The Break Up!

Mar 18th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Question of the Week

We have the BEST question for you to answer this week!  We want you to be honest now…

What line from Edward’s ‘Break Up Speech’ would have been most hurtful to you?  Why?

And, at Kassie’s request we would also like to know the best break up lines you have dealt, or been dealt!

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190 Comments to “The Break Up!”

  1. cary says:

    probably where he says he doesnt care about bella thats just cruel and evil cool im the first comment

  2. Dawn says:


  3. Dawn says:


  4. Cedar says:

    I think it is We’re leaving because he just says it idk! i just think that is when I started crying and so i think it is the sadest!

  5. Heather D says:

    “It will be as if i’d never existed.”

    That was the line that Bella thought over and over again during the book. And every single time I would cry more and more. Yes I bawled like a baby the entire book.

    But this line just really gets underneath your skin and stings. For someone to tell you that they are erasing themselves from your memory just like that. But you both know it is not that easy. Then to go home and find he’s taken the photos and the mixed tape and everything that reminds you of him. It hurts.

  6. Ash Pash says:

    When he is telling her it will be easy to find distractions

    Its so mean 🙁

  7. Karen L says:

    The most hurtful line from Edward’s breakup speech was: “I promise that this will be the last time you’ll see me. I won’t come back… It will be as if I’d never existed.”
    Everything about that line just sounds so final. I think that’s when I felt the closest to Bella.

    I don’t think any breakup can be pleasant, but the “best” breakup I remember was when my ex cheated on me with my friend. Since we shared a lot of the same friends, after the breakup he didn’t want people to hate him, so he tried to “explain” why he cheated by sending “his side of the story” in an e-mail to all my friends. I don’t know what he must be thinking, because it only made him look more stupid and selfish.

    The worst break up for me was with a guy I knew for about two months. Right after we became intimate, he stopped calling and picking up my calls. When we bumped into each other on the street, we had coffee and he told me he wanted to get back with his ex when he leaves for home (he was on a one year exchange program) But, because I liked him so much, it took about six months before I could breath properly and go 24 hours without thinking about him.

  8. Stephanie says:

    When she asks him if he doesn’t want her anymore and he just simply says no.

  9. Sonee says:

    By The Time I Had Reached The Break Up Speech I Had Already Began To Cry Because I Knew Something Bad Was Going To Happen Before It Actually Did. But Wat Really Really Got To Me Was,

    “Don’t worry. You’re human—your memory is no more than a sieve. Time heals all wounds for your kind”
    “Well, I won’t forget. But my kind… we’re very easily distracted.”

    That Got To Me Because At That Moment I Realised How Edward Could Never Fall For A Human, Ruining All Of My Dreams To Be With Him. He Says He Gets Easily Distracted Meaning He Was Most Likley Cheating On Bella With Another Girl. It Honestly Tore My Heart Apart To Think These Things, Because All Bella Needed In Her Life Was Edward. I Literally Set The Book Down For 2 Days Becuase I Was So Furious At Edward.

    Finally My Best Friend Made Me Pick Up the Book And Said He’ll Be Back, Though I Thought He Was To Much Of A Jerk For Bella To Actually Take Him Back. I Soon Realised He Was Not Cheating, Rather Than REALLY Trying To Protect Her. I Feel That Edward Can Love A Human And I Soon Hope To Be His Wife. Just Kidding. (Im Not Really That Crazy)

  10. Alecia says:

    Bella: “Anywhere you are is right for me.”
    Edward: “Bella, I don’t want you to come with me.”
    Bella: “You… don’t.. want.. me?”
    Edward: “No.”

    Talk ripping someone’s heart in two!!!

  11. Erin says:

    “Well” – He hesitated for a short second- “I won’t forget. But my kind … we are very easily distracted.”

