A Different Edward Cullen?

Apr 28th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Last week MTV posted an interview with Henry Cavill, who was Stephenie Meyer’s first choice to play Edward.  Today Larry Carroll posted a new article, asking fans if they could ever imagine another Edward Cullen.  (If anything, the article gives us another excuse to feature Henry’s pic on the site!  Lol!)

“Ever since the day the “Twilight” movie was announced, fans began naming their dream Edwards: Tom Sturridge, Logan Lerman, Gerard Way, etc. And it would seem that the combination of a young actor’s good looks, paired with the words of Meyer, would be an instant recipe for a million “OME!” fan-crushes around the globe.

So, we want to ask you: Try, as hard as it might be, to imagine anyone winning over quite as many hearts as Robert Pattinson. Could Twilighters have fallen as in love with a different actor who scored the role? Is RPattz simply irreplaceable? Or do you think fellow British stud Cavill could have filled Edward Cullen’s shoes just as successfully?”

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