The Break Up!

Mar 18th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Question of the Week

We have the BEST question for you to answer this week!  We want you to be honest now…

What line from Edward’s ‘Break Up Speech’ would have been most hurtful to you?  Why?

And, at Kassie’s request we would also like to know the best break up lines you have dealt, or been dealt!

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190 Comments to “The Break Up!”

  1. Becky says:

    Hummmm got to be…

    anywhere you are is right for me
    bella I dont want you to come with me
    you… dont.. want.. me?

    phoarrrr after everything she did for him and vice versa i know he does it to pretect her but come on edward!!!
    talk about heart break !

  2. Sam from Oz says:

    When Edward tell’s Bella he doesn’t want her. I mean seriously, I am definatily Team Edward, but the boy can be brutal. That’s like slapping her in the face and telling her she’s fat all at once. From reading the other comments, I’m obviously not the only one that cried, and I know he’s trying to help her and everything, but it’s just not right. Boo Edward until around chapter 17.

  3. lilyasia Cullen says:

    ” I don’t want you to come with me.” – Edward
    “You…don’t…want me?”- Bella
    “No.”- Edward
    That made me cry and I put the book down and didn’t read it for another two weeks until my friend told me that
    it gets better.

  4. Jen says:

    I think it has to be when Bella says ‘You … dont… want me? and all Edward says is ‘No’.
    I understand that saying that is the only way Bella would let him go, but to say it that bluntly, and not follow it with anything. It even says ‘he stared back without apology’. I think it was just too far, too mean. Its mean to say that to anyone, let alone somebody who has such low self-esteem in the first place, like Bella. He could have at least looked apologetic or something. I think the harshness of that is what makes it so sad.

  5. Heather says:

    Am I the only one here who knew the second he broke up with her that it was fake? I never believed him for a second. If it wasn’t obvious to everyone I’m suprised, but the ‘Don’t do anything stupid,’ thing should just cement that he didn’t MEAN it. When Bella just believed him straight away I was like…girl..are you crazy? He’s lying!! It really shocked me that she basically believed it without even putting up an argument or fight!

    But anyway the most upsetting line has to be ‘It will be like I never existed,” and the fact he took her stuff with him (well, he didn’t, but she thinks so) is just tragic. It’s like he’s saying that she doesn’t even deserve the memories. He doesn’t realise that it’s not that easy for Bella. She’s changed as much as him, she can’t be without him. I don’t think he ever ‘got’ how much she felt for him until the end of NM. He could wipe his very existence from her life, but she would ALWAYS have her memories, and she would never be able to escape from them. How dare he even suggest that she would WANT to forget about him? That’s the most tragic part imo.

    I cannot WAIT to see this scene between Kristen and Rob. Rob is amazing, and I can’t wait to see how Kristen handles it.

  6. Heather says:

    I read the book all at once. The second he left, I knew I would not put it down until he was back. I read the entire thing in 6 hours straight.

  7. Carly says:

    “I don’t want you to come with me, Bella.”
    “You…don’t…want me?”

    *cue Carly’s sobs*

    that was harsh. i was literally shaking and sobbing and dripping tears all over my best friend’s copy of New Moon. it was horrible. the page was soaked. 🙁 but it was so sad. i couldn’t believe that someone like Edward, who loved her so much, would say that to Bella. it broke my heart, because i thought Edward was better than that. that’s when my Jasper/Jacob (sorry Kassie) obsession started, because even when Edward came back, i couldn’t look at him the same. i could feel what Bella was feeling–like Edward had shoved a rusty knife into her heart, and those words were him twisting the blade. it was horrible.

    i’ll come back with my treasure chest full of breakup lines. 🙂 i’m at school, and we have to change classes now. bye!


  8. Carly (continued) says:

    okay, i’m back! some of the worst breakup lines ever said to me:
    “God, I can’t believe I spent so much money on you!”
    “Jackie’s a better kisser than you anyway.”
    “My parents are making us break up.” – this one sucks because he lived with his aunt and uncle >O

    and the best one i’ve dished out:
    “Can’t say I’m sad to see you go, ’cause I’m not.” – diehard Paramore fans will recognize this as a line from “Here We Go Again.” this guy was a huge Paramore fan (which is why we clicked) and that was the ultimate diss. it was fun. 🙂

    can’t wait for the podcast!