    To be this just sounded like he was trying so say it’s not going to kill me being without you ,that he would manage just fine when we end up seeing Bella the other 400 pages misrable not able to get him off her mind.

    love love love the show

  12. amanda says:

    i think its the whole thing!! her heart get brokin

  13. Alice says:

    it will be as if i never existed

    that is the book ..

  14. Hilda says:

    I guess the hardest lines to read from Edward’s break-up would have to be when he said that he no longer cared about her ~ it just didn’t make any sense??? I remember the first time I read NM, I truly did not believe that Edward had left, I kept thinking he was telling Bella all of these things to keep her safe (typical Edward style ~ sooo dramatic!). It didn’t sink in that he was gone until I started turning the pages and seeing all of the months go by with Bella in a coma like existence and Edward NOT there. Then it hit me ~~~ HE’S GONE! That’s when I started crying and then called up my girlfriend and started yelling at her for not warning me about Edward leaving! I’ve read NM 4 times since then and I still have a hard time reading chapter 3!

  15. Anne says:

    I think it would be most hurtful when Edward tells Bella her mind is like a seive and she will forget him with time. It’s like he doubts her feelings for him, and sees them as trivial “human” feelings. He’s implying that her love for him is not strong enough to last in his absence, and to me, Edward passing off Bella’s love as temporary when it’s obviously so far from the truth is heartbreaking, for both Bella and the reader.

  16. valerie (aka grape jelly) says:

    well… in my opinion and probably a couple of other people..
    the most hurtful line would be:
    “bella, i don’t want you to come with me.” also,
    “i’ll always love you… in a way. but what happened the other night made me realize that it’s time for a change.”
    The first one, because having the one you love leaving is hard enough…
    \if you we’re to go with him it would hurt cause you would leave your family.
    Finding out that he doesn’t that want you to go… that would probably tear you apart from your inside-out.
    The second one, cause he’s telling you he doesn’t want you…
    now he’s gonna tell you he’ll still love you in a way?!?!
    if my boyfriend did this i would slap him silly lol…
    jkjk … even though i probably would slap him…
    any way,
    love you guys
    TEAM EDWARD FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    – <3Valerie (aka grape jelly)

  17. Jeanette says:

    For me it was when Edward says: “I promise that this will be the last time you’ll see me. I won’t come back. It will be as if I’d never existed.” So powerful, and hurtful! Still makes me sad when I think about it! = ( As sad as this scene is, I can’t wait to see how Rob will pull this off…. I’m sure it’ll be impressive.

  18. Kelly says:

    “Because I’m… tired of pretending to be something I’m not, Bella. I am not human.”

  19. McKell says:

    Okay so I am not emotionally stable enough to talk about Edward and Bellas break up, but i do have a funny line that my older brother used with this crazy girl who was in love with him and got really really mad. This girl has a huge pointy nose, and she said something jerkish to him, then he replied “Hey Ashley the Olympics called, they want their ski jump back!” Two years later she got a nose job… it was really mean and he shouldn’t have picked at what she couldn’t help but I was still amused 🙂

  20. Git 'r Done! (Amy) says:

    Definitely when he says how easy it will be to distract himself from her memory. I mean, ouch. First he never wants to see you again, then he admits it’ll be easy for him to not even remember you.

  21. Emily says:

    If me It would be something Like I dont love you
    like he just used you for the smell (it sounds funny)
    He was just useing you, then his dad got a better job and hes gone. No reasons why. It would break my heart

  22. Lexine says:

    the worst part of the breakup was without a doubt, him taking any reminders of him away from her. leaving her nothing even to BURN! i mean, talk about no closure! i don’t know about everyone else, but a nice bonfire of exboyfriends pictures, letters and mixtapes always gave me some closure.

    i once asked a boy to move out of my apartment in the middle of the night, when i was sick with strep and mono and he was unreasonably jealous with the amount of time i was spending at my parents house so that they could make sure i was being medicated and eating. i woke up the next morning to him crying over me in the bed, and telling me while i still slept how this was probably the last time we would talk honestly. when i popped my eye open he pretty much ran out of the house… i always felt kind of horrible about that. 🙁

