First New Moon Set Pictures

Mar 12th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

You can see some of the first photos from the set of New Moon here!

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77 Comments to “First New Moon Set Pictures”

  1. catherine says:

    NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! why is evry1 smokin?!!!!!!!!! even rob!!!!!! ugh im so annoyed theyre gonna ruin their lives and their looks.

  2. Susan says:

    I am worried about Rob’s makeup. He looks like someone put blush on his cheeks with a putty knife. I hope its just because its cold outside and maybe its a natural sort of blush, but I am just hoping they do a better job on make-up in NM. From these pics, Edward looks to blushed, Emmett doesnt look right at all, and Carlisle looks like Mr. Cleaver vs. how he is depicted in the book. Boo.

  3. Susan says:

    On the smoking thing, I am disappointed but yet hey … they are actors not role models. Half of Hollywood smokes, while its bad so is all of the other stuff they do.

  4. Brandi says:

    Ana I can think of many ways to release stress then sucking in toxins into my longs. Yes what they do is stressful, but there are more healthy ways to release stress. What i do day to day is stressfull too, and whether anyone wants to beleive it or not, the toxins they breath in from cigs are going to putting more stress on their bodies, they may not notice it for years to come but it does. AND I happen to find the habit extremly disgusting, I for one do not like to breath in smoke a) health reasons b) it smells gross! AND if I want to voice that opinion (like others) I WILL! If you don’t fine a problem with it fine, but don’t get on others who do.

  5. sam says:

    i dont like the wig..
    the hair is really thick in the front and it makes it look fake…

    and to whoever said tayor is too big….hes supposed to be! duh.

  6. alana paulette says:

    ahhhh!!!!! taylor=hot
    nikkis new hair looks kool
    whos she standing next 2? is it jackson?
    im so excited ! =D

  7. chelseaaa says:

    I have to agree with 90% of the people here; Im so bummed that they smoke. I personally believe that smoking is one of the worst things a person can do to mess up their lives, right up there on the list next to drinking. Never in my life would I choose to even consider touching a cigarette. But, hey, it’s not my life and they can do what they want.

    Although I am disappointed to see Nikki, Kristen, Robert, Peter, and Kellan choose to do so, it doesn’t mean that they are bad people. I’m still going to watch the movie and love it, regardless of the smoking factor.

    On a lighter note, Robert’s hair looks great even after getting it cut. It seemed to have grown out again really quickly. Loving Taylor (so HOT). And everyone else it looking pretty good, too.

  8. Jaimee says:

    They all look amazing!! Taylor looks Awesome!!! I’m really dissapointed at the fact that most of them smoke, I mean look at how many people (including myself) ; ) adore them especially the younger fans, what if they saw them smoking and thought it was cool. As much as I love them all, still dissapointed : (

  9. Jaimee says:

    So glad Jackon, Alice And Taylor don’t. I am still an obessesive twilight lover though!! : D

  10. Megan M says:

    What’s up with all the smoking? Man that’s nasty!! It makes them look so ugly.

  11. Michele Celine says:

    Yay! I’m soo excited!

  12. Becky says:

    WOW taylor lost his baby face. his muscles are and of cousre rob is as hot as ever!!!! Although i dont like ashleys wig to much

  13. Kiely says:

    Jackson is adorable, as always. I love Nikki/Rosalie’s new hair! I know some people think the wig looks fake, but the color looks so much more natural. And I wish people would stop complaining about the cigarettes. It’s something that I would never do, but smoking is an addiction that a lot of people in this world suffer from. If kids look at the cast, or any celebrity, and start smoking because they think it’s “cool”, then you can’t fault the celebrities. Blame the parents! They’re supposed to have a bigger influence than the cast of Twilight/New Moon.

    Anyway, can’t wait for this movie! <3

  14. VaLe says:


  15. twilighter says:

    THEY DO NOT NEED A NEW ROSALIE NIKKI IS PERFECT and im not saying she is up tight or anything but she can act perfect and she looks diffrent because in twilight she died her hair blond but in newmoon they made her wear a wig

  16. Lilly says:

    Glad to see them back for the next book. I hope it is more exciting though. New Moon was kind of a snore to read…

  17. Vamp Girl & Wolf Girl says:

    Is the fact that people are smoking all that important? Find something else to obsess about! Rob is as hot as all hell and Taylor is looking FIIIIIIIINE. New Moon should be great and that’s all that matters.

  18. Sarah.Volturi says:

    OMG, taylor looks so damn fine! And i’m glad he doesn’t smoke!

  19. Megan says:

    Taylor is a hottie!!! he’s my man!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Holly says:

    The lady with the shopping bags is Kym Marsh (British actress who was in this crappy band called Hear-Say). I am sooooooooooo confused as to why she is on here – i saw her and was like what the hell?? But hey – ho onto my proper comment……….

    The wigs are a good idea and they look really good except for Taylor’s half-pony thing. Edward’s make-up is still a bit blushy around the cheeks but Rob still looks so hot! Taylor’s looking so buff and is making me even more excited about the film *EEEK*!!! I agree with everyone about the smoking thing – what is with that!!?? I mean i no it’s their lives they’re wasting but i don’t wnat them to waste their lives – i love them all too much!!!! X

  21. Emily says:

    gawd WHY are they all smoking – tis not good!!! i am in agreement to everybody about that!!
    yahhh Taylor is looking Hawt, can’t wait to see him in new moon – plus i don’t think he smokes which makes me like him sooo much more!!
    Hmmm what is up with Nikkis wig??? Its a biff!!! its too blonde compared to twilight, she should have dyed it again.
    but im still soooo excited i can’t wait!!!

  22. Leah says:

    okay, look i dont like smoking,
    but these people are real you know,
    not gettin up anyone but yer, like give them a break.
    They must be pretty stressed out.

    Yay New moon coming out soon =)

    <3 Leah

  23. De'Neisha Moon says:

    Hey i Love Robert Pattinson Hes drop dead SEXY!!! I LOVE everything about him. we will be together some day!!! when im 18 he will be 25 and mine cause he so damn fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Macomb gangsta of 2012!!!!

  24. I can’t wait for new moon, i read the book, it’s great!!!
    Robert, i love you the most!!! you’re my sexi vampire!


  25. Vampire_girl says:

    Robert, i know that we’re ment to be togather, hh!
    Taylor is so hott!!!!
    And it doesn’ matter that Rob is smoking, i can imagine how much is he stressed, so, i think that we-we fans- should give him and the others a break….. Atlast, Taylor isn’t smoking!!!

    Can’t wait for movie…..

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