Only 5 Days Left!

Mar 15th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Site News

There are now only 5 days left until Twilight is released on DVD!!!  If you get the Sunday newspaper, Target and Best Buy’s ads are filled with advertisements for the movie, which is pretty cool to see 🙂

Today’s question is:

If you could have been there for the filming of one scene, which scene would you have picked?

Kallie:  I would love to be in those trees!  I wouldn’t want to just watch it!

KassieBaseball scene, looks like so much fun!

Lexine:  Baseball – can you imagine the fun they must have had?  Plus I really liked the location they found.

Alex: The Fight Scene!!! 🙂

Nicole:  Most definitely one of the scenes with the kids from school- I love the humans! So I’d say either the “La Push baby, La Push” scene, or the actual First Beach scene.

McKell:  Prom

Michelle:  The baseball scene.

Erin MarisaThe fight scene in the ballet studio. I’ve always wanted to see that up close.

Krystal:  The baseball scene because it looked like a ton of fun and most of the cast was in it, so I could have hung out with everyone!  (Plus, we’d get to see Rob run, which I heard is a riot.)  I’m actually surprised someone from TST didn’t say the scene where Rob unbuttons his shirt.  Someone like…Kassie *cough* lol!  🙂

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