the twilight stuff i want just so that ill shut up! like when i wanted to go meet Peter she didnt object, aunty patty’s going with me and im so excited!! mum will be glad when im gone! i feel sorry for her but i really love twilight!!!!!!

  5. Kim says:

    I got to see it 3 times. I can’t wait til it comes out on DVD so that I can watch it a million times over. I will have my very own copy Yeah!!!

  6. Shannon says:

    5 times

  7. Tracey says:

    14 times…yes I have a problem…it’s still on at some cinemas here in Australia…
    Edward is such a damn hot sexy vampire & seeing it all on the big screen is awesome : )
    I went on my own each time but the first time was the best cause I didn’t know anything about Twilight apart from it was about vampires. It was an advanced screening & the cinema was FULL of screaming twilight fans & it was incredible!
    I’ve been hooked ever since! I went out & bought the Twilight the book the next day. (book store was closed when I’d gotten out of the cinema)

    I’m dying for the dvd to come out!

    I’ll probably see it again on the weekend…

  8. Grace says:


  9. Samantha LeAnne says:

    I saw it twice in theaters and then I watched it once online because it was out of theaters…
    I can’t wait for the DVD

  10. Luisa says:

    Actually, I just saw it once at the sneek premier πŸ™‚

  11. Kaylie says:

    10 times in theaters… 7 times online…. 4 times in payperview movies at hotels =]]

  12. laura h says:

    7 times. started getting odd looks from cinema staff and even my fellow twilighters

  13. my name is not your business says:

    only twice. i would be burned out if i saw it 21 times like our friend Kaylie, or 14 like Tracey. πŸ™‚ I didn’t like it enough to want to see it a zillion times. Sorry.

  14. Katie says:

    I saw it six times, two of those were right after the other. πŸ™‚

  15. Hayley says:

    15…..i swear i used a lot of free tickets though…… πŸ™‚

  16. isabelle says:

    i saaw it 11 times ! 7 times in theatre andd all the rest online
    it neverrr gets old ! i love youuu roberrttt<333

  17. Brandi says:

    7, We have a cheap theater here that plays movies after they intially come out, so I plan on watching it one more time before it comes out on DVD. πŸ™‚

  18. Cherry Garcia says:

    Three Times!!!

  19. Samantha Cullen says:

    I have seen Twilight 17 times! =D Every time I watched Twilight I fell in love with it more and more.

  20. Jasmine says:

    I saw 3 times in theaters πŸ™‚
    Can’t wait for the DVD!!! I’ll watch it like everyday!!!

    Jazz (Team Cullen!)

  21. Nellie says:

    3 times… I couldn’t find anyone to drag along after that

  22. sarah says:

    Twice is all I could justify since I’m a 34 year old woman and my husband would tease me relentlessly. I’m excited to own the dvd and sneak watch it reapeatedly!!

  23. Cedar says:

    I saw it three times i wish i could i could have seen it more though! OME O can’t wait only 9 day!

  24. ashleycullen says:

    i saw it three times and i was going to go a fourth time but i didn’t go soon enough ): but every time i saw the movie it was even better!

  25. Monica H. says:

    I wanted to see it 2 or 3 times but I never have time to see movies. I saw it once on the premier day but after that whenever I went I always ended up watching something else. I’m going to see it like 5 times when the DVD comes out, though!

  26. I saw it 11 time in the theater using discount tickets I get at work. It was my escape to heaven and solitude.

  27. EMily says:

    Four, the more people i converted, the more times i could go see it!

  28. Elizabeth says:

    I saw it six times. I wanted to see it more. But after 6, my mother told me she wouldnt give me any more money to see it, in the theater and that I’d have to wait untill the DVD came out.

  29. Rachel C. says:

    i’m not even kidding when i say i saw it 7 times in the theatre.. i tried going a couple more times, but i too was banned (by my mom) from seeing it anymore until it came out on dvd..

  30. Ash Pash says:

    2 times I can’t wait till I can watch it whenever I want!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. fally wally says:

    # times in theaters and 3 times in a hotel room!! what i mean is i was at the ritz caralton and they show movies still in theaters there so i watched it 3 times in a row in 1 night!!! my brother fell asleep after the first one!!!! Oh and im gonna watch it 10 times on the 21st!!!!

  32. kim says:

    in the theatre? two… on my ipod.. i’ll never tell.

  33. Dawn says:


  34. Lola says:

    in the theaters…two

  35. Jamie says:

    Once!! I thought it was better to see it once in theatres, remanice a little, then be SUPER excited when it comes out on DVD. The results of this experiment? FANG-NOMINAL!!!! I’m even more excited for it to be in my hands then anything else.

  36. joke says:

    I seen it 4 times at the movies and like 20 or more online

  37. Tracey says:

    my name is not your business, There were different things I picked up on almost each time.
    It took ages for me to realise Edward’s car is only 2 door.

    Sarah – I’m 32 & my friends paid out on me no end ^ – ^ They don’t know about twilight so didn’t get why I kept seeing it.
    I finally got a friend to watch it & she said DAMN HOT SEXY VAMPIRES! I’m totally hooked!

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