Twilight Becomes Top-Selling DVD Of 2009-So Far

Mar 30th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie News

According to Video Business, 5.6 million copies of the Twilight DVD were sold in just 9 days!  Wow!

“Summit said consumers purchased 5.2 million copies of the modern vampire tale in the U.S. during in the first week following the title’s midnight release on Saturday, March 21. Including last weekend, the title’s nine-day take was 5.6 million units, according to Summit.

A common yardstick used by studios is 20,000 units in first-week sales per $1 million at the box office, which would put the expectation for Twilight, with a $191 million box-office take, at 3.8 million units sold in its first week. At 5.2 million units, Twilight performed more like a $260 million theatrical release.”

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