Twilight Wins!

Mar 26th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Twilight Picked by Fandango Moviegoers as Favorite Film
First Annual Fandango Fan Choice Award to Be Presented April 2 at ShoWest

(Los Angeles- March 23, 2009) The popular vampire love story, Twilight, has been selected by 78% of participating moviegoers as the top film of 2008, as part of the polling for the first annual Fandango Fan Choice Award. The new award will be presented to the studio that produced Twilight (Summit Entertainment) at ShoWest, the world’s largest theatrical convention, on the night of April 2 in Las Vegas.

During the Hollywood awards season (February 9 – February 27, 2009), over 69,000 film fans voted online for their favorite film at Moviegoers were asked to pick their favorite film from a list of 2008’s top ten domestic box office hits (which included The Dark Knight, Iron Man and Wall-E ).

Although it was not the top-grossing film of 2008 (that honor goes to The Dark Knight), Twilight ended up receiving more fan votes than any other title and went on to win the Fandango Fan Choice Award. According to a recent Fandango survey, New Moon, the Twilight sequel set for release on November 20, is among 2009’s most anticipated movies.

Twilight clearly struck a chord with mainstream moviegoers,” says Ted Hong, Chief Marketing Officer for Fandango. “Although it was overlooked by the Academy and the top critics’ groups for nominations in 2008,Twilight has a remarkable online fan base, which was obviously instrumental in helping it win the Fandango Fan Choice Award. The franchise’s huge following shows no signs of abating.”

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