Only 7 days Left!
Mar 13th, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Site NewsThere are only 7 days left until the DVD release of Twilight! Remember you can always check out our DVD page for details on all the different DVD versions. (One of the Australian versions is pictured above).
Today’s question is:
What version are you planning to buy? And have you already pre-ordered your copy?
Kallie: I have not pre-ordered… I like to buy it in the store! I am probably going to get the Borders’ Special Edition!
Kassie: Not pre-ordered, I just want which ever one has the most stuff on it!
Lexine: The Target special edition – pre-ordered, and hopefully should arrive the day it is released!
Alex: The Borders Deluxe Version…..and Yes I have pre ordered it!
Nicole: Special edition! Haven’t pre-ordered. Procrastination is pretty much something I am wonderful at.
McKell: 2 Disc Special Edition, and I have it ordered on Net flix too 🙂
Michelle: Deluxe version. Nope.
Erin Marisa: The two disk special edition. I won’t buy it for a few weeks/months when the price drops.
Krystal: I plan to buy the 3-disc special edition at Target, which comes with a free iTunes download! Then I will be able to take it with me everywhere 🙂 It also comes with an extra disc. Score!