  9. andrea says:

    There are several lines from his speech that were horrible but the one that esp sticks out is when he said “You’re not good for me Bella”. Then of course, the whole I will make you a promise (mental note, because he was being a jerk) and you will never see me again as if he could somehow be erased from her existence and never ever be there again…oops a replacement of mike newton or jacob….the stinking vampire jerk/dork. I apologize after the episode of yours where you discuss rereading the books, that is what I am doing and I just rereading the books, I am on New Moon now so the pain especially bright for me right now.

  10. andrea says:

    Oh and the breakup lines. I have extremely curly hair by nature (passed down from family, I am always that short white chick with the mini afro of curls going on!!) and no matter how much I straighten, or even the thousands of dollers spent trying to relax/parmanantly straighten using chemicals, wait a half hour and it is right back to annoying curls, and a guy tells me that me hair gets in the way when he drives, so he cannot be with me!! Dork! Oh and I have been broken up with because I read too much…

  11. MonMon says:

    ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS SOOOOOO SAD!!!!! I WAS LIKE UPSTAIRS IN MY ROOM CRYING AND LIKE YELLING AT THE BOOK FOR LIKE AN HOUR OR SO!!!!!!!!!!!!! HONESTLY NEW MOON IS MY LEAST FAVOURITE BOOK CUZ EDWARD LEAVES SO EARLY IN THE BOOK AND FOR LIKE 200 PAGES ITS JUST JACOB JACOB JACOB!!!!! AND I FIND JACOB REALLLYY ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i didnt enjoy that book… i would have if there was more Edward in it but there wasn’t so through the movie im going to be crying and annoyed…. until Edward comes back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁

  12. Brinean (Bruh-Neen) says:

    I think the most hurtful line Edward said (which we found out later was “the darkest kind of blasphemy”)
    ‘ I don’t want you to come with me (insert name here)’ It would be so painful if the man you loved didn’t want you and left you without the memories!
    I also think that the worst way a person can break up with someone is not in person the person should at least have the respect to dump you in person! 🙁 🙂

  13. hannah says:

    i almost cried when he said”im not good for you”…i still have my first boyfriend so ive never dealt with a break up

  14. sarah says:

    When he said, “your not good for me.” and “it’s as if i never exsisted.” that would kill me and it did happen to me. my boyfriend and i were close then one day he came and said that he was leaving. that he didn’t love me anymore and that he didn’t want me to know where he was going. so he left then and it killed me. i can sort of relate to Bella when that happened to her. except Edward came back, and mine didn’t.

  15. zoe says:

    “Bella, I don’t want you to come with me.”

    WHAT!!!!!!!!! that bit was so sad i was sitting in my room crying that page had tear drops spotted all over it!

    i was really angry at Edward for just leaving like that how could he , he was supposed to love Bella and not want to live without her (okay he goes to Volterra but still) then he goes and takes everything from his family and hides them how low do you get come on Edward leave her with some love in her!!!!!!

  16. Wiinky says:

    I think it’s already the “most voted” but I’ll say it anyway: “It will be as if i’d never existed” was the first sentence that came to my mind about Bella and Edward’s break up. COME ON EDWARD, how can Bella – and all of the readers – pretend that you had never existed ?? It’s impossible, of course! I also think that “Bella, I don’t want you to come with me.” is pretty arsh too 🙁 I mean, first it’s “You’re my life now” and then he comes with this crap? Come on, boy, you had broke Bella’s heart and my heart too (although you fixed it some hundred pages after, LOL) ! I finished reading New Moon for the second time and the story is very bright in my brain, so I’m glad you guys are going to talk about it for the next podcasts. Maybe you’re looking for a special portuguese guest? Well, I’m avaiable!
    I guess I don’t have to mention that I love your podcast, do I? Well then, I love your podcast. And Kassie, do more singing! The “Suporter Speculations Song” will stay in the history!!

    Hugs Hugs Hugs,
    W .

  17. Wiinky says:

    Oh and my own breaking up lines.. Let me think… I don’t really know how to translate it into english but the meaning of it is “we can’t be together, we have nothing to do with eachother”. At first I reacted really well but now, while reading New Moon, I burst into tears remembering the “hole” Bella describes so well.

    W .