  23. Smitten says:

    “I’m no good for you, Bella.” “My world isn’t for you.” Ughhh I was crying so bad, and for both of them. Because I knew Bella’s heart was breaking and I knew Edward was breaking his heart too. while knowing he was breaking hers. So sad

  24. Lizzie T. says:

    probably when he said that he didnt want her

  25. Lauren says:

    The entire break up speech was a catastrophe that snowballed from “You don’t want me?” First, Edward agreeing that he didn’t want Bella picked at every fear she ever had about not being good enough for him. Bringing Bella’s insecurities to the surface opened the wound. Furthermore, telling her that she he’ll always love her “in a way,” probably crushed her heart. Those words (falsely) showed that any affection Edward had for Bella diminished. I don’t know of a feeling more crushing then knowing the person you love doesn’t feel the same for you. Finally, him saying that he never see her again (the clean break) put the finishing touches on a meltdown. After all, never seeing Edward again removed all of Bella’s hope that her true love would ever love her back.

    As for break up lines, most guys just never bothered to call me back in high school. I had the “first date curse.” The first date may have went well, but the guy would never call me again. My break up lines were always short and sweet. My most memorable was when an ex-boyfriend and I were fighting. I firmly said that it wasn’t working out between us, so our next argument would be our last. The next day when he was shouting at me, I calmly said, “See, I told you so. Bye.” Then, I walked out and never looked back.

  26. Anne says:

    From what Edward says in his break-up with Bella, there are two things that would be hurtful for me to hear from a guy and the first is when he says “Bella, I don’t want you to come with me” and she responds “You…don’t…want me?” and he says back to her “No”. The second one is when he tells her “You’re not good for me, Bella”. The most heartbreaking part of the break up for me is when Bella says to Edward “You can have my soul, I don’t want it without you, it’s already yours!” It is near the beginning of the break up and every time I reach that part in the book a wave of sadness comes over me because I know that she truly has given him her soul and heart and that when he leaves it is like he is giving the love she gave him back to her which I believe is what really broke her.

  27. Lola says:

    The most hurtful line from Edward’s breakup speech would probably have been “Bella I don’t want you to come with me.”
    That would have been really painful because to me that means he never meant anything he said. Because if he truly loved me he wouldn’t be saying this. I know Edward really did love Bella and that he left for her well being but at that moment in time, if I were in Bella’s shoes, I would truly think he didn’t want me and the rejection would be awful.

  28. Brandi says:


    “It will be as if I never existed.” 🙁 I might cry right now.

  29. princess katie says:

    “I don’t want you to come with me.”
    It’s blunt and to the point, but to the WRONG point!
    In this one line, Edward is very clear with his intentions and it would hurt the most. With some of the other things he says, I could convince myself that he meant it a different way or something like that. I couldn’t deny the meaning of this statement.

  30. Sarah L says:

    Omg! wow tough question…ok let me go get New Moon….

    5 minutes later….
    *sniff* *sniff*

    ok so the first one that makes me BUST INTO TEARS is when he says..
    “Bella, I dont want you to come with me” (pg. 69)- ok this is just something that you never imagine Edward to say to Bella and it makes you want to cry your eyes out! I was the type of person that was never on “Team Edward” or “Team Jacob” I was always on “Team Edward and Bella” so this just broke me!!
    And then the second part was when he looked at Bella and said “I’ll always love you in a way. But what happened made me realize that its time for a change. Because Im not human” This I think just took all of Bella’s fears and made them real. It was almost like saying that “your not good for me because I’m a vampire.” (although I know that’s not the way it was meant).
    Ok so those just tore me up and reading it makes my heart ache
    OH! and on a little side note:
    For the movie I think the ONLY way this scene can be pulled off is if they make Edward look like a total jerk and make every girl in the theater hate him. I just think that when you see this, you just have to believe that he doesn’t love her and that everything in Twilight was a scam= Edward being Jerk.
    Sorry that was a little off but I just had to say it!

