Kristen Talks New Moon Heartbreak

Apr 5th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

The Province talked to Kristen Stewart about New Moon and the heartbreak Bella goes through in the beginning of the book.

“He becomes like her best friend,” Stewart says of the werewolf. “It’s really [expletive] sad. Edward probably isn’t a very good idea for her. He’s not the guy she should actually be with, because it’s not very convenient. And then there’s this guy who comes in and oooohh. Ummmmm.”

Her favourite part of New Moon is the beginning. “Everything is fine. Edward is there. They’re chilling. They’re together. Everyone’s happy. But there’s this eerie feeling like he’s gonna go. Has anyone broken up with you, and you know that it’s coming? It’s weeks before and you’re like, ‘I’m a nutcase, but I swear to God something is wrong.’ And then, however many weeks go by, and it happens. It’s horrible. It’s the worst.”

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