  18. Joanna Mariscal says:

    Bella: “You. Don’t. Want. Me?
    Edward: “No”

    I cried like a baby would for her bottle with this line…
    I’ve dealt a couple of break ups at 17. The last guy… i really, trully liked him..and sadly…still do.
    I tried to play it cool when he told me

    Him: I need to talk to you -Long pause-
    Me: I know what you are going to say
    H: you do? -pause- i’m really sorry
    M: it doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t
    H: -silence-
    M: may i ask why though?
    H: It just… it’s your mom
    M: what abou ther
    H: we don’t see each other that much, plus…she doesn’t let me visit you
    M: well… rules, are rules. Then it’s better like this if you can’t cope with them.
    H: Yeah… i mean… i really do like you
    M: -heart throb- please don’t say that
    H: i mean… we could still be friends…
    M: -stiffle a sob- I don’t… i can’t… give me time okay?
    H: I understand…
    M: -Silence-
    H: are… are you crying
    M: No(lying), there’s no point in crying… it’s not worth the pain
    H: Oh, ok
    M: look, i have to go… mom’s calling me (lying again)
    H: Ok the… see you around?
    M: I don’t know
    H: Ok then, bye
    M: Bye

    After that call… i went to my room to cry… i really like him.. he was my first “official” boyfriend
    i had introduced him to my parents and all… we dated for about 6 months

    1 weeka after the break up… i heard he was daiting a freshmen girl… 2 weeks later… he was trying to get back with me…and i said i didn’t rust him…
    5 months after the Break Up…. we are trying a friendship… but just that


  19. Rosalynd says:

    When Edward told Bella, “IT WOULD BE AS IF I DIDNT EXIST” .

    That was a very hurtful statement. How could he even say that. He has been such a big part of her life, he didnt realize that she would never forget him no matter how far away he went or how hard he tried to stay out of her life. He would still exist because she would hold him close to her in her mind, and in her thoughts.

  20. Elizabeth says:

    Edward: “Bella, I don’t want you to come with me.”
    Bella: “You… don’t.. want.. me?”
    Edward: “No.”

    Me: “Edward sucks.”

  21. Carrie says:

    “You can’t bella. Where were going…It’s not the right place for you.”

    REJECTION BOOM CRASH BANG END OF THE WORLD. this is so sad. I was crying. really. I can’t believe he faked it that well. I think at this point she must be thinking he is so mean and a liar.

    this is it because if i rreallyyy care about someone i wouldnt want that person to NOT exist…i dont know how to explain wat i feel i just think it is the most cruel
    and I DONT LOVE YOU isnt cruel because he didnt mean it
    but he did want to NOT exist

  23. oh and i was crying when he said that stuff to her…and BACK OFF if after that u think he is mean!! he was protecting bella and he would have given up everything for her to be safe and have a normal life! even if it means for him to be depressed..doesnt that count for anything?

  24. Kelsey says:

    I think the saddest break up line was “You…don’t…want me?” I thought that was just sooo sad. And to think she actullaly believed him when he saud “No”. It was just really sad. I creid for such a long time when I read that.

    I also think that another really sad line was “Of course I’ll always love you…in a way.”That was super sad. I sure it was really hard for Edward to have to say that to Bella.

    I think the whole breakup scene was soooo sad. It’s really hard to pick out the saddest part. When I read the breakup scene, I could barely see the words because I crying so much. So I had to reread that part and it made me just cry again. 🙂

    As for the worst break up lines I have been dealt, I don’t have any. I’ve only had one boyfriend and we are still together.

    Please read my comment on your Podcast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    P.S. I love your Podcast. 🙂

  25. Alice says:

    I was crying through the whole time!
    There were two parts that really got me, the first one was that “Alice is gone?” “She wanted to say goodbye, but I convinced her that a clean break would be better for you” That part because Bella would have really wanted to say goodbye to Alice and Edward’s acting like if she didn’t say goodbye to her, then it would be better for her. Mainly because he acts like he knows her so well and yet he leaves her, if that makes any sense whatsoever.
    Okay my other one would be, “Goodbye, Bella” That would just make things even more official and the end.
    I don’t have any break-ups with anyone, but when I get to that stage of life, I bet it won’t be as dramatic or sad as Edward & Bella’s break-up.

  26. maddie says:

    first would be when he plain out says “We’re leaving” . Also On page 71 paragraph 10 in from “and I’ll make you a promise in return,” to “it will be as if i never existed” that who paragraph. And when he says “You’re not good for me,” on page 70. And lastly when Bella says “You…don’t want me?” and Edward says “No.” These because if someone made a promise to me that they would never leave and then break that promise that would kill me, and it would be my first love and he says over and over how much he loves me. And for Kassie, I have never had a break-up because I have had no boyfriend. Love you guys keep up the great work! _Maddie 🙂 P.S I didn’t mean for it to be this long.

