Kristen Stewart: Some People Think They Know Her, But…

Apr 1st, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

USA Today has a candid interview with Kristen, who talks about Twilight, the fans, and life in the spotlight.

“She has a reputation of being cranky, or a bit aloof. But over the course of about two hours, she reveals a kind of insecurity. She tries to say something, thinks it’s coming out wrong, stops and starts again, then finally gets frustrated — and clams up.

Another thing that makes her stop in mid-sentence: teenage girls. A group enters the restaurant, and Stewart abruptly shuts up until they pass. She apologizes, a little embarrassed, and whispers: “If those type of girls saw me talking about Twilight, you don’t understand. If I said ‘Jacob’ too loud, they’d be like —” She makes her eyes wide and sticks her hands out like claws.

“More than three girls of that certain age — run away,” she says, laughing as the threat settles in a distant part of the patio. “Girls are scary. Large groups of girls scare the (crap) out of me.”

She says Pattinson gets it worse. “They covet him. I think half of them are so jealous that they hate me,” she jokes.”

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