Mar 15th, 2009 | By Kallieross | Category: Featured Articles, Site NewsUPDATE: The contest is over! We will announce the winner soon! Thanks so much for entering!
You want to enter our newest contest, and soon! The contest will last until midnight on Tuesday, March 17th! We will be picking a winner at random from the comments below… We want you to let us know what your favorite scene in the movie is! If you are the winner, here is a list of what you will receive:
· Twilight Soundtrack
· Twilight t-shirts
· Door hangers
· Tattoos
· Candles
· Pepsi
· Doritos
· Popcorn
· Gift cards
Thanks to Wal-Mart for these wonderful prizes! You can see more of their Twilight merchandise HERE!
You know you can’t beat a deal like this, so leave your comment, and you might be getting an email from us saying you’ve won!