Ellen Searches For Twilight’s Biggest Fan

Apr 13th, 2009 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

The Ellen DeGeneres Show is looking for the biggest Twilight fans for an upcoming show!Β  Click here to fill out the application.Β  Good luck!

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22 Comments to “Ellen Searches For Twilight’s Biggest Fan”

  1. amanda says:

    thats auswome!!

  2. Emily says:

    Omg this is amazing! i am entering for sure!!

  3. Tori says:

    ima enter!! this is awesome!!!!

  4. Erin(: says:

    OH NO! This is most likly not going to end well. BUT I LOVE LOVE LOVE ELLEN!!!!!!!!!!

  5. alyssa says:

    yay! I love ellen, she’s awesome!

  6. Monica H. says:

    WHAT!!?????!!!!!? OME OME OME OME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE that show almost as much as Twilight!!!! I watch every day!!!!! This is SO AWESOME!!!!! Yes yes yes!!!! I probably won’t win but this is still really really cool!!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ <3 <3 πŸ™‚ I hope I win!!!

  7. The Youngest Reader Ever! says:


    First up i don’t live in the states

    Seondly i’m tooo young…. not even a teen. *sigh*

  8. Graci says:

    Hey, youngest reader ever i’m not team either and I don’t live in the states!!! SNAP!!! X

  9. Graci says:

    I meant Teen!!!

  10. ylena says:

    im going 2 fill out the application!! im sooooo excited!!!!


  11. catherine says:

    awww…………..i dont live in the us! oh well…..*sigh*

  12. Megan says:

    I so do not get why you have to be 18 or older to send in an application. The books are geared toward teen girls around the ages of 15-17.

  13. abbycullen says:

    that sucks that if youre under 18 that your parents have to fill out an application for you! i so wouldn’t let my mom tell my story because she hasnt even read the books. she would prob screw it up and say that im in love with jacob or something! i might enter anyway though. good luck to those who do!

  14. Sarah-Nicole says:

    It suck!! I can’t send my participation because I live in Canada (Quebec) and I can’t send an email to Ellen D. to ask her why because we need to live in the USA!! It suck (again)

    πŸ™ S-N

  15. Chelsie D. says:

    I filled out the app. but I probably won’t get picked.. O well, it never hurts to try

  16. Caitlin says:

    I signed up!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!

  17. kayla cullen says:

    i entered the contest at the beginning of April. well actually my mom did it 4 me cuz im 13. but i stood by her and told her what to type and stuff. and we uploaded a pic of me from my bday when i got a magazine of twilight. i was gonna upload a pic from the morning of my bday when i got eclipse. but if i won and the pic was shown on the tv or something i would be really embarassed cuz i just woke up and did not look decent. lol but i REALLY hope i win!!! good luck 2 the rest of u 2!!!

    -β™₯twilight sagaβ™₯-

  18. i watched Ellen Degeneres show whenever i can. she has a very good and funny talk show.

  19. ashley friedrich says:

    OMG…. i am twilight’s biggest fan for sure.. want to no why.. i read all for book’s in only a week.. i couldn’y eve sleep for to day’s because.. i didnt want to stop thinking about twilight……….:) i have twilight all over my room… i like to read book and i read them and i cant never stop thinking about themand everything.. i live like by fork’s.. and i went there and didnt even know about twilight then.. now i go there alot just to walk aroung and think.. OMG… i am so in love with the book’s i could marrie them and everything,…. omg i got to wim or i will die and i mean die die die.. ugh

  20. ashley friedrich says:

    i just want to right and right about twilight.. i made my mom and and buy me the book ‘s cuz i couldn’t go a few hour’s with out reading them… cuz i needed to know.. i am mad cuz they only wrot 4 book’s i need more more more… like now..

  21. ashley friedrich says:

    i just filled that thing out.. i hope i win.. og god please let me win.. i would die to win OMG ugh pleaes

  22. ashley friedrich says:

    but dont for get.. i love you ellen and my mom dose more then anyone.. thank you. she is alway’s in a good mood because of you.

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