  27. cullengurl says:

    i think that the most hurtfull thing he could say to me is that he Did Want Me Anymore, and that he Was Leaving Me. This would really hurt because i really want him and i would never leave him even if it is the right thing to do, and i can’t see how he could do that tok me knowing that i wouldn’t do that to him.

  28. Peri says:

    Well the whole entire scene Edward was talking my heart was breaking and tears were running down my cheeck. But the part where my whole entire body just gave out from all the disapontment is….

    Bella: “You. Don’t. Want. Me?
    Edward: “No.”

    THATS ALL HE SAID! N-O PERIOD!!!!!!!!! gosh that part made me wanna scream “YOU DO! YOU DO! YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE IN LOVE FOREVER!!!!!!” yeahh, that part was the worst.

  29. Brita says:

    Hey Kassie & Kallie!

    Well, personally I think, all of it would’ve been horrible 🙁 I knew if I had met my true love, and almost out of the blue he said he was going to leave me, it wouldn’t matter as much to what he said, but more so of what he did. But that’s just me 😉 But, for your question, I think the most hurtful part is when he said “I don’t want you anymore” That was just like hitting below the belt, but as we found ut later, Edward said he only did it because he thought it was the only way he could leave; the only way Bella could get over him.

    Now, I’m gonna ask you a question:
    If you could change the story, would you have made Edward stay with Bella? Why or why not?

    Have a wonderful day (and maybe have another dream about Rpattz again lol!)

  30. Brittany says:

    well i think the whole thing was the worst. it took me three days to get through chapter 3, after yelling out duche and throwing the book at the wall a couple times. but the thing that is the worst for me is actualy when bella says you don’t want me all drawn out and heart breaking, that was when i started crying!!! just the way stephanie has it written all paused and him just saying no made me choak on air. and still every time i read it again it still makes my heart drop!!!!

  31. Laura S. says:

    I think that the worst part of Edward’s break-up speech was when he told Bella that she wasn’t good enough for him, that hurt Bella the most I think because she never really thought that she was good enough for him. Oh and I hate it when guys tell you ‘ I think we sould just be FRIENDS’ that always stings. -Love yall Laura

  32. Rachel Elise Cullen says:

    Hey girlies. So if my guy ever broke up with me i would not be able to get by if he said the following : ” I promise that this will be the last time you see me. I wont come back. I dont want to put you through anything like this again. YOu can go on with your life without anymore interference from me. IT WILL BE AS THOUGH I NEVER EXISTED” page 71 in NEW MON DUH!!! Um the best breakup line i have ever had to deal with is proably the oldest one in the book… It’s not you it’s me. Yah i no he wasnt that orgianal. BUt yah that is my thoughts on this. Luv Ya Girls. And keep up the good work!!!!

  33. Wiinky says:

    Yeah, Edward sucks (…the life out of Bella and me) 🙁

  34. Tiffany C. says:

    “Bella, we’re leaving.”

    Hands down.

    That line makes a huge lump form in my throat everytime I read it in New Moon. Sometimes, I actually have some tears. It hurts, and its like a slap in the face. I know that it would bother some people, but then when he went on to talk about how Bella couldn’t go with him, I know that if I were Bella in that situation, I would have just fallen. I don’t think I could have dealt with it in that moment like she did.

    But I think my main part is that that particular quote is the worst for me because of how emotionless, yet emotional it is.

  35. grace parr says:

    i hate it when bella asks if he loved her or if he still wanted her and he said no !
    ugh ! that made me cry so gosh darn much

  36. emilie r. says:

    hey girlies!
    Kassie, i love your “supporter speculaaations “song. Every time i hear it i laugh, it makes my day:)

    okay so i have two lines.
    the first was when Edward says ” you’re not good for me, bella.” she had always though she wasn’t good for him, and that she did deserve someone like him. i felt like that just stuck a knife in her stomach.

    The second is when edward says, “we won’t bother you again”. edward had been saying “I” the whole time, bella had forgotten when he said “we” eairlier and it had just hit her. under the impression that he was only leaving her, not the whole family. not only was she losing the love of her life but her best friend and the family she’s grown to care & love. and worst of all they didn’t say goodbye, a “clean break” from her.

