1 Day Left!!!
Mar 19th, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Site NewsThere are now only HOURS left until Twilight is released on DVD!!!!!
Today’s question is:
What is your favorite quote from the movie?
Kallie: I am thinking that the way that Charlie cocked that gun should be considered a quote it was soooo funny!
Kassie: I don’t quote movies! 🙂
Lexine: “We metriculate a lot.”
Alex: I dont want to be a monster….
Nicole: Haha probably “La Push baby, La Push” (if it’s not obvious). Eric Yorkie cracks me up!
McKell: “You still got that pepper spray”
Michelle: How long have you been seventeen? A while.
Erin Marisa: “Graduation caps?” “Private joke. We matriculate a lot.”
Krystal: Probably when Edward puts his arm around Bella and says “As long as I’m going to hell.” I also like at the end when Bella’s in the hospital and he says “where would I go?” before he kisses her forehead, because you know what comes at the beginning of New Moon 🙁