Tales Of Twilight Violence Flood The Web-What’s Yours?

Apr 14th, 2009 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

MTV has an interesting article concerning the behavior of Twilight fans, for better or for worse.  We have all seen and heard Twilight-related instances of love and hate, and MTV’s Larry Carroll asks fans some important questions.

“Have you ever been verbally or physically abused because of your love for “Twilight”? Have you ever picked on someone else because their views of the vampire series weren’t in line with your own? Have you ever lashed out at someone just because they voiced their distaste for the Cullen clan?

Since we have so many Twilighters and non-fans who post on our messageboards every day, we wanted to ask for some first-hand stories from you guys. Is this supposed “Twilight violence” another case of the media taking a non-story and reporting it as fact? Or do your own experiences reveal some truth to all this?”

What do you think?  Have your Twilight experiences mostly been positive?  Or have you also had negative experiences in the fandom?  Please be respectful of everyone 🙂

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