Only 4 Days Left!

Mar 16th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Site News

There are now only 4 days left until Twilight is on DVD!!!  Oh, and if you were planning on buying the Target 3 disc DVD, the price has dropped to $17.99!

Today’s question is:

If you could have played one of the characters in the movie, who would you pick?

Kallie: I would have wanted to play Bella… see answer #1! LOL! (#1 was the kiss)

Kassie: Bella, she gets to kiss Edward!

Lexine: Urgh, TOO HARD! The movie was missing some Lauren… but i absolutely loathed girls like her in highschool, so Angela.

Alex: Jasper…..cause I love ALICE!!!! Hehe! 😉

Nicole: Ummm most definitely Bella. Yeah.

McKell: I really like Rosalie.

Michelle: I would have not been an actor, I would have loved to dress the characters.

Erin Marisa: Alice. Although I would love to audition for Leah. I’m the right-ish age and brown (though not Native American, but Indian).

Krystal: Totally Bella. Um, you all saw those GQ pictures yesterday, right? Yeah. That’s why ;P

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