April Fools’ Day Pranks
Apr 1st, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsMTV has a report on several Twilight-themed pranks making the rounds today, which you can check out here!
Late Tuesday night, mere hours before it was officially April Fools’ Day, blogs started to report that Robert Pattinson wouldn’t appear in “Twilight” sequel “New Moon.”
All the sites had different reasons for RPattz’s exit from the film. PopSugar reported that he wanted out due to all the fan frenzy surrounding him and that he hoped to stick to smaller films in the future. The blog also said Taylor Lautner would assume the role of Edward Cullen.
hahahah… yeah.. right!
hahaha ALOT OF THE JOKES TODAY WERE ONES that we all knew would never happen !!!!!
hahaha i cant believe some people believed some of those they were pretty ridiculous. zac efron lol
Hahaha. That’s funny.
what a load of crap these people make!
yer funny
luv it!
HAHAHA! Although why some people would believe that is a mystery to me,……
Jazz (Team Cullen!)
Omg that would suuuuuuck… LOL Taylor couldn’t be anyone other than Jacob to me…
I played a trick on my friend. We were IM-ing on gmail and I told her I had called up Taylor Lautner (we are both HUGE fans) and she totally believed me. She was all like “wat did he say?!?!?” and then I said “april fools” and she was like “ugh. poop u!”.
By that time I was just about rolling on the floor with laughter! Anyway I agree that if Taylor was Edward then we would have to nt really like (we aren’t totally agenst Edward) him sort of because we hate Edward so we would HATE it if Taylor was Edward.
That`s funny and good but did you hear some sites said Stephenie meyer WAS DEAD now that is mean
hahaha funny
hahaha those are very funny I like the Zac Efron thing because of the fact that he is soooooooooooooooo wrong for the part… I love when people fall for these things
Haha, Omg I wouldn’t have thought them true, just by mentioning the whole zac thing!
I don’t know why I’m laughing, but LOL
hahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is sooooooo funny i cant believe people actually believed that though
OME!!!! this stuff is sooo funny!!!
The one about Taylor Lautner taking over the lead, had me laughing.
LOL i could imagine that
lol that was ridiculous
omg can u imagine that?? taylor as a vampire?? and rob leaving new moon?? lol
people must have been extremely gullable to believe any of that.
if they even tried to replace any of the original cast they mine as well just forget about continuing on with the series cause it would bomb.
big time!