  37. Paige says:

    When he says that it will be as if he didnt exist..cuz u cant be perfect and have someone inluv with you and just go away as if you were never there its cruel. THat was the only time i ever hated Edward.

  38. Crisayda says:

    Well he doesn’t actually say ” It will be as if I never existed.” It’s written.
    But if in the movie they have an audio saying that, that would be pretty hard to hear and see.

    Anoter one would be when he says he wont bother her anymore and It would be the last time she’s ganna see him
    I think that’s pretty hard!

    can’t wait for the movie [=

  39. Switzerland Girl says:

    Ok, I officiall declare this the saddest chapter in existence.

    pg 72: “Goodbye Bella,” he said in the same quiet, peaceful voice.
    pg 73: ” Wait!” I chocked out the word, reaching for him, willing my deadened legs to carry me forward.
    I thought he was reaching for me, to. But his cold hands locked around my wrists and pinned them to my sides.
    He leaned down , and pressed his lips very lightly to my forehead for the breifest instant.
    My eyes closed. “Take care of yourself,” he breathed, cool against my skin.
    There was a light, unnatral breeze. My eyes flashes open.
    The leaves on a small vine maple shuddered with the gentle wind of his passage.
    He was gone.

    Ok, that wasn’t sooo clear but there were two lines I cant choose between. The first was “Goodbye Bella” because
    his voice is just so velvety smooth it already makes you want to cry, but, him saying
    I’m not going to see you again in just horrible. And my second is ” Take care of yourself”.
    This is just heart breaking. I mean, as Bella looks at it later when she starts to hear voices (his voice), she
    realizes that the most distince memorys of Edward seems to be when he’s saving her and taking CARE of her.
    And if you remember that in the beginnging his excuse to be with her was partially to protect her, I mean,
    he’s giving up his reason to be with Bella!!

    Go Team Switzerland!!!!
    P.S. For you fans who are reading New Moon, hang in there. 🙂

  40. Sarah Madge says:

    Hey, adore the podcast!

    The line that would hurt me so much is-

    “I’ll always love you… in a way”

    That would hurt as he’s basically saying that he still loves me and won’t stop (Im gonna talk as though its me 🙂 ) If someones going to leave me I least want the satisfaction that he’s a jerk and doesn’t have feelings for me. If he says he loves me then I just wouldn’t be able to accept it, but then he says “… in a way”- which makes it even worse!!!!!
    He’s basically saying “I’m still the Edward you love, and I love you just not that much anymore so BYE!”, tut tut that made me almost not like Edward when he said that but of course I still love him 🙂

    Hope that makes sense and I can’t wait for your responses!! 🙂

  41. Luz Rodriguez says:

    I ABSOLUTELY hate the part when he says “My kind get easily distracted…” That was really wrong in many ways, like saying that if a girl comes up to him and starts flirting then he will forget about Bella and like be “interested” in the new girl. If my boyfriend said that to be I would be whole destroyed into a million pieces, then I will cry a lot! =(

  42. Bailey says:

    “Well, I won’t forget. But my kind… we’re very easily distracted.” i know he doesnt mean it this way but it just seems like he is smaking her with his words saying yah i can find someone hotter! i hate when people say stuff like that to make themself feel better….i once broke up with a guy the day after christmas and was just like yah i like someone else i felt horrible so much for a merry christmas!

  43. Jenni says:

    I hated when he said he didn’t care about her. That was just so mean. I hated Edward all of New Moon until the end.

  44. Jessica says:

    Ok so I hate the break up scene just like anyone else who loves these characters. It really turns my stomach to even have to read it whenever I re-read the books……I think the WORST part for me had to be when he asked her to go for a walk with him. She knew it was coming or at the very least something bad was coming and all the anticipation of how he was acting the last couple of days before had been building up and I know how that feels when you know something is off and your waiting for it and your almost crippled by it because you don’t want to make things worse and you don’t know how to fix them. A close second to the onslaught of “come take a walk with me” was when she asked ” You …Don’t…Want…Me” and he said “No”. That is when I started crying. With that word it was over and I had to put the book down on my first read and cry and cry and cry it was soooooooooooooooo hard to read and I admit I had to skip to the end of the book and find out where he came back before reading on- in fact I think I finished the book before going back to see what happened after he left her in the forest. I just wasn’t strong enough the first time to read through it. Even when I read it again I think when I got to that part I had to walk away from the book till like the next day. I’m a suck a sap!