    Love the podcast keep it goin girls!!

    Sarah Lynn

  31. im an alice says:

    umm it all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1every time i have read the book i cry at that part. so i gess i wont watch that part in the movie Edward was soooooooooooooooooooooooo dumb for doing that to poor bella.

  32. Jamie says:

    “I promise that this will be the last time you’ll see me. I won’t come back. I won’t put you through anything like this again. You can go on with your life without any more interference from me. It will be as if I’d never existed.” Ouch. My heart burned after I read this. And throughout the book, I couldn’t think about the book or Edward not being there with Bella because I got nauseous! Weird, right?? Well, it had never happened to me and so I kept reading and when Edward came back, my stomach felt better. Hahaha weirdest thing ever! But I totally felt Bella’s pain. Good book. Made me cry. 🙂

  33. T. Holder says:

    Just thinking about it again makes me want to cry again. But when he says “It will be as if I never existed”. He was so hurtful. But you knew he was hurting too. 🙁

  34. sasha says:

    the most hurtful thing was when he said that she wasnt good enough for him. he will never be able to do better than her! and the whole scene was just sad! he also said that it would be like he never existed

  35. Jackie says:

    the worst part is at the very end of their conversation when edward says, “Goodbye, Bella.”
    i just broke down at that part. that was the end. no way around it.
    and she asked for him to wait, but he was gone.

  36. lisa says:

    ughhhhhh i was actually in physical pain when i read this part =[ so sad! i’m tearing up right now reading all these comments i’m not even kidding! lol ok most hurtful part hmm…i think this part:

    “You’re not good for me, Bella.” He turned his earlier words around, and so I had no argument. How well I knew I wasn’t good enough for him.

    and this:

    “Goodbye, Bella,” he said in the same quiet, peaceful voice.
    “Wait!” I choked out the word reaching for him, willing my deadened legs to carry me forward.
    I though he was reaching for me, too. But his cold hands locked around my wrists and pinned them to my sides. He leaned down, and pressed his lips very lightly to my forehead for the briefest instant. My eyes closed.
    “Take care of yourself,” he breathed, cool against my skin.
    There was a light, unnatural breeze. My eyes flashed open. The leaves on a small vine maple shuddered with the gentle wind of his passage.
    He was gone.

    i remember exactly where i was when i read this part too. i was sitting at the pool with my mom last summer and i got to the pages with all the months passing by and my chest started hurting. that’s healthy. then i said, “mom, can we go home? i can’t be here anymore.” hahaha i was in a bad mood for like three days until i finished the book and edward was back <3

  37. Rachel says:

    “I don’t love you Bella.” That would hurt anyone

    the line that i have had to use before to turn down a date was “my mom will not let me date untill im older” so for the next year every week he asked me if i was old enough yet 😛

  38. Lindsay says:

    The most hurtful was when edward said that he didnt want bella and when he said “you’re not good for me, bella” That part stung in my chest. That part would hurt the most because it’s not like he’s saying that he’s more worried about how he’s effecting her… it’s all about him… he’s more concerned about himself and is saying that she’s not good enough for him.

    My one bad breakup was just after highschool and he broke up with me over the internet. Basically he said that he wanted to focus on himself and his career and i would be getting in the way with that.

    The worst line that i’ve ever dealt was.. telling that guy that i wasn’t attracted physically to him anymore. It’s harsh that i told him the truth but atleast he knows why i broke up with him… instead of using the line “it’s not you, it’s me!”

    anywho… awesome question.. hope i answered it well enough. 🙂

  39. Samie says:

    “It will be like i’d never existed.”

    that would just rip the last part of my heart out, after that whole speech. it is all hurtful. but that takes the cake.

