First New Moon Set Pictures

Mar 12th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

You can see some of the first photos from the set of New Moon here!

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77 Comments to “First New Moon Set Pictures”

  1. Gabby says:

    OMG look at Taylor he got huge!! I think they need a different wig for rosalie though. OME im so excited

  2. Sarah-Nicole says:

    Sooooo cool!!! Everybody is perfect! Nikki’s hair seem natural and Taylor’s hair don’t seem fake!! I can’t wait for New Moon. It’s will be AMAZING!!!!! πŸ˜›


  3. Gabby says:

    never mind what i said about the wig. It looked better after i got the pic bigger. Yay i was first to comment

  4. Cedar says:

    Taylor is Huge!!!!!!!! He is so hot!!!!

  5. jacob lover says:

    Taylor looks so hot!

  6. jacob lover says:

    omg Taylor is so buff! Hot and buff!

  7. Hanna says:

    Did anyone notice that almost all of them smoke? Rob, Kristin, kellen, Nikki, they all are. Just an observation.

  8. Kati H. says:

    peter’s smoking too…interesting

  9. Ash Pash says:

    Ok um… im starting to get really worried about this movie
    The wig does not look good
    Taylor is un-naturaly huge
    Kellen is BIG
    and in at least one pic of every cast member someone is smoking :p
    I dont know about this

  10. Sarah-Nicole says:

    OMG!!! Almost everybody is smoking!!! (I agree with Hanna) That’s so bad (At least Taylor does not smoke – thanks god – and Ashley too… I think) I don’t understand why they are smoking?? I hope they don’t smoke too much, especially Rob because even if I have a crush on him ( πŸ˜› ) I do not really love men who are smoking


    P.S: Taylor is perfect!!

  11. Harley says:


  12. Harley says:

    Man i really need to find something else to do rather that checking this site every 5 mins!

  13. Janeanne says:

    Damn!!!!!! Taylor is lookin FINE!!!!

  14. Dawn says:

    Taylors’ and Nikkis’ wigs look pretty good…they added those on pretty quickly…wow….is jackson wearing one also?

  15. Kelsey says:

    Jackson shaved his head but you totally cannot tell! i love the other wigs too they look really natural! about the smoking i dont think it’s right but tons of people do it and you can’t critisize them for it! They are all wonderful actors and i love them all!
    Especially Rob!

  16. Melissa (melissaturkey) says:

    I dont really mind smoking, I mean I dont smoke but almost everyone around me does and it doesnt bug me as much as it used to, I just dont like that kristin smokes pot, I mean its there life, whatever we have no right to be judgemental and it doesnt matter what I think anyway but ya know, still πŸ˜€
    did anyone notice that in one of those pics taylor looked like a man? I mean like a man man, it was freaky, it threw me, but thats a good thing πŸ™‚
    I think everything has a diferent look in new moon from what ive seen but I dont know I kinda see it as more twilighty…ya know more like I saw everyone and everything ya know? i think i’ll like this πŸ˜€

  17. Ana says:

    People SO need to get over the smoking thing. In Hollywood EVERYONE and their mother smokes-this isn’t news. Just because we actually have shots of people doing it now doesn’t mean they haven’t done it for quite some time. Come on people, look at it from their standing point. If I had 3,000 fan girls screaming at me, the paps constantly tracking me down, AND the pressure/stress of this franchise (which comes from no one but us, the fans mind you) not only would I swallow like half a pack a day, I’d also keep a flask on me AND see a shrink. I DO NOT condone smoking-yuck, I hate it. But if this is the way that they choose to releive their stress and/or pass their time then WHO IS ANYONE TO JUDGE??!!

    It’s not like this effects their performance. These are the HUMAN Cullens-it’s not like Emmett is going to be whipping out a bong in “The Vote” scene.

  18. Olinda says:

    i don’t like niki’s wig!!
    it is like.. mm… not her hair!!
    it seem very unprofesional
    haha.. that is what i think

  19. obsessed twilighter says:


  20. obsessed twilighter says:


  21. Tava says:

    I have to say that I think the smoking thing is totally gross too. Maybe Rob needs to smoke though, so I am a little less attracted to him πŸ˜‰
    It is SO gross and stupid though.

  22. Amanda G says:

    OMG! look at TAYLOR! HOTTY!!!!!!!!!!! lol AHHHH! I cant believe there filming!!!!! EKKK! thats so exciting!

  23. Erica says:

    Well, smoking is gross but its their lungs. If they want to kill themselves, I’m not one to stop them.

    So pumped for this =]

  24. Jamie says:

    Gross, they’re smokers. Kick that habit to the curb, please! Its better for everyone! Nikki Reed’s hair looks fabulous. She legit looks like a vampire now. There are so many changes made lately though, its hard to stay on top of it. Each movie is gonna be so different.