    Kassie wants to know about the best break up lines- well I kinda had my own Edward and Bella break up experience myself so i’ll share this because the younger female listeners should know guys can be SUCH liars when they want to be and you just don’t if what they are saying is the truth or not when your breaking up. I had a boyfriend want to break up with me because I wasn’t ……um…… up the lovin- is that ok to say? PG-13 enough? Well he said at the time that he wasn’t attracted to me anymore- it CRUSHED me! I didn’t have anything else to say at that point and it messed me up in the head for a very long time! Cut to two years later and he’s hitting on me and trying to get me back. I told him what happened to him not being attracted to me anymore and he was blank faced and was like what are you talking about……I reminded him that he told me that when we broke up and he said if I said that I was lying because I just didn’t know what to say. We got back together, but in the end we didn’t work out AGAIN so to all the younger listeners you all should know it doesn’t always turn out like Edward and Bella so try to be strong and focus on who is right for you instead of whatever a guy says to you while breaking up- if he’s not who your going to marry it’s not really worth taking to heart even though it’s hard not to in the moment.

    I LOVE THE PODCAST!!!!!! Listen to it while at the Gym and people stare at me while I crack up sometimes 😉

  45. Stephanie says:

    The first thing that would hurt me would be when he said he didn`t want bella and when he also said you`re no good for me. Also, when edward said he would forget about bella and it would be easy. I loved this question and would like to twist the other question because their is a situation that I am in now with my friend and she says she doesn`t like me, but we`ve been friends for like EVER, but that`s my second part.

    Love the podcast

  46. kim says:

    I have a problem with this whole scene. I NEVER believed Edward and I have never been able understand how Bella believed him. How after all they had been through she could buy it so quick. (Just like Edward says later).
    So nothing he says really hurts because I could tell it was all lies.

  47. Megan says:

    Pretty much everything he said to her! It was so unexpected. But if I had to pick one:

    “It will be as if I never existed.”

    That’s what hurt the most. I started to cry when he said that! I put the book down and just sat there empty-minded. It was like I felt Bella’s pain. “New Moon” is the only novel that I hesitate to pick back up and read, over the other three novels because of the pain I felt from reading it. But don’t get me wrong, I love ALL of the novels.
    The way that Stephenie Meyer wrote all four books was brilliant! She definitely made the reader feel the character’s emotions.

  48. alicia says:

    i think its sad when bella is all like i’m coming with u and edward says no and also when he says he dosent love her and
    he dosent want to like ever see her again

  49. LaurenC says:

    Ok, so I’m baaaaack! Sorry, I know I said that I didn’t have any lines but…I just thought of some today!

    Sorry, Joanna Mariscal, I’m kinda stealing your idea…he he!

    So, it was the end of the day and I was ready to get onto the bus. I was putting my books into my locker, when he walked up.
    Aaron: Hey, Lauren!
    Me: Hey, Aaron! How are you? (Hug)
    Aaron: Um…well that’s what I came to talk to you about.
    Aaron:Well, I have been thinking lately…
    Me: (pause/thinking “I know where this is going”)
    Aaron: I know that we have been going strong but…I think we should break up
    Me: (in shock)
    Aaron: I really think we should just take a break. And, I think we should see other people and…experiment. Ok?
    Me: Yeah…uh huh. (mechanically)
    Aaron: I glad your taking it well. Okay, I will see you around then. (walks away)
    Me: Yeah, bye! (slammed locker)

    I was soooooo ticked off and you had no idea. Now, usually people get really depressed when their boyfriend of 2 years straight breaks up with you. But, no not me, I was very mad. Oh yes, I has steam coming out of my ears! I was upset, yes, but I just thought “Seriously! We need to see other people? That was a horrible break up!”. Later, at a dance, I found out who the lucky girl was that Aaron dumped me for. It was this trashy, blonde (no offense against blondes), stuck up ugly girl. She wasn’t even nice and Aaron picked her over me. I wanted to throw Aaron across the room at the moment I saw them two slow dancing. And, I was so upset that I avoided talking to him for the rest of the year and we still arn’t very close friends to this day.

    LOVE the podcast, and keep it up!
    -love- Lauren

  50. Sidney says:

    This is totally the wrong question to ask me right now. My boyfriend broke up with me…and he talked to two of my very good friends about breaking up with me. They knew before I even did. Now I felt betreyed…

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