  40. Samantha LeAnne says:

    There are three:
    When he says that he doesn’t want her to come with him and she says something along the lines of “you don’t want me?” and he just says no. It’s so painful and is like ripping your heart out. He just says no like it’s such a simple matter-of-fact answer, that he doesn’t even need to think about.
    Also when he says that it will be as if he never existed. I mean, Edward is supposed to be so smart and for him to think that she could just forget him after everything shows just how little he knows about humans or just how much he wanted to hurt Bella.
    The third is when he tells her that his kind is easily distracted. This is just like a shot to the heart. It’s like he is just saying that he can just forget her and do other things and never think about her again.

    As for my own experience with break-ups, dealt TO me was by a guy I loved. I was out of town with my family because my mom was having brain surgery and I get online expecting to talk to my boyfriend and he ignores me, I read a blog he wrote talking about how he has a girlfriend that loves him but he loves some girl that hates him. I read all this on Myspace. He finally talks to me and says that he doesn’t love me anymore and that he wants to be “just friends”. Three days before he spent all afternoon at my house, including a 3 hour make-out session. And a month later he started dating my best friend.
    Dealt FROM me, I told a guy I didn’t want to be his girlfriend anymore, and like 30 minutes after I got home he calls me like “hey baby, what did you mean by all that earlier?” All I could do was laugh and say “Are you serious? I don’t like you! I’m not your girlfriend anymore!” I know it was harsh, but he was a terrible boyfriend.

  41. jessica says:

    where he tells here he doesnt want her anymore. That made me cry.

  42. Michele Celine says:

    The whole stinkin’ thing! Edward really ticked me off there. I actually cried! Jeez, I must be obsessed.

  43. Brinkley Marie says:

    When he says “I don’t want you to come with me…” I started balling at that exact part all 3 times I read New Moon. And it makes everything worse how she begs for him to not leave. And also when he simply replies “NO” when Bella asks if he wanted her. I hate single worded replies. They are the worst, and boys are experts at them. It was this point in the saga where I decided that I DID NOT like Edward. Most people eventually got iver disliking hin when they were reunited in the end, but that didn’t change my opinion of Edward. He ruined his whole reputation in my mind with just few sentences….

  44. Olivia says:

    The last line he speaks…
    I lent out my book so I can’t look it up, but I think it’s “Goodbye”.
    I lost it riiiight there.

  45. Amy says:

    HI I LOVE YOUR PODCAST ITS THE BEST. THE PART THAT HURT ME THE MOST WAS WHE EDWARD SAYS Because I’m tired of pretending to be something i’m not, Bella fo some odd rason it just feels like edwards felt like he could never be him self with her and that he couldn’t love her with out being human. that part was just so sad. And the worse break up lines i’ve heard is that “We can still be friends.” . Also Kassie Bella gets on my nerves too and the middle of new moon felt like forever to read.

  46. Connie says:

    “It will be as if I never existed.” pg. 71
    i can honestly say that when I first picked up Twilight I was so into it that I read it in a day. So as soon as I could get my hands on New Moon, I was super excited. I thought that Bella and Edward were perfect for each other, and since I get very into books, by the time I got this far my heart was breaking.
    I was crying and I definitely threw the book at the wall once or twice. Edward saying he didn’t love Bella was actually hardest for me to read, because I completely believed him. But I think the hardest part for Bella was the quote above. She could believe that Edward didn’t love her, because in the back of her mind there was always that doubt. She never thought she was good enough for him. So she could deal with him not loving her (even thought I couldn’t), but she couldn’t deal with him being completely gone form her life.
    I think that’s part of the reason she was practically comatose, floating through the months like a dream. Because he removed all evidence of his presence, her life ceased to matter. One of the reasons I hate Jacob with a burning passion is because he entered the picture while she was like that and tried to take over, when I was still holding on to the fact that Bella and Edward were MEANT for each other.
    Lots of love, keep up the great podcast!!