  25. Emily says:

    WHAT!!! i didn’t realize that almost all of them smoked… well beside Kristen, i think everyone knew she did.
    Why kellan why?? :'(
    that makes me so sad, i hating smoking!

  26. Becky says:

    Okay, I no longer want to kiss Rob … I kissed a smoker once and it was truely gross. I don’t mind the drinking, hey they are mostly over 21 … but smoking? Gross.

  27. Victoria says:

    everyyyyyone is smoking. wtffff…

  28. Luna Eclipse says:

    taylors wig looked girly…

  29. Michelle says:

    who is the girl with all the bags?

  30. Nellie says:

    I’m glad that Nikki didn’t dye her hair. The wig works for me! It looks like they figured out the whole hair situation better this time around.. except.. the Taylor half-pony thing is sooo not doing it for me HA. I laughed when I saw it.. and sorry, I have to join the ew to smoking group. Grosses me out man..

  31. Samantha Cullen says:

    OME!!!! everyone looks good!! Niki’s wig looks natural and Rob looks like Edward even with his short hair…….yay!!! cant wait for November 20!!!!!!!!
    the whole smoking thing is stupid why are they doing that?!?!?! but its not my life their killing……

  32. edward lover #1 says:

    Taylor is so big and buff.
    Wow rob looks great.
    Can’t wait for the movie.
    Tnanks for posting the pics.

  33. haylie says:


  34. Ray says:

    OMG IS IT JUST ME OR DO LIKE ALMOST ALL OF THESE PEOPLE SMOKE??? I just yesterday found out tha Kristen and Nikki do!!! And in these pics, Peter, Nikki, Rob, Kristen, and KELLAN!!! IS IT JUST ME?????????????????? AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY MUST THEY SMOKE??? :'( Smoking is not cool…

    Ok, so after I read some comments, I realized a lot of other people are saying the same thing… so it is not just me… πŸ™

  35. SeeTheUnseen93 says:

    holy crap why on earth do they all smoke??

  36. im an alice says:

    I cant belive the pics of them all smokeing.I mean I get that its their lives but I know 7 year old how look up to them.They should try to keep that stuff out of the new.I know its hard but i think that they need to try a little harder.
    Ps taylor looks sooooooooooooooooo hot

  37. Sarah :) says:

    Oh my god i’m so excited!!
    I cant wait for it to come out even though twilight isnt even out on dvd yet
    & they just started filming hahaha
    I’m in LOVE Taylor & Rob (Jacob & Edward too)

  38. Sarah :) says:

    Yeh i know, i saw Nikki & kristen smoking!
    I was like ‘NO dont smoke! thats bad and uncool and your gonna die!’
    Is it just them two? Please dont say robert & taylor smoke, pleaseeeeee
    Dw person whos comment is number 34 i agree with you πŸ™‚

  39. Sarah :) says:

    Robert smokes!

  40. Luisa says:

    They should really stub the smoking…

  41. twihard23 says:

    where did it say kristin smokes pot? lol I love them all, and they are still amazing!! Nikkin was right about the wig it looks better, which makes me feel even worse that she had to bleach it for twilight. Im going to the set over spring break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so excited. maybe ill bring them a pack of cigarettes lol jk. cant wait who was the brunnette shopping though? was that ashley?

  42. Tracey says:

    Nikki looks like a barbie doll ^ – ^
    I wonder what the screen play is like…The Cullen’s aren’t really in the book all that much…
    wonder how they’ll go in the movie?

    I can’t wait to see Bella’s birthday party & Italy of cource

  43. Becky says:

    Kristin does smoke pot. There was a pic of her smoking a bong pipe on TMZ. I think the same pic was posted in US or something. She is a known pot head.

  44. alyssa says:

    ewwww they all smoke…
    taylor is soooooo hot

  45. Susan says:

    Jackson is the hottest!!! I don’t like Kellan’s makeup at all.

  46. marisa says:

    Looking good, Rob….you too Nikki, Jackson, and Taylor.

  47. Kayla says:

    I have to say I am deffinately worried about this one. atleast half of the cast is smoking which is just eeaw EVEN SWEET KIND KELLAN IS SMOKING! then nikki’s wig looks kinda bad. ther is one picture that has rob smoking with his sunglasses on and hes smiling at the camera and it was the creepiest thing i have ever seen in my entire life!

  48. Git 'r Done! (Amy) says:

    Just because they smoke doesn’t mean they’re not good people. But I do agree…it’s just gross and stinky and disappointing. They look so carefree and fun and wholesome in their interviews and in the movies and then to see them lighting up it’s like tasting something gone bad. Still a fan! Can’t wait for November!

  49. zoe says:

    OMG in every pic there is someone with a fag in their hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i am totally thinkin the same as number 34.

  50. zoe says:

    i am sooooooooo disapointed *sigh*

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