More Set Photos

Apr 9th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Lainey Gossip has some great new photos of the cast on the set of New Moon!

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30 Comments to “More Set Photos”

  1. Ana says:

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s all I could say….

  2. Harley says:

    Coolio lolz

  3. Catherine says:

    looks like Angela’s a lot more glamourous in new moon lol

  4. Ash Pash says:

    ahhh those were cool!!

  5. TwilightGirl says:

    Did Mike get a tan or something?Hehehe.

  6. Kit says:

    ok totally hyperventilating over here! so excited!

  7. ylena says:

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! im soooo excited 4 new moon!!!!!! i cant wait for
    it 2 come out!!!!!!!!!!! i jus cant wait!!!!!!!!!


  8. melanie says:

    oh my god…i cant breathe

  9. Renata says:

    Awesome!!! i cant wait for this to come out! im putting all my faith in the directors hands
    and he seems to be doing a great job!!! ahh im so exited!!

  10. Shteff says:

    BEWARE THE WIGS *makes screaming noises*

  11. Lucy J. says:

    seee rpat looks hot when he has edward makeup, with out its kinda like ehhhh?

  12. Jasmine says:

    OH MY EDWARD!!!!! ~squeal!~ SO excited!!!

    Jazz (Team Cullen!)

  13. Amanda G says:

    OME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR THE MOVIE TO COME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:

  14. obsessed twilighter says:

    HAHAHAH mike’s hair is..interesting..

  15. Kirsten says:

    love the pictures, robert looks georgeous as always, & love what they did to taylor’s hair

  16. xanna says:


  17. Git 'r Done! (Amy) says:

    The legend continues. Life is good!

  18. Tara P. says:

    Will they just cut his hair already!! I can’t stand that wig on Taylor. They can make everyone else’s wigs look real except his!! It is horrible!

  19. Megan says:

    Wow for once Rob doesn’t look half-bad like he usually does..
    Taylor is still super cute!!

  20. TwiGirl says:

    Ok Rob’s hair is not bronze/red enough! Someone PLEASE tell the hair department to make it right! Because one of the hottest things about Edward Cullen is his hair.

  21. Lariza says:

    Getting excited, even though I hate New Moon, the movie is making it better!

  22. AbbyCullen says:

    AAAHH! I’m so excited for New Moon to come out. Rob and Taylor look super hot, as always. Can November 20 come any faster??

  23. Cedar says:

    Whats up with Taylors hair? I can’t wait for the movie!!!

  24. alana =) says:

    omg the first one is my fav edward and bella talking outside of his car i think?
    omfg yay =)

  25. haley says:

    I can’t wait until Jacob transforms into a warewolf. And I really really really can’t wait to see Bella and Jacon kiss whether it’s in New moon or in Eclipse. I definetly can’t wait to see Edward and Bella have a baybe.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Kim says:

    I can’t wait for New Moon! <333
    Haha I think my favorite pic is #19. Michael Welch is such a cutie!
    And Taylor’s hair is… interesting. Oh well, it’ll be short after he transforms.

  27. Becky says:

    at first i couldnt tell who taylor was, i thought he was a girl lol BUt these are awsome pics

  28. Caitlin says:

    I’M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! Yeah so I’m going to agree with Kristen Stewart (commentary in Twilight dvd), Michael Welch does look a little older but he still really cute. Justin Chon looks older too but he’s still cute also.

  29. Cedar says:


    Still I can’t wait until the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TEAM JACOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. bugs says:

    yeah yeah yippie new moon edward yum

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