  47. Morgan says:

    OMG. probably just like everyone will be as if I never exsisted. I ACTUALLY cried here. I was like nooooo Edward, I LOVE YOU!! haha It was the most hurtful because I actually cried and I know if I was that in love with someone, I would have a mental breakdown and die inside. Edward and Bella were MEANT for each other!! (unless I came to Forks..then Edward would be my soulmate xD) and even if Bella is whiney and needy, I felt for her here.

    ah well, Edward came back, and thats all us fangirls wanted 😛

    and for you Kassie, I haven’t had a boyfriend so I dont have break up lines…Sorry

    Love the Podcast!!

    Morgan xoxox

  48. Rach says:

    Just thinking out this chapter makes me wanna cry! But i think 1 of the saddest lines is when Edward says, ” Becaus im tired of pretending to be somthing im not. Im not human” because Bella was fully aware he wasnt and it just kind of makes it final that he doesnt want to say. And also when bella asks edward, “you dont want me” and all he says is no. that always makes me cry so hard!

  49. Luisa says:

    I don’t want you anymore

  50. LaurenC says:

    I know a lot of people have already said these lines, but I’m gonna get my two cents on this.

    “You…don’t…want me?”
    Whenever Bella asked that question, I knew the answer, and the answer was very sad. At this point, I really started to cry my hardest, I mean the tears were spilling out like the Niagara Falls. My heart started to hurt whenever he told he no.

    “You’re not good for me, Bella.”
    This line got me too. For one thing, Bella always knew that she was no where near as good as Edward, so for Edward to say this, it hurt me as along with Bella. And, I think that since Bella knew that Edward was way better than her at everything (not to nag on Bella, cuz I looove me some Bella) she had to accept that this was true and that it truely hurt her.

    “I would like to ask one favor, though, if that’s not too much”
    “Don’t do anything reckless or stupid,” he ordered, no longer detached. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”
    This really made my cry even more and it kinda ticked me off. When he asks her for a favor, I kind of got hopeful. But then he crushs me and Bella more by being a jerk about it. It really upset me that Edward would even say something so harsh during this break up. I mean didn’t Edward know that this would be hard on Bella, did he have to deliver another slap in the face. 🙁

    Last but not least…
    “And I’ll make you a promise in return,” he said. “I promise that this will be the last time you’ll see me. I won’t come back.”
    Pause. First off, this made me cry even harder because it made it reality. I didn’t realize that he was actually leaving until he said this. And, by saying I won’t come back, told me that Bella will never see him again and that he really didn’t care about her. So, this shattered my heart. Anyways, play.
    “I won’t put you through anything like this again. You can go on with you life without any more interference from me.”
    Pause…again. He is putting himself down way too much. I wanted to go inside the book and tell him that he has done nothing wrong in being in Bella’s life. Play.
    “It will be as if I’d never existed.”
    This is the all time favorite quote (jk, a little sarcasim). But, this quote was the icing on the top since it really hit home with the whole meaning behind it. What really upset me was that Edward had made his decision to leave and it was final. But, it upset me even more that he really went through with it. I mean, he took her CD that meant a lot to her and then all the pictures.

    I was not a happy camper whenever he left. For example, I was moping around the house, crying throughout the whoooole book, wait for Edward to come back. I was hating Jacob for trying to get with Bella when she was oviously meant to be with Edward. My parents thought I was crazy because I was depressed over a book.

    And, I am sorry Kassie, but I have always been the breaker-uper, so I really don’t have any lines…

    Anyways, I love love love yalls (sorry I am from Texas) podcast, yall are so hilarious and crazy. I have been listening to yall ever since I started to read the series, which was a few months ago. But, I love yall and keep the great podcasts coming, I know I will still be listening.

    -Love, Lauren
    (P.S.- sorry that I wrote so much…it’